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I heard it should have been more last time round, but somebody cooked the books for CA. Can’t remember where I saw it.
The books were cooked in many states.
But just like when he beat Hillary, they weren’t able to cook the books enough for the dems to win.
Don't wish to seem difficult but I honestly do not approve of the mass exodus into my state.
New Hampshirites have same question regarding exodus from Massachusetts. Data show people leaving MA to NH are mostly republicans.

Heard story about some lefty moving to Florida from California. Her neighbor fixed issues by throwing alligator every evening into her backyard.

Does your state have some exotic wildlife to help?
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New Hampshirites have same question regarding exodus from Massachusetts. Data show people leaving MA to NH are mostly republicans.

Heard story about some lefty moving to Florida from California. Her neighbor fixed issues by throwing alligator every evening into her backyard.

Does your state have some exotic wildlife to help?
The wildlife seems to be what is encroaching upon my area.

I don't know the stats on the political leanings of who is moving to Texas. I can tell you however that the middle to upper class suburban neighborhood has very much lost it's tone.
It certainly does not help that what was all sprawling suburban planned nightmare has had heavy encroachment from 3-4 story apartment complexes rammed full of bloody section 8 types by way of leftist policies that necessitate that one's flight from city detritus is in vain.

Call me a snob or not, I dislike one of the trash children four years older than my son dumping him on his ass while playing in his friends back yard and upon confronting the child finding he doesn't have a father at home for me to pound seven unique shades of shit out of by way of balancing scales. Just an absent mother and a string of "uncles" and mama's friend types.
The wildlife seems to be what is encroaching upon my area.

I don't know the stats on the political leanings of who is moving to Texas. I can tell you however that the middle to upper class suburban neighborhood has very much lost it's tone.
It certainly does not help that what was all sprawling suburban planned nightmare has had heavy encroachment from 3-4 story apartment complexes rammed full of bloody section 8 types by way of leftist policies that necessitate that one's flight from city detritus is in vain.

Call me a snob or not, I dislike one of the trash children four years older than my son dumping him on his ass while playing in his friends back yard and upon confronting the child finding he doesn't have a father at home for me to pound seven unique shades of shit out of by way of balancing scales. Just an absent mother and a string of "uncles" and mama's friend types.
Texas will be gaining congressional seats but more likely than not will be a purple state ala AZ sooner than later because of what you described.
PS> The vast majority (outside of the Denver-Boulder Commie Corridor on the Front Range) of Colorado is 'red' (I hate that idiotic color scheme claim!) too. The Mesa county clerk who exposed the fraud is in the Gulag for it, while the 'Secretary of State' that put her there is an open criminal.

Hopefully that will come to a crashing end soon.
Texas will be gaining congressional seats but more likely than not will be a purple state ala AZ sooner than later because of what you described.
Only possible movement is in US states will be towards Republicans.

1) Idea of progress. Simply put, trans children are progress for democrat hard core. Therefore, any giving up on trans children is back toward barbarism.

Therefore, Democrat will double down on ALL existing ideas. Their ideology means they won't question ideas, just messaging. Already in progress.

2) Automatic Trump opposition

Basically Democrats are against any Trump's idea, no matter how good.

Trump: Let's deport illegal rapists and murderers

Smart Democrats: Death penalty now or after they are caught again in USA

Actual Democrats: We should let rapists and murderers freedom to rape and murder

3) Culture shift

Combination of dying Boomers means less influence of MSM. Also, don't know to explain exactly, but today youth is questioning many things including Enlightenment.

This is important because assumptions on which today's political system is built is under attack. This matters because without same assumptions about world there is no "natural pathway" towards accepting Democrats ideas.

Besides, right is winning argument war online, so population will naturally move right.

4) Democrat internal "civil war"

Basically combination of 1 and 2 means Democrats are party of insanity. Therefore it must hemorrhage members weaking party which will cause questions by donors.

Donors, at least some, will try to reform party back to sanity. However, ideologues from 1 will fight them which means at least 2 or 3 years of internal turmoil inside party.

To conclude: Shift toward right will come naturally because right is winning in marketplace of idea and because Democrats ideas are inside and because due to internal issue (4) party won't be able to be any rallying cry for opposition.

By the way, in case you haven't noticed:

Saner people leaving Democrat party == remaining membership is more insane == party becomes more insane == saner people leaving party == ......
Only possible movement is in US states will be towards Republicans.

1) Idea of progress. Simply put, trans children are progress for democrat hard core. Therefore, any giving up on trans children is back toward barbarism.

Therefore, Democrat will double down on ALL existing ideas. Their ideology means they won't question ideas, just messaging. Already in progress.

2) Automatic Trump opposition

Basically Democrats are against any Trump's idea, no matter how good.

