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Spiritual Gifts - Take the Test!

Yup. PLUS, He can speak through your donkey, or cause the rocks beside the road to cry out. Guess it's nothin' to get too puffed up about.

"Hey, everybody! Look at ME! I'm as spiritually evolved and useful to God as that there donkey over there! Hee-Haw!" :lol:

What's more, I submit that is is the sanitary mercy of God that He used a donkey with Balaam instead of a camel. Had it been a camel, it might have said what God wanted it to, but I think it would have followed it by spitting at Balaam square in the face. And there were no wash basins nearby. See? Mercy of God. ;)
CecilW said:
Yup. PLUS, He can speak through your donkey, or cause the rocks beside the road to cry out. Guess it's nothin' to get too puffed up about.
:roll: gulp, well, ok here goes :oops: (do i really want to do this? some of you guys are gonna slaughter me)

i was talking to the Lord one day about the spiritual gifts and came away with a whole new take on them.
first off, my big brother Yeshua. did he have "the gifts"? well, yes and no. he ministered in all of them, but were they "gifts"? no, they were a natural outgrowth of his walk with his Father.
why are they "gifts" for the rest of us? because we fail to walk with YHVH as he did. i feel that the gifts are just that, gifts. as cecil pointed out, we can be rocks or jacka.....i mean donkeys and He can still minister through us because they are gifts and do not depend on our level of intimacy with Him.
He wants us to grow into a level of intimacy with Him in which they are not special "gifts" that He has to bestow on us but natural outgrowths of that relationship with Him.
the fact that i do not have all of the gifts just shows me how far below His vision for me i am opperating and living because i truly believe that when we are "all growed up" we will each walk in all of them as did our big brother. after all, he is our example.
or will we remain rocks and donkeys that He can use as tools without us being the friend that hears His heart and works with Him as a friend and fellow laborer?
Strength - Teaching, Pastor/shepherd


Evangelism 16

Prophecy 15

Teaching 19

Exhortation 16

Pastor/Shepherd 19

Showing Mercy 18

Serving 13

Giving 14

Administration 18
So I just thought I would check this out, even though I am not "close with God" but here is what they came up with.

Spiritual Gifts
Evangelism 11
Prophecy 11
Teaching 12
Exhortation 14
Pastor/Shepherd 10
Showing Mercy 17
Serving 10
Giving 6
Administration 16
According to the test, my strengths are Pastor/Shepherding and Showing Mercy.

Evangelism 15
Prophecy 10
Teaching 12
Exhortation 14
Pastor/Shepherd 19
Showing Mercy 19
Serving 15
Giving 11
Administration 11

I would have never guessed the shepherding part, but agreed with the mercy. :-) Over all, it was an interesting test.

Evangelism 18

Prophecy 15

Teaching 20

Exhortation 22

Pastor/Shepherd 24

Showing Mercy 17

Serving 17

Giving 16

Administration 22 (questions on this one,lol I don't like answering the phones lol)
My sister you are closer than you think! ;)
jsw said:
So I just thought I would check this out, even though I am not "close with God" but here is what they came up with.

Spiritual Gifts
Evangelism 11
Prophecy 11
Teaching 12
Exhortation 14
Pastor/Shepherd 10
Showing Mercy 17
Serving 10
Giving 6
Administration 16
Pastor/Shepherd and Mercy ;)
Evangelism 9
Prophecy 11
Teaching 14
Exhortation 19
Pastor/Shepherd 15
Showing Mercy 23
Serving 8
Giving 9
Administration 15

Ok so the Pastor/Shepherd thing, maybe not so much. Everything else seems to line up ok though. :D
pastor/shepherd sounds like the perfect description of the heart of a nurse