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Why does the Husband Not Need Permission from his Wife?

I thought it was clear that with impress I meant that a burning bush etc. would not be proof of a God.
It wasn’t the burning bush that was evidence to Moses, it was the fact that the bush was not being consumed by the fire.
In any case it is not supported by scripture.
Yes, it is. Herein lies the fundamental difference between biblical creation and evolution. Biblical creation starts with the belief from Scripture that everything was very good at the conclusion of the Six Days of creation. We are told this was indeed the case in Genesis 1:31, Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. On the other hand, those who hold to a belief in evolution believe that everything started out in chaos with a bang, and it has slowly become better and better over vast periods of time.

It was the sin of Adam and Eve that brought sickness, suffering, and death into God's very good creation. Since God says He made everything very good, there was no need for restrictions on marital relationships until after multiple generations.

If you wish to investigate this subject more fully, I recommend you check out the articles on Creation.com. It is an excellent resource for scientific material related to Creation.
I was not referring to Ross or Stanley.
OK, I am not sure how familiar you are with these two, but there is a lot of deception that has entered the church through these two, and some of what you said, sounded like it may have originated from this Stanley fellow.
It was a different exosphere then. Furthermore, the issue is not CO2 globally as a total but over time. The increase we have seen recently is over 100 years, not 100 million years.
100 million years? How do you reconcile this with the Genesis account unless you are using Dr Ross's confounding hermeneutics?
100 million years? How do you reconcile this with the Genesis account unless you are using Dr Ross's confounding hermeneutics?
The un-righteous are ruling, and the un-righteous despise the ways of YHVH. So do not expect the un-righteous to publish scientific evidence that supports Genesis. But expect them to twist the data to hide evidence that would point to the Word of YAH being true; something the un-righteous church does in terms of polygyny and other topics Babylon particularly doesn’t like.
On the other hand, those who hold to a belief in evolution believe that everything started out in chaos with a bang, and it has slowly become better and better over vast periods of time.
As @FollowingHim correctly stated, entropy was at it's lowest at the moment of the big bang. When God created the Universe we had a state of perfect order, and as time goes code the state of disorder increases.

100 million years? How do you reconcile this with the Genesis account unless you are using Dr Ross's confounding hermeneutics?

The Universe is verbatim God's work. Everything gets measured against this.
The Bible on the other hand is not verbatim a work of God. It was written by humans, some have talked to God, others have talked to someone, who knew someone whom God may have talked to. It becomes muddy. We already discussed the problem with Ephesians, it cannot be verified who the author is. What value has it if it is possible the result of someone pretending to be Paul? Then we have the question of how we link the early Bible to the Epic of Gilgamesh. Even conservative Torah researchers would -some reluctantly - have to concede that Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh draw from the same source material. Gilgamesh himself is actually mentioned in the bible at least once, and even though not part of the bible per se, the dead sea scrolls mention Gilgamesh as having been killed in the great flood. Now, even though both depictions have similarities, the Garden of Eden, the great flood, the differ significantly in many areas. Why? we have to entertain that over thousands of years as the story was passed from one generation to another it become altered.
So again:
The Universe is verbatim God's work. Everything gets measured against this.
Certain scripture may be considered de jure, but God's Universe is de facto.
Now, with his Universe God gave us things like background radiation we can measure. we can calculate that the age of the Universe is ~13.7 billion years, +- 20 million years.
The Universe is verbatim God's work. Everything gets measured against this.
The Bible on the other hand is not verbatim a work of God. It was written by humans, some have talked to God, others have talked to someone, who knew someone whom God may have talked to. It becomes muddy.
What is truth? Were those scientists with Harvard degrees honest with covid? How about the Ivy league politicians? They weren't. They were LIARS. So why "Trust" anything they say? We can't predict the weather 1 week from now, but somehow scientists know what happened billions of years ago? Wasn't Florida supposed to be underwater by now? Do you have a time machine to see if Earth was even around 7,000 years ago? Let alone billions of years ago? How deep under the earth have you've gone? Tell me - does it have a core, or is it built on strong foundations? Have you've been to outer space, and put the word of men to the test? Were you able to get past the Creator's Firmament?

