Getting married is a risk, period. You have to let go of self, learn to trust and be vulnerable, and spend every day striving to be more like Christ. If your focus is on how you can help your husband, submit yourself completely to your husband, reverence your husband, die to self, and serve the Lord, I can pretty much guarantee that your marriage will be awesome. Whether you’re a first, second, etc wife. Work on making yourself as awesome of a wife you can be and, unless you married an absolute a-hole, your husband will not want to divorce you. Men willing to do biblical poly are not afraid of commitment and won’t kick a woman out just because he’s tired of her. Women leave way more than men do. I think Keith mentioned divorce statistics somewhere that said women divorcing their husbands is a higher percentage than men divorcing their wives. So, if you’re focus is on how to make yourself the best wife you can possibly be to your man, you should never have to worry about the possibility of divorce. Divorce and what would happen if your husband divorced you, shouldn’t be your focus. Rather, it should be on how can I help him, how can I serve him, how can I love him, how can I bring him joy? If that’s your goal and focus, he would be an absolute idiot to divorce you. And most men aren’t idiots. He can be married to an absolute ugly dog but, if she’s doing those things… he’s happy.