Good to know! I have kept a watchful eye and raised them as best I can, no social media, no internet app games. My eldest grew up like I did in the early 90's. Playing outside everyday instead of playing on tablets. I do feel sorry for her future husband however LOL my eldest was raised by myself, as a single parent back when was in the military. Shes strong willed and stubborn to a degree, very proud of her heritage and family orientated. She has a dream of finding a husband that owns a castle or ruin and told me to find her one HAHA (This will be a hard search). I've raised her with the mindset that everything we do should be for the next generations, to prob them up and practice family craft.
Land, Animals, Metals - real currency of the people and lands.
Fiat debt based reserve notes - Ancient Babylonian money magic.
This is probably already mentioned and argued about in the forum.
Traditionally, does a father approach a suitable potential husband or does the man's family or himself reach out to the father of the women?