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Index of U.S. States

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The states presently listed will be the first states added. Check back from time to time to see how we're doing, and let us know using the form below if there's a state you'd like to see added.


Biblical Families does not offer legal advice, and the information provided here is simply a summary what's publicly available elsewhere. While we advocate on behalf of the legitimacy of Christian plural marriage generally, and support reform of the bigamy laws and the decriminalization of polygamy where no fraud or exploitation is involved (that is, among "consenting adults"), we do not intend to pick a fight with the state or encourage anyone to break the law. Our intention is to help those who would live in a biblically-grounded plural family to live peacefully and legally within the existing culture, while working for social and political reform.

If you are contemplating plural marriage, let alone involved in a civil dispute or criminal prosecution based on an attempt to live as a plural family, we advise you to seek the counsel of a competent attorney licensed to practice law in your state.

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