OK, I will scour the web for resources on these steps two and three that you outlined, but I don't know if the desire for this particular young woman is going to go anywhere. That usually doesn't go away until the last hope for a relationship with whomever she may be, has completely dissipated, which usually tanks any motivation that I have for working on helping my wife accept polygamy. You are right about hiding it. I hid it for quite some time, but she suspected something, which I determined not to confirm or deny, and gave her an alternative possible reason for not telling her, that at least got her off my back. I only stated that I would never engage in sexual relations with a woman outside of a marriage, because she thought that it had gone that far.
I always recommend to boys and men that they concern themselves far more with whether or not females have desire for them than with whether they have sufficient desire. When it comes down to it, men are far less picky about whom they want to pursue. What I'm suggesting is that it may be worthwhile to shift a great deal of one's focus from whether or not one desires a particular woman to not only whether one is desired by her but also to other concerns related to the strength of the marriage one already has, which includes massaging one's own desires to ensure that one falls in love over and over again with the wife one already has.
Subterfuge almost always reaps the very negative rewards The Adversary intended.
I quoted myself because the same thought came to mind when I read what you wrote about how the fizzling out of a potential relationship tanks your motivation for teaching your wife about polygamy. Sometimes our subterfuge isn't even primarily intended to fool our beloved; sometimes its purpose is to fool ourselves. The wisdom that others have shared with you about first establishing the foundation for a plural family by becoming one-mind with the woman with whom you are already one-flesh is priceless. I feel certain it is wisdom @andrew shared with me soon after meeting him a couple years ago. The reasons its value are legion, but begin with these two:
- One's present wife is already one's partner, so, please excuse the redundancy, everything partners do should be done in partnership. Any groundwork one attempts to skip will reap commensurate negative ramifications if one pushes forward without being in partnership.
- The manner in which one conducts one's primary/first/initial marriage/partnership is the paramount marketing tool for how one will conduct one's potential plural marriage. I put this in sales language on purpose. We are only practicing subterfuge with ourselves if we don't (a) recognize that we need to close more than one sale on the way toward forming plural families [the first sale is with one's first wife, followed by closing the sale with one's next wife], or (b) recognize that any potential wife who isn't brain damaged is going to be watching very carefully how we conduct ourselves with the women to whom we're already married.
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