Biblical Patriarchy, aka Biblical Headship, is the authority structure of marriage and family we see clearly throughout all Scripture. This is God’s design for marriage… that the husband is in authority over his wife(s) & household… completely… period!
*This authority structure in marriage is apparently so important to the Lord that the Word instructs wives to submit fully to their husband even if the husband is an unbeliever or isn’t obedient to the Word of God.
However, I’ve heard it preached quite differently another way:
If Christ is the Head of the church, and we see that He set aside His crown, selflessly humbled Himself to become a man, and then lay down His life for His bride… (and husbands are instructed to love their wives like Christ loves the church)… then obviously it’s sinful and terrible for a man to do anything that would upset his wife or hurt her feelings or make any decisions that would make her uncomfortable. A husband truly walking in proper “servant leadership”, and really loving his wife will lay down his life, and set aside his own selfish desires, and protect his wife from any hurt or pain or discomfort. (I think the proper term for this better way of marital Structure is called “mutual submission”… and I’m told it is far more righteous and good than the out dated archaic oppressive system of Biblical patriarchy.)