@Cap Those are some excellent questions! All very important. I can see why you as a man would be asking them, maybe more so than a woman in a BF family or possible relationship because you are in the lead on this thing. My 2 cents worth would reference an ultimatum from either a man to his FW or to a PW as well as a wife or potential to the man. I could well be wrong, but usually an ultimatum centers around the "me" rather than the "we" and seldom regards the "HE". I'm so new at the concepts of BF I hope I'm not putting my foot in my mouth
. In life I've just seen the sweet Holy Spirit be faithful to bring answers that either close the door or show that a door is still open. It may not be in our timing, but I've seen it play out. I always ask for a defined answer from the Lord. I don't want a maybe, or think so, or gray area that I can totally misconstrue in my oh so human pea brain logic. So I ask the Lord for defined, definite answers--ones I can't miss. The ultimatum often comes in the form of a threat or is seen as a threat to the one given the ultimatum or by the one giving the ultimatum. Once a threat is in place, it's often hard to retract it, regroup, repair, or respond without fear. The enemy then uses the fear to do it's own work--drive a wedge, paralyze, wound, or cause the demise of something that was already on the brink. Maybe it was supposed to end--but you would want it to end right. Maybe it still needed time for new life. I truly believe either way, Yeshua will give definite answers. It is the Father's responsibility to let the children know what His will is. As children in the human family, we were not supposed to be trying to figure out what dad wanted and shaking in fear that we might not have gotten it right because we didn't know what he wanted and then live in fear of the consequences for not knowing. Dad told us what he wanted, mom backed him, and we listened and did our best to obey. If we didn't hear clearly we asked questions until we understood enough to carry out the directions. True, dad might have given an ultimatum such as, "If these chores aren't done by the time I get home tonight, there will be consequences!" Well, he was dad so he could say that. Mom might also have given some ultimatums like, "If you don't clean your room, you won't be going to the swimming pool today." Again she was in a position of authority over the children in dad's absence. I don't know how to fit these examples of ultimatums into a PM relationship with FW and PW. But then what do I know?!? Sure looking forward to your comments and hearing others respond on this topic. I need to understand this from how the men see this. I get it from the woman's end, I think.