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What do you think..........

  • Thread starter Thread starter James A
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Would you of married a man who was poor and living on a streets even if he was very Godly.
I would say that the Godly wives that Solomon had where very family based
Solomon as a king could afford to provide food clothes and shelter, but there is no way he could do right by that many women after initially consummating the marriage.....or actually teach and raise the children even if each wife only had one. So certainly his priorities were political not familial in nature, and his marriage practices should not be duplicated in an attempt to be wise or live righteously.
They had a obligation not to Solomon as a hushband only but also had a obligation to God
Solomon as a king could afford to provide food clothes and shelter, but there is no way he could do right by that many women after initially consummating the marriage.....or actually teach and raise the children even if each wife only had one. So certainly his priorities were political not familial in nature, and his marriage practices should not be duplicated in an attempt to be wise or live righteously.
I agree he had a lot of wives but I wonder if God had given him a gift to manage his house so well that Godly ladies saw skill and knowledge and wisdom well beyond any man that lived at that time
Godly wisdom is a trait that I see a lot of ladies are attracted to
I am not saying I want a thousand wives. I am trying to dislodge the downfall he had from the fruit we can grow and learn from-if you think there is anything positive that can be applied to your current relationship or future potential sister wife. This a thread to debate what ifs
When ever someone brings up Solomon it is all negative but we have to remeber he was the wises man that ever exsisted. If we take the negative away and reread everything it opens your eyes to more. It is benefical for any gender to look at the positive not the negative. Love knows no wrongs
Lets not get into free will and predestanation debate please
Yeah... like who is predestined to be your wife and where her will is in the matter...

Better question: Is Solomon a picture of the Messiah, but evidence that someone more than human must fill the role? Consider the parable of the ten virgins... some go in, some do not. With Solomon, some were wives and many were concubines. How like the church with some true inheritors and many straphangers. And, the foreign v native born picture. Do we assimilate to the Messiah and follow Him or do things our own way and bring our rules and idols into the house?

Many great/deeper pictures here.
Yeah... like who is predestined to be your wife and where her will is in the matter...

Better question: Is Solomon a picture of the Messiah, but evidence that someone more than human must fill the role? Consider the parable of the ten virgins... some go in, some do not. With Solomon, some were wives and many were concubines. How like the church with some true inheritors and many straphangers. And, the foreign v native born picture. Do we assimilate to the Messiah and follow Him or do things our own way and bring our rules and idols into the house?

Many great/deeper pictures here.
you.took my qoue out of context
My wives will and well being is second to only God and following his will. I would apprecaite it if we do not add or bring my future wives into this thread even if it is just a joke.
This thread took a direction not attended thank you everyone for your remarks. This is my last remark on this thread.