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The Kharkiv Tractor Plant is a very real place.

As to the claims of both Sofochka and RA Harris I'd consider them to be unconfirmed. There are many claims on both the Russian and Ukrainian sides in this war that are unconfirmed but not implausible or debunked.

Also, the claims may well be amplified or exaggerated but there's also the possibility that their claims are less than what really happened. Right now we don't know.
(I'm only weighing in on such an old topic because this was the one that triggered a day and a half of anxiety attacks from my wife when she read it, so I feel like I need to add my two cents even if it's old-hat).
Indeed, I find it somewhat suspect that the so-called "investigation" amounted to "since there wasn't a news report of it, we consider it proven false." I can't find a news report proving that anyone on this site actually exists. Am I therefore to determine that you're all AI profiles?
Not sure how many on this site are familiar with war (very few strike me as being ex-military), but it's not like every atrocity gets a news story, any more than every drive by shooting in America gets its own media coverage. And 147 in one place, far from being shockingly huge (which was the mindset that led to the "surely there's a news report of it" mentality), is kind of small potatoes compared to some of the other tragedies that have come out of that war. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest that it didn't get reported. Reporters were a little busy reporting on the death of 100,000 civilian deaths in the first few months of the Mariupol siege.
It seems to me that the "investigative" process (and as a P.I. myself I'm being generous by calling it that) was essentially "if this is true it means people who hold staff positions on the site would be wrong, so it has to be false and we need a reason why."
Anyway, I wash my hands of the matter. You can support Ukraine's perfectly righteous struggle or continue to serve Satan by supporting his chosen nation, Russia. Which one you choose, is of no consequence to me, as it's not my soul that will be judged for your choice.

Now, moving to reply to something more recent and relevant...
Then there is the fun bit where a spherical version of Bilbo Baggins catches your eye to explain how he is Domasaurus Rex, leader of men and trainer of slaves.
Sigh....OK pal.
Ah, so you've met a few Goreans then, lol.
Joking aside, I truly can't say I find the bdsm "community," as they have the effrontery to call themselves, any more pathetic than most of the rest of Western society these days. They're incapable of normal Human interaction, much less courtship, so they fantasize about a lifestyle where they don't have to charm a woman as long as they can pick up a whip and a collar, but are they really any worse than the rank and file of the West who have to have a fold-out chart explaining which of 72 genders they want to pretend they are this week?
(I'm only weighing in on such an old topic because this was the one that triggered a day and a half of anxiety attacks from my wife when she read it, so I feel like I need to add my two cents even if it's old-hat).
Indeed, I find it somewhat suspect that the so-called "investigation" amounted to "since there wasn't a news report of it, we consider it proven false." I can't find a news report proving that anyone on this site actually exists. Am I therefore to determine that you're all AI profiles?
Not sure how many on this site are familiar with war (very few strike me as being ex-military), but it's not like every atrocity gets a news story, any more than every drive by shooting in America gets its own media coverage. And 147 in one place, far from being shockingly huge (which was the mindset that led to the "surely there's a news report of it" mentality), is kind of small potatoes compared to some of the other tragedies that have come out of that war. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest that it didn't get reported. Reporters were a little busy reporting on the death of 100,000 civilian deaths in the first few months of the Mariupol siege.
It seems to me that the "investigative" process (and as a P.I. myself I'm being generous by calling it that) was essentially "if this is true it means people who hold staff positions on the site would be wrong, so it has to be false and we need a reason why."
Anyway, I wash my hands of the matter. You can support Ukraine's perfectly righteous struggle or continue to serve Satan by supporting his chosen nation, Russia. Which one you choose, is of no consequence to me, as it's not my soul that will be judged for your choice.

Now, moving to reply to something more recent and relevant...

Ah, so you've met a few Goreans then, lol.
Joking aside, I truly can't say I find the bdsm "community," as they have the effrontery to call themselves, any more pathetic than most of the rest of Western society these days. They're incapable of normal Human interaction, much less courtship, so they fantasize about a lifestyle where they don't have to charm a woman as long as they can pick up a whip and a collar, but are they really any worse than the rank and file of the West who have to have a fold-out chart explaining which of 72 genders they want to pretend they are this week?
Is no @NoTime4Magus a play on words meaning No Time For MAGAs?
Is no @NoTime4Magus a play on words meaning No Time For MAGAs?
I wish I'd thought of that!
But no. It's a reference to Simon Magus, the heretic who tried to buy the Holy Spirit from the Apostles in the Book of Acts. There's a rather compelling theory that the Roman Catholic Church (the source of much of the heresy found in contemporary Christendom) was founded by Simon Magus, disguised as Peter. It shares many of the tenets of the Neo-Babylonian faith practiced by the sorcerers dwelling in Judea and Samaria at the time the Book of Acts was written. The screen name is a declaration of my lack of patience with the contaminated knockoff brand of religion that Rome has built up in place of the original Gospel of the Apostles.
Psst... hey...
The article you linked says in the first sentence that he operation was in 1962. Got any gossip that comes from this millennium?
We get ultimate confirmation only when things get declassified. This only shows that such a pattern exists and has existed throughout the course of history. Why should it change just because the calendar has flipped to another millenium?
We get ultimate confirmation only when things get declassified. This only shows that such a pattern exists and has existed throughout the course of history. Why should it change just because the calendar has flipped to another millenium?

