Why such conclusion?So, they found some blobs in their scans that they don't understand. So they went back to their philosophy (that earth was formed over eons of time through natural processes, and the moon was formed from earth in a collision with another body), and picked something out of that philosophy to align with the blobs (the remains of whatever hypothetical thing hit the earth to form the moon). With a different philosophy - such as that of Genesis - you'd come to a different conclusion.
This is where you have to carefully distinguish scientific data (real) from the conclusions of scientists (subject to human presuppositions so can be erroneous).
It would be even more awesome if Earth is combination og two planets.
Do you know what is far more awesome than creationism BS? Real evolution.
Laws of nature forbid Darwin type (random) evolution. It's against theory of information on ehich Internet and telecommunications are based. So Darwin is BSing.
But purposefull evolution is allowed and possible. And cells use it regularly. Yes, cells will on purpose change it's own code. Used not just by bacteria.
Corn cells when part of their DNA is taken away, will invent ex nihilo new DNA to replace existing.
So, what is more awesome? Lord created humans as they are and far zero adaption? Or Lord started life which can itself adapt and thrive in new conditions?
Read Perry Marshall book Evolution 2.0.
In my opinion correct answer in nature mysteries is what is more awesome. So it's two planets.