History says otherwise, even for stupid people. When it matters, they eventually get it. Sadly, most not a minute before.
Silver dimes (just drop one on a hard surface) are EASY to tell from pot metal.
PS> The time to educate neighbors, and nearby farmers and ranchers and dentists, is NOW.
I have a small stack of silver certificates in nice protective covers because a whole grocery store full of cashiers and various levels of managers refused to take them for buying food from a couple who said they were in their recently deceased grandmother's home.
I gave them cash and everyone was happy.
Point is that I am dubious about people seeing or believing in the value.
I imagine in the end that it comes down to what you visualize as a full collapse.
I lean towards barter goods like .22 and 50mls...perhaps some prepackaged individual meals and the like. Cheap water filter pitchers from wally world is not a bad notion