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Meat Sexual Duties & Children

I think you hit the nail right on the head there. The man should be faithful to his wife even if he hates her, in the sense of Deut 21:15, but God has given women the desire to be loved by their husbands, which is why Paul instructs men to love their wives. As part of that love, he is to wash her with the Word, to make her holy, as Christ did for the church. Is excessive eating of garbage, something that someone who is holy would do? When you love someone, you have to let them know when there is something they are doing that displeases you. You can't just say, "Well, I have no standards, and whatever goes!" Sometimes Christ rebukes the church. That doesn't mean He doesn't love her any more!
Hmmm, I was in a conversation concerning a man being satisfied, not faithful....two different things.
Hmmm, I was in a conversation concerning a man being satisfied, not faithful....two different things.
And that is why it is in the wife's best interest to not let herself go, if she knows that will displease her husband.
Sorry to disappoint but no. I will no longer be in this conversation with Daniel. You crack me up though Isaac! I keep laughing yesterday over the popcorn one you posted. :)
You go girl, I saw your husband’s comment!
I think I agree with him. I learned a lot from you, thanks for sharing!
Lol sorry Isaac, Slumber told me to bow out. If we're not being profitable there's no point, except for making a spectacle , and that's not edifying to the body. The gifs are hilarious though!
Well, I would argue that creating unbiblical requirements based on ripping verses out of context, is clearly not edifying to the body of Christ.
My opinion:

Men are more attracted visually than women are. I believe that it was Divine design to get the ball rolling, so to speak. From that point on, a woman’s spirit needs to be attractive or the relationship should go no further. Guys, invest in one of the new robots if looks is your focus.
Having married her, loving her is a requirement from Yah. Some days it is a choice, you don’t get to rely on feelings. If her attitude is bad, that’s your responsibility to work with. Sadly, sometimes it is unfixable as David found out with Michal.

I make it known in my relationships that health is the priority. Not size/weight.
An unhealthy person is not a happy person and that has an effect on the rest of the family. They are also harder to love and feel attracted to.
My definition of healthy: A person sincerely and intentionally working and eating towards better health.
Set the standard for healthy eating in your family, guys. Don’t make her be your mother.
And for crying out loud, don’t make her eat more healthy than she feeds you!
Lead, quitcher bitchin.

When she is bonded to you, she probably will be attracted to your body. Probably even to your natural scent if you are eating somewhat cleanly. Interestingly enough, I have heard that body odor the day after eating pork is off-putting to some. We wouldn’t know, not in this family.
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My opinion:

Men are more attracted visually than women are. I believe that it was Divine design to get the ball rolling, so to speak. From that point on, a woman’s spirit needs to be attractive or the relationship should go no further. Guys, invest in one of the new robots if looks is your focus.
Having married her, loving her is a requirement from Yah. Some days it is a choice, you don’t get to rely on feelings. If her attitude is bad, that’s your responsibility to work with. Sadly, sometimes it is unfixable as David found out with Michal.

I make it known in my relationships that health is the priority. Not size/weight.
An unhealthy person is not a happy person and that has an effect on the rest of the family. They are also harder to love and feel attracted to.
My definition of healthy: A person sincerely and intentionally working and eating towards better health.
Set the standard for healthy eating in your family, guys. Don’t make her be your mother.
And for crying out loud, don’t make her eat more healthy than she feeds you!
Lead, quitcher bitchin.

When she is bonded to you, she probably will be attracted to your body. Probably even to your natural scent if you are eating somewhat cleanly. Interestingly enough, I have heard that body odor the day after eat pork is off-putting to some. We wouldn’t know, not in this family.
I weigh more than she does, but I am about 10 or 11 inches taller than she is, so....I have dropped an inch or so in my waist, without really dieting per se, other than Dave Ramsey's Rice and Beans diet, but I have been tightening my belt lately. My BMI has never been all that high though, but I like what the Dave Ramsey diet does to our grocery bill. :) It's just, I am not accepting any excuse making. That is part of leadership as well.
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I weigh more than she does, but I am about 8 or nine inches taller than she is, so....I have dropped an inch or so in my waist, without really dieting per se, other than Dave Ramsey's Rice and Beans diet, but I have been tightening my belt lately. My BMI has never been all that high though, but I like what the Dave Ramsey diet does to our grocery bill. :) It's just, I am not accepting any excuse making. That is part of leadership as well.
The both of you are either working on being more healthy, or you are not working on being more healthy.

I’m not accepting any excuse making either. ;)
Seriously, with age those health issues build up and the healthier partner often has to sacrifice a great share of their life caring for the person that didn’t give a crap about their health in their earlier years. How fair is that?
How loving is that?
The body belonging to the other instruction goes way deeper than just sex.
The both of you are either working on being more healthy, or you are not working on being more healthy.

I’m not accepting any excuse making either. ;)
Seriously, with age those health issues build up and the healthier partner often has to sacrifice a great share of their life caring for the person that didn’t give a crap about their health in their earlier years. How fair is that?
How loving is that?
The body belonging to the other instruction goes way deeper than just sex.
I have zero health problems! I cut salt out of my diet a few years ago, and sodas, twenty years ago. I had two kidney stones a couple of years ago...not fun, and no one really knows what causes them. The doctors tried to get me on oxycotin, and I said, "ain't gonna happen".
I haven’t studied Dave’s diet, I hope that it is intentionally healthy, rather than just intentionally cheap.
I haven’t studied Dave’s diet, I hope that it is intentionally healthy, rather than just intentionally cheap.
Getting out of debt, has proven health benefits.
I have zero health problems! I cut salt out of my diet a few years ago, and sodas, twenty years ago. I had two kidney stones a couple of years ago...not fun, and no one really knows what causes them. The doctors tried to get me on oxycotin, and I said, "ain't gonna happen".
How many sick days have you taken in the last year? last 3 years?
ZERO! One in the past three, but it was for my little boy, while my wife, who doesn't get sick pay, had to work.
That’s great, is the lifestyle that you are leading in helping her to become more healthy?
That’s great, is the lifestyle that you are leading in helping her to become more healthy?
The phentermine is helping her out tremendously! Nothing else seemed to work. She likes beans, but we don't like the same kinds of beans. She is more of a kidney bean/ borracho (sp?) girl, whereas, I stick with green beans and Pork N Beans. You can't go wrong with Legumes! It's the desserts that trip her up. Like, I don't care for cake, but she loves it. I mean, I like the frosting (not whipped, mind you); who doesn't, but I am fine without it.
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Oh, and I went back and edited my height differential, upwards by two inches, but not before you quoted me as being 8 to nine inches taller. I am a little over 6' 1", whereas she is around 5' 2" or 3".
A big part of her health problems and cravings has to do with her thyroid disorder (under-active). She has done a TON of research on how to cure this naturally, but to no avail.