Once again - if the (un-righteous) controllers of information (who btw hate the God of the Bible), have repeatedly lied to us - "Why Trust anything they say?"

So what is truth?

John 17:17 Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.
John 1:14 The Word became flesh.
John 14:6 Jesus (the Word) told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.
Psalm 119:160 The sum of Your word is truth.
Psalm 119:151 All your commandments are truth.
Psalm 119:43 Never take Your word of truth from my mouth

What you're doing is casting doubt to the Word of Truth (The Holy Scriptures), and exalting the word of men. Putting men up on a pedestal is a mistake. Men will pervert justice and do violence to the truth for money, fame, career advancement, or threats of persecution (losing their job and being replaced). There is nothing new under the sun.

The New Testament features many letters from the Apostles. But they quoted the Truth (Holy Scriptures) hundreds of times. They weren't teaching anything new, but they were teaching the gentiles what the Truth says; and the noble Bereans tested Paul by using the Holy Scriptures (Truth). What Paul wrote in Ephesians about marriage does Not contradict the Truth. The Creator describes the righteous relationship between the husband and wife in Genesis 3:16. The husband is to be the RULER of his household, which we see played out throughout the Scriptures from righteous men (known as the patriarchs). Can a ruler be righteous, fair, merciful, and loving? Of course he can. But there needs to be a chain of command - and the Creator chose the husband to be the head of the house.

Psalm 19:1 NKJV
The heavens declare the glory of God; And the Firmament shows His handiwork.
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We already discussed the problem with Ephesians, it cannot be verified who the author is.
Ephesians 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,

To the saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus.

You say the author cannot be verified, however the writer claims to be Paul, an apostle of Jesu Christ. If you are going to reject that claim, the responsibility to prove otherwise is with you. I'll believe what is written.
As @FollowingHim correctly stated, entropy was at it's lowest at the moment of the big bang. When God created the Universe we had a state of perfect order, and as time goes code the state of disorder increases.
That is a theory that most of us here do not accept. I have proposed that what we embrace is the Scriptural concept of ex nihilo, is the notion that positron end electrons were separated from nothing via the energy that God Himself imbued into the physical Universe. The same goes for all matter and anti-matter. In separating, he formed a Universe and and Anti-verse, which we commonly think of as the spiritual realm. So then there is also an anti-earth within that Anti-verse. I completely reject the concept of a multiverse. I find it extremely absurd, as I do "String Theory". These are absurd conclusions drawn from Einstein's alternate reality which also led scientists down the rabbit hole of searching for worm-holes.

The Universe is verbatim God's work. Everything gets measured against this.
The Bible on the other hand is not verbatim a work of God. It was written by humans, some have talked to God, others have talked to someone, who knew someone whom God may have talked to. It becomes muddy. We already discussed the problem with Ephesians, it cannot be verified who the author is. What value has it if it is possible the result of someone pretending to be Paul? Then we have the question of how we link the early Bible to the Epic of Gilgamesh. Even conservative Torah researchers would -some reluctantly - have to concede that Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh draw from the same source material. Gilgamesh himself is actually mentioned in the bible at least once, and even though not part of the bible per se, the dead sea scrolls mention Gilgamesh as having been killed in the great flood. Now, even though both depictions have similarities, the Garden of Eden, the great flood, the differ significantly in many areas. Why? we have to entertain that over thousands of years as the story was passed from one generation to another it become altered.
I hear what you are saying on that, and sometimes I wonder about the gospels of Mark and Luke, since they were not apostles themselves, but I don't question the authorship of Ephesians. I do find compelling though, the claim that it was not written to the church at Ephesus, but rather Laodicea. We know that Paul did write a letter to that church, and there is a psuedo epistle to the Laodicean church. Now we don't really have a good handle on who wrote Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I II Samuel and I II Kings, but Abraham is purported to have been around 10 years old at the time of Noah's death. One would think the people would have had an annual gathering where he could recount the events of the flood, as the primary speaker. I envision Abraham as the one who was most attentive while all the other boys heard bits and pieces, when they weren't messing around with swords or whatever they had as toys to play with. Why else would God have chosen him to make a great nation from? Also Jacob returned to Padan Aram while Shem, who experienced the flood as well, was still alive.

