Speaking of sublimating ones sexual drive, how much does his sexual orientation color his writings? Anything in the content or suppositions behind it to be aware of that goes astray?
You're not going to believe this,
@rockfox, but I would argue (and I have
elsewhere) that his orientation actually improves his understanding, much to the shame of the effeminate church. You would have to read another of his books,
Androphilia, to fully appreciate that, but it is working out for himself the difference between (a) "queer culture" (which affects the heteros as much as the homos and has become more of a political stance than a sexual orientation), and (b) his existence as what he would call a masculine man with a sexual fetish (some guys like Asian women, some guys like feet, he likes men), that developed his thinking. His writing on queer culture, gay 'marriage', and gays in the military is some of the most insightful I've seen.
So like all reading, or life for that matter, "absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is essentially your own". Take a look at TWOM and come back and let me know what you think.