And if people can ignore history, why NOT current events?
A'ight, I gotta give you this one. Though...

A single instance does not a pattern make.
JFK. Et al. Still covered up.
Ruby Ridge. Waco. Ditto.
TWA-800. OKC Murrah Building take-down (see Physics 101, and the late Gen. Ben Partin.)
And others you may have heard of.

And when 6 sigma events happen at 3 AM in multiple locations, where poll watchers have coincidentally been removed from premises where pizza boxes are put up to shield whatever is happening within, some of us have learned to be "suspicious."

Oh, yeah - and how many "Secret Service" agents does it take to ignore a snot-nosed sniper?
JFK. Et al. Still covered up.
Ruby Ridge. Waco. Ditto.
TWA-800. OKC Murrah Building take-down (see Physics 101, and the late Gen. Ben Partin.)
And others you may have heard of.

And when 6 sigma events happen at 3 AM in multiple locations, where poll watchers have coincidentally been removed from premises where pizza boxes are put up to shield whatever is happening within, some of us have learned to be "suspicious."

Oh, yeah - and how many "Secret Service" agents does it take to ignore a snot-nosed sniper?
Add the Clinton Chronicles to this list.
Ah, so you've met a few Goreans then, lol.
Joking aside, I truly can't say I find the bdsm "community," as they have the effrontery to call themselves, any more pathetic than most of the rest of Western society these days. They're incapable of normal Human interaction, much less courtship, so they fantasize about a lifestyle where they don't have to charm a woman as long as they can pick up a whip and a collar, but are they really any worse than the rank and file of the West who have to have a fold-out chart explaining which of 72 genders they want to pretend they are this week?

I didn't get to know those guys well enough to know if they fit in that particular pidgin hole.

I do know that the transparent games and grifts of the polyamory crowd as well as the nauseating nature of their activities are why I reject the use of the teem poly I this environment or with respect to plural marriage.
As ladies are apt to read this I will redact the sort of language which I would like to use for that sort.
You can imagine how fond I am of the conflagration in regular peoples minds between those hyper focused on marriage, family, children and their wives and rebranded swingers, wife swapping creepy cucks, the leather beclad narcissistic types and the various stripes of sadist.
Add the Clinton Chronicles to this list.
Oh, the real list is miles long. Arguably starts in Genesis 3, then 6, and even in the united States, goes back to at least the early 1860s and the Red (16th) Amendment, then the 1913 ("Creature From Jekyll Island") treachery, through Wilson, and so on...
:oops: You have a unique definition of "mellow." I started reading at page 218 and read up to the end and it reads the way I'd expect a Jerry Springer episode to have sounded during the Coronavirus lockdowns. If some of these conversations had been face-to-face, there would have been chairs meeting teeth.

I think that is part of the sexual division. I see bitchy and shirty on occasion but I have been in more of the real life arguments that devolve into circumstances like you describe than I recall. So maybe that is why I take it less seriously or as less likely to pop off in real life.
Plus, a lot of the personalities here are pretty straightforward in some ways. I mean they not only believe they are correct but they wish to prove their cases and to defeat competing ideas. They wish to be seen to have presented proofs that will sway arguments and change opinions.
That is the sort of masculine dominant flexing which is most common with men who have devoted significant chunks of their life to study on a topic. To body slam with greater topic knowledge as it were.
That said, I have had to pull apart a bunch of nerds fighting over their pet topic in the past, so who knows. Maybe you are right.

I just visualize more of an arguing with angry civility at the whiteboard and casting references to the projector sort of an argument if things go heated in person. Lots of terse tones and not so passive passive aggressive remarks etc
Here's another:

Epstein's Babymaking ranch:

What happened to the babies and what happened to their mothers?
I don't think the article itself claims that he actually carried out his plan, but that is a bit wacky. Par for the course for the pedophile though.
Here's another:

Epstein's Babymaking ranch:

What happened to the babies and what happened to their mothers?
Why I'm not totally suprised?

Epstein, unlucky genius.

Heard real genius (won Nobel prize) also favored artifical insermation of women because world needs more geniuses as him.
I don't think the article itself claims that he actually carried out his plan, but that is a bit wacky. Par for the course for the pedophile though.
I remember reading about it a few years ago and it sounded like it had been started, I imagine that the details are, as @MeganC suggested, buried with the client list.
Along with all of the videos that he used for blackmail.
Another question is who is blackmailing them now?