The global flood has many compelling evidences, and I have mentioned the Hydroplate Theory numerous times in many other threads here. I completely derailed another thread in a back and forth exchange with BibFam's token atheist. Even Jesus asserts that it occurred!
So again:

The Universe is verbatim God's work. Everything gets measured against this.
Certain scripture may be considered de jure, but God's Universe is de facto.
Now, with his Universe God gave us things like background radiation we can measure. we can calculate that the age of the Universe is ~13.7 billion years, +- 20 million years.
The universe can be viewed with different assumptions in place, which will color the perspective of the one who is viewing it. CSM Magazine had an interesitng article https://creation.com/speed-of-light-slowing-down-after-all, where the author reluctantly agrees with Barry Setterfield on his C-Decay Theory. Read what they have to say about the FSC. I see what you are posting, and so much of that content is mirrored by Dr. Ross's claims, but he likes to wrap it in Hebrew language and he makes claims that he has Hebrew scholars on staff, which we are never told who they are nor what their credentials are, but it seems where you are coming from, is that if the Bible disagrees with scientific consensus, you are going to disagree with the Bible altogether. Jesus always went back to the written word. He is purported to have been the Word made flesh. To the degree He relied on the Old Testament, I think we would do well to do the same.
The Universe will never give you reasons for morality. Is it ok to kill an innocent unborn child? Is it ok for two dudes to get it on with each other? Should a man be restricted to only one wife? For morality, we have to have a guide, because we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ one day. I read Luke and Acts, and while I don't see Luke as an apostle, he recounts the miraculous things that Paul was able to accomplish and his Damascus road experience where he met the risen Christ, and from that we glean that Paul himself had the authority of an apostle. Paul constantly referred back to the Old Testament. It was Paul who stated that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God[b] may be complete, equipped for every good work.
The Universe will never give you reasons for morality. Is it ok to kill an innocent unborn child? Is it ok for two dudes to get it on with each other? Should a man be restricted to only one wife? For morality, we have to have a guide, because we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ one day. I read Luke and Acts, and while I don't see Luke as an apostle, he recounts the miraculous things that Paul was able to accomplish and his Damascus road experience where he met the risen Christ, and from that we glean that Paul himself had the authority of an apostle. Paul constantly referred back to the Old Testament. It was Paul who stated that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God[b] may be complete, equipped for every good work.
True, but religion will not necessarily give you reason for morality either. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, every Religion has to deal with the guilt of having their scriptures used for evil. If morality is a reason we would all need to be Buddhists since that religion has the least blood on it's hand.

It is important that we do not play God and judge people. I might consider homosexuality to be a sin, but I would say that every one has the right to travel the highway to hell. Who knows how God will judge them. The few people I have met who are gay are decent people otherwise, maybe God will say 'Ok you are gay, but you influenced the lives of 1054 people positively, so you get a pass.' maybe they do end up in hell, in the end I do not decide.

I say this especially with my German background in mind. The Nazis murdered homosexuals, together with Jews and others they considered to be sub-human.

We cannot play God. We should follow the golden rule of always treating others the way we want to be treated.
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True, but religion will not necessarily give you reason for morality either. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, every Religion has to deal with the guilt of having their scriptures used for evil. If morality is a reason we would all need to be Buddhists since that religion has the least blood on it's hand.
Religion won't. If it did, we would all have to abandon polygyny. The Scriptures are the guide. If God did not provide us with guidance on how to live, He would be unjust in judging us.
It is important that we do not play God and judge people.
But God will judge us. We will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. We are called to warn others to flee from the wrath to come.