Trump: Let's deport illegal rapists and murderers

Smart Democrats: Death penalty now or after they are caught again in USA

Actual Democrats: We should let rapists and murderers freedom to rape and murder

3) Culture shift

Combination of dying Boomers means less influence of MSM. Also, don't know to explain exactly, but today youth is questioning many things including Enlightenment.

This is important because assumptions on which today's political system is built is under attack. This matters because without same assumptions about world there is no "natural pathway" towards accepting Democrats ideas.

Besides, right is winning argument war online, so population will naturally move right.

4) Democrat internal "civil war"

Basically combination of 1 and 2 means Democrats are party of insanity. Therefore it must hemorrhage members weaking party which will cause questions by donors.

Donors, at least some, will try to reform party back to sanity. However, ideologues from 1 will fight them which means at least 2 or 3 years of internal turmoil inside party.

To conclude: Shift toward right will come naturally because right is winning in marketplace of idea and because Democrats ideas are inside and because due to internal issue (4) party won't be able to be any rallying cry for opposition.

By the way, in case you haven't noticed:

Saner people leaving Democrat party == remaining membership is more insane == party becomes more insane == saner people leaving party == ......
1) Come next election it will likely be eliminated from the convo. They will gladly let Trump remove the item from discussion.

2) Trump will be the incumbent in 2026. Stranger things have happened but incumbents generally lose congressional seats.

3) Culture shift is still popping out college educated loons. Saner Dems will adjust their language and try to be more populist left.

4) political civil wars only last so long. This last Biden debacle was epic but I don’t foresee that happening again. Dems will unite around a candidate simply to oppose any rightward candidate as a Trump toady. Trump received a statistical majority and is still slightly underwater in job approval. His coalition is largely built around the cult of his personality. MAGA isn’t a solidified set of policies. The right will have their own civil war come presidential primary time.
1) Come next election it will likely be eliminated from the convo. They will gladly let Trump remove the item from discussion.
Ideologues controling party won't be glad. They will double down on it. Same with DEI and every other idea.

2) Trump will be the incumbent in 2026. Stranger things have happened but incumbents generally lose congressional seats.
Remains to be seen.

3) Culture shift is still popping out college educated loons. Saner Dems will adjust their language and try to be more populist left.
But saner ones don't control party. They will be pushed out. Kennedy is example.

4) political civil wars only last so long. This last Biden debacle was epic but I don’t foresee that happening again. Dems will unite around a candidate simply to oppose any rightward candidate as a Trump toady. Trump received a statistical majority and is still slightly underwater in job approval. His coalition is largely built around the cult of his personality. MAGA isn’t a solidified set of policies. The right will have their own civil war come presidential primary time.
There is no chance for unification on left since ideologues with go down with party.
Ideologues controling party won't be glad. They will double down on it. Same with DEI and every other idea.

Remains to be seen.

But saner ones don't control party. They will be pushed out. Kennedy is example.

There is no chance for unification on left since ideologues with go down with party.
1) Idealogues don’t control the party. Big money donors do. Bernie was done dirty more than once to be replaced by big money candidates Hillary and Joe.

3) Kennedy was pushed out because he was not with the vax program. Why was that important?...big money donors from big pharma, not ideologues.

4) idealogues don’t control Dems. See #1. The big money donors will fund a more moderate southerner (Beshear from Kentucky) who will court disaffected Dems that left for Trump, while satisfying big money. The DEI, trans, Ukraine, and defund the police movements will go by the wayside thanks to Trump. Dems will go back to bread and butter issues.

Don’t fall for the social media influencers telling you the Dems are done. They’re licking their wounds and lining up the big money to take down whoever the Republicans put up. It’s still a 50/50 country.
1) Idealogues don’t control the party. Big money donors do. Bernie was done dirty more than once to be replaced by big money candidates Hillary and Joe.

3) Kennedy was pushed out because he was not with the vax program. Why was that important?...big money donors from big pharma, not ideologues.

4) idealogues don’t control Dems. See #1. The big money donors will fund a more moderate southerner (Beshear from Kentucky) who will court disaffected Dems that left for Trump, while satisfying big money. The DEI, trans, Ukraine, and defund the police movements will go by the wayside thanks to Trump. Dems will go back to bread and butter issues.

Don’t fall for the social media influencers telling you the Dems are done. They’re licking their wounds and lining up the big money to take down whoever the Republicans put up. It’s still a 50/50 country.
We will see.

My basis of thinking isn't based on social media influencers. Besides, big donor money isn't key primary sources of financing democrats, but taxes as USAID example shows.

Also, big corporation have interested in legislation favouring them. They can sacrifice some deregulation or dropping sensitive issues to stay advantaged. However, it's state bureaucracy which is against all deregulation and dropping sensitive issues.

And bureaucrats will become idelogues to stay on job.