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Y'all watching crypto today?

History says otherwise, even for stupid people. When it matters, they eventually get it. Sadly, most not a minute before.

Silver dimes (just drop one on a hard surface) are EASY to tell from pot metal.

PS> The time to educate neighbors, and nearby farmers and ranchers and dentists, is NOW.

I have a small stack of silver certificates in nice protective covers because a whole grocery store full of cashiers and various levels of managers refused to take them for buying food from a couple who said they were in their recently deceased grandmother's home.
I gave them cash and everyone was happy.
Point is that I am dubious about people seeing or believing in the value.
I imagine in the end that it comes down to what you visualize as a full collapse.
I lean towards barter goods like .22 and 50mls...perhaps some prepackaged individual meals and the like. Cheap water filter pitchers from wally world is not a bad notion
1980s Mercedes S class diesel, which can run on canola oil.

Depending on what sort of collapse and how long we are talking about, one might be better served with black diesel ie old motor oil and stale gasoline.. the ratio varies a bit depending on the type of motor but it would be good in a scavenging situation.
Depending on what sort of collapse and how long we are talking about, one might be better served with black diesel ie old motor oil and stale gasoline.. the ratio varies a bit depending on the type of motor but it would be good in a scavenging situation.
As would a full high capacity mag on the AR. ;)
1980s Mercedes S class diesel, which can run on canola oil.
Good item to have, but not what I was talking about. Barterable items. Silver coins are barterable, but not everyone understands them, and nobody actually needs them. Full cans of petrol on the other hand are something everyone will need - more for generators and chainsaws than cars - and will know exactly what it's worth to them. So if you need to barter for some food you'll have more luck swapping petrol for it than silver.
People will understand the value of silver extremely fast in the situations that y’all are talking about. Hockey stick learning curve.
It stores indefinitely and is easily transported.

It doesn’t matter how much fuel I have, it’s not for trading.

Pipe tobacco and ZigZag papers. Roll a few and people will be trading things near and dear for them.
The list is long. Coffee.
Sugar. Salt. Chocolate (already).

Vet supplies and antibiotics.
Alcohol. In various forms.

Cigarettes (I have no interest whatsoever, and some jonesin' for 'em would be willing to kill for them anyway, which is why I won't trade ammo, although .22 rounds are often suggested.)
As would a full high capacity mag on the AR. ;)

A? Singular?

If one is bright...and an American admittedly...then you should have at least one closet in your home what puts stress on your foundation from the weight of your acquisitions.

Now to find a nice type A girl to help me design a good storage system thst looks like it is a militant display from the Container Store.
Your neighborhood/location/people you are surrounded by, might be the hole in your preparedness plan.

As I search every day for the right land and home combo in a pretty rural area.

Happily growing up in an environment of academics and multi-degreed professionals in various stem areas on one side and rural construction workers and farmers on the other, I speak sophisticate all the way down to glorious redneckery. So I will be getting involved in the local social network with neighbors once I get away from cities regardless of who they are.
Current suburban area...I know three of my neighbors and the rest make an overt effort not to acknowledge overtures of friendly interactions. Happily one of them and I have a good relationship with respect to mutual defense of family and cooperation if things go squirrely