I might consider homosexuality to be a sin, but I would say that every one has the right to travel the highway to hell.
It doesn't matter if you consider it to be a sin. Arsinokoitai is clearly spelled out in Scriptures as a sin that those who commit will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Who knows how God will judge them.
Those who know what God's Word says.

The few people I have met who are gay are decent people otherwise, maybe God will say 'Ok you are gay, but you influenced the lives of 1054 people positively, so you get a pass.' maybe they do end up in hell, in the end I do not decide.
You do not decide. God has already told us how it will turn out for those who refuse to repent. I have a friend who was formerly homosexual and had a boyfriend and was living in homosexuality, and has turned to Christ. He has a wife and four children. God does not decide to give people a pass because they influenced the lives of people positively. The only pass that we get, is the forgiveness offered by Christ, through His shed blood on the cross, and that if we repent, and turn from our sins, we can receive the forgiveness that God offers for whatever sins we may have committed. The question was not over whether we can go to heaven, which is another answer given to us in Scripture, but how do we decide what pleases God, and what displeases Him, if we can just pick and choose which Scriptures to accept or reject.

1 Cor 6:9-11 could not be more clear:

Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you WERE [emphasis mine]. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

I say this especially with my German background in mind. The Nazis murdered homosexuals, together with Jews and others they considered to be sub-human.
They will be judged as well, because the same God who said that homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of heaven, also said that we are not to commit murder.

We cannot play God. We should follow the golden rule of always treating others the way we want to be treated.
But we must warn others of the wrath that they will face on judgment day.
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But we must warn others of the wrath that they will face on judgment day.
Then the Jehovah's Witnesses must be entirely blessed since they are like a siren going off. There one is making food, reading a book, watching a movie, and then DING DONG. Then again they do not really look blessed since they all seem to be living in borderline poverty. One of the things Mormons get right is success at life.

I was watching a documentary about the ancient Egyptians, and one of the theories postulated was that the ancient Egyptian civilization put so many resources into preparing for the afterlife, that they forgot to live in the here and now.
we can calculate that the age of the Universe is ~13.7 billion years, +- 20 million years.

Another consideration of recent cosmology is that the broader universe is eternal and that only our local universe appears to be so many of billions of years old.

IOW just as there are universes composed of galaxies the broader and eternal universe is composed of countless 'local' universes.

Now go contemplate the Biblical verses penned by men that spoke of an eternal God over two thousand years before college educated geniuses figured it out. ;)
Then the Jehovah's Witnesses must be entirely blessed since they are like a siren going off. There one is making food, reading a book, watching a movie, and then DING DONG. Then again they do not really look blessed since they all seem to be living in borderline poverty. One of the things Mormons get right is success at life.

I was watching a documentary about the ancient Egyptians, and one of the theories postulated was that the ancient Egyptian civilization put so many resources into preparing for the afterlife, that they forgot to live in the here and now.
I have a friend who was a JW. He has an awesome testimony. We love our JW friends, even when they interrupt us. The last thing you want to do with a JW, is slam the door in their face. They take that as a sign of God's blessing. OTOH, if you are not knowlegeable about Scriptures, I wouldn't recommend getting into a discussion with one of them. They practice an awful lot to be prepared to verbally combat Christians.

JWs have their own "interpretation" of the Bible, but anyone who understands the original Greek language, can see that their interpretation is nothing more than twisting the Scriptures. JWs and Mormons alike have a form of godliness, but it is not rules and regulations that can save a soul. It is the power of the Gospel message, that a person who repents of their sins and trusts in Christ's finished work on the cross, can have the forgiveness of those sins, and the promise of everlasting life.

