Yes, of course. I know all that. And that has been my concern - I know God is a just God. And yet it has always seemed to me that a divorced woman was "one flesh" with her previous husband. And that if she were to marry another, at least in that first sexual act they both would be committing adultery while they became "one flesh" with each other - see the teaching on sex with a prostitute. Although I believe the Scripture in Deuteronomy, it still does not answer the "one flesh" issue, which is fine - if it is alright with God, it is certainly alright with me. I was well taught when I was a youngster. Dad told me, and I obeyed, that it was sin, wrong - to defile any other woman. To do so was to spoil her for any other man. And if I didn't want that for me, then I shouldn't do it to another. I believed him and was a virgin until my original wife. But THAT was not the teaching that convinced me it would be wrong to have sex with any woman who had been previously married, because God Himself made it a fact that if she were to have sex with any other man it would be breaking the "one flesh" bond. Obviously I am wrong, but that has always been the way I have interpreted it. Most of us as Evangelical Pastors have refused to marry divorced people to anyone else. The reason was because of the "one flesh" issue. I must now re-evaluate EVERY position I have taken concerning this. I am not dumb enough to think that I know everything (in fact, that is why I asked the question), but I have studied the Scriptures sufficiently to know that now I must restudy every marriage issue to assure that I never give false counsel. The only person I have ever harmed here is myself, because I have always told anyone wishing me to marry them (if divorce was an issue) that there were plenty of other pastors who would have no problem with doing so.