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This is too funny! ...and cute!

Not that she was possessed.
But there is that “spirit of monogamy” thing.
Now see, one day, I want to get my wedding vows renewed. I am tempted to allow the unsuspecting minister to ask me if I will forsake all others, and surprise him in front of everybody, with a "NO WAY JOSE!"
Talk about putting a minister on the hot seat! Envisioning how that scenario would play out:

Minister: Are you serious?
Me: Yes sir!
Minister: You don't want to forsake all others?
Me: That's right!
Minister: You want to just go have sex with other women?
Me: Correction! Other wives.
Minister: How many wives do you have?
Me: One, right now!
Minister: And you want to have more wives?
Me: Yeah! One or two.
Audience: (GASPS)
Minister: I don't think we can go any further.
Me: You are obligated to continue.
Minister: I....I....I can't!
Me: It's in the contract.
Minister: I just can't do it. If you want to continue, you have to agree to forsake all others.
Me: That is not in the contract. My attorney is sitting right here.
Prior agreement to the wording is pretty much a given, though.
Weddings need ministers like fish need bicycles ;)
So then I would just continue the ceremony without him. "Wife #2, are you ready?" :)

Didn't need him anyway! Besides, I wouldn't want to force someone to violate their strongly held convictions, regardless of how wrong they are.
Didn't need him anyway! Besides, I wouldn't want to force someone to violate their strongly held convictions, regardless of how wrong they are.
Seriously, we don’t have a clue about what spiritual influences we invite into marriages and other situations when we have someone supposedly spiritual preside over holidays and special times in our lives.
Seriously, we don’t have a clue about what spiritual influences we invite into marriages and other situations when we have someone supposedly spiritual preside over holidays and special times in our lives.
I think the operative word there, is "supposedly". We really ought to draw a distinction between those who know and refuse to accept it, and those who have been led to believe such things, without having someone who is knowledgeable in the Scriptures, and who can correct them. Remember Apollos, who only understood the baptism of John? (Acts 18:26) Let us not be weary in doing well.
Every time you elevate anyone above you, between you and Yeshua, you are making them supposedly more spiritual than you.
Elevate teaching, not people.
When my brother in law and his intended were planning their wedding, the minister she found that was willing to marry them without a license was a woman! Lol
My brother in law asked me what I thought about that. I told him it really didn't matter if it was Mickey Mouse up there. The minister just asks the questions/helps you remember what you planned to say to make your intent clear to those there to witness the event. It is recognizing YHWH's law and authority that make a marriage.
Every time you elevate anyone above you, between you and Yeshua, you are making them supposedly more spiritual than you.
Elevate teaching, not people.
Well that is the problem with many churches today, is that the minister is elevated above the people he is supposed to serve. I would argue that we have many people on this forum, who have served as pastors, who would serve nicely as a person who could do a great job officiating a wedding ceremony. Of course they then would not be an unsuspecting minister, which was the point of my jest, namely, to catch them off guard.
Too late. She is already pregnant.
Man, you are not kidding! I can tell you that we were playing with fire, and all that they could tell us, was that we had to wait.