JWs pretend to be happy until they are not. It is somewhat like Scientology, where they use their messages to trap people. The practice of shunning, for example, is one of their tactics to keep people from voicing their opposition to the church's teachings. They are also Unitariaan in their beliefs. Mormons OTOH, have this strange belief in a predivinity God who was once a man and became a god. Both of these religions completely fail in their fidelity to what Scripture actually says. So homosexuals who fail to repent can end up in hell, but also those who are self righteous and fail to see their need for forgiveness, can likewise end up in hell. Jesus warned about people who wondered why 18 people died when this tower fell on them, and He asked if the people thought they were more righteous. He then said that unless you repent, you will likewise perish.

Jesus loves you, and we here at Biblical Familes love you as well. He died for you, so that you might have eternal life. This does not come by works of righteousness, but according to His mercy. (Titus 3:5) He offers you eternal life and abundant life freely. We here at Biblicla Families want to encourage those who live this lifestyle, but we also want to reach those who have not come to a full understanding of the gospel message. This is FAR more important than anything else we stand for, because this will determine your eternal destiny! We LOVE you! We want to have fellowship with you! It is our earnest hope and prayer that you come to know Christ, the giver of life everlasting.
Another consideration of recent cosmology is that the broader universe is eternal and that only our local universe appears to be so many of billions of years old.

IOW just as there are universes composed of galaxies the broader and eternal universe is composed of countless 'local' universes.

Now go contemplate the Biblical verses penned by men that spoke of an eternal God over two thousand years before college educated geniuses figured it out. ;)
That would be the multiverse theory, though that and what existed before the big bang is more on the speculative side, not sure I would even call it a theory.

Actually, I think that philosophically, I consider the concept of an eternal Universe to me more easier to comprehend then a finite one. Both atheists and religious people ponder the question, why are we here, what is out purpose, what is the purpose of all those stars out there, what was the beginning? The simplest answer might be the best one. Because nothing cannot exist.

If you think about it, even thinking about nothing is extremely difficult to do. It if difficult to shut the active thought structure down. During Taekwondo, we spend time meditating, we are supposed to clear our thoughts. Apparently some people can, but that is a skill that I lack. I think about an upcoming piano recital, a class project, or just have a song playing, but I cannot think of nothing.

P.S. I read a post of yours - I think it was from some years ago - where you spent time preparing a nice meal, and then got chewed out for it. You then told your husband to show you how it is done better, and then went for a walk. I was a bit worried that you let yourself be pushed back to mich, but I guess you have your ways of dealing with situations. Me and my sisters make fresh croissants and orange juice on Sundays, and bake a cake. I guess I would continue to do that in a marriage. However, if there is bitching I am not sure I could just walk out.
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Though that and what existed before the big bang is more on the speculative side
It’s a theory. Can’t be proved. Remember, Florida was supposed to be under water by now.

What is the purpose of all those stars out there, what was the beginning?
The stars are on the firmament. Shows the handiwork of the Most High. Also their purpose is written here:

Genesis 1:14
Then God said, “Let lights appear in the firmament to separate the day from the night. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years.

The stars are not a trillion miles away from us. They are on the firmament above the earth. The Creator is not a liar.

You do know that after every space launch - Nasa switches to CGI animation after it reaches outer space? It’s all CGI. Modern day magic and sorcery. There’s not one photo of the earth - from outer space - showing the globe - that is “not cgi” or shot with a fish eye lens. Nasa even admits we can not go to the moon, because of the Van Allen Radiation belts:

NASA means to “greatly deceive” in Hebrew.

They love telling you the truth through media (movies/shows/music):

Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Space may be the final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement
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You want to be the leader of a household, start acting like one. That includes stopping with this nonsense. How do you expect to find a wife if you act like this? Most woman would expect a husband of the 21 century to possess the knowledge that the Egyptians had ~5000 years ago, who knew that the earth was round, in fact they were able to calculate the size of the earth within ~1km or so, that is actually impressive.