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What is up with these people who supposed know Trump the best do not endorse him. Very weird. Now even his nephew speaks out. He says that Trump lacks empathy. What a weird thing to say. Does not he know that president Trump cares for us, that is why he is running to be our president. it just popped on my YouTube feed so I figure I'll share with whoever is interested. I do not approve everything that is promoted but I just find it interesting.
endorsing Trump makes Trump evil, then everyone here is evil as well.
I hope this is not your hermeneutical approach to the Bible. where did you see this in the post that would imply someone to be evil and by me sharing this calling others evil. This is unjustified conjecture.
Scott Ritter chatted with an undercover agent who was posing as a 15 year old girl... Which means he didn't chat with a 15yo girl funnily enough.
You forget the ages of many of the men in the Bible's wives...
I just shared information. There was no comment from me. I did not even know details of his crime.

But since you commented on this, would it be safe to assume you would be neutral indifferent if your hypothetical 15 year old daughter was targeted by retired man to meet for sex. Or the only issue is that she would be your daughter and it would not matter if she was 35 or 15. (That is what I learned about nature of his crime, that Scott Ritter, authority on all Russia, was making plans to meet 15 year old for sex). I apologize for not knowing nuances of actual case.
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I thought that the down unders might enjoy this.
Who are you going to vote for?
I will trust elders of the country aka the deep state to make that decision for me. Populists on both side deserve each other.

You obviously have an agenda
If I have an agenda it is probably to destroy sacred cows for the cause of Christ, expose hypocrisy, and root out whatever that would cause a Christian to yell out 'give us Barabbas!'.
I will trust elders of the country aka the deep state to make that decision for me. Populists on both side deserve each other.

If I have an agenda it is probably to destroy sacred cows for the cause of Christ, expose hypocrisy, and root out whatever that would cause a Christian to yell out 'give us Barabbas!'.
Just watched RFK's speech pulling out of the race and endorsing Trump. I am very impressed with him. He comes across as so sincere about the issue of most importance to him - children's health - and has a way of explaining the crisis clearly and bringing you along with him in this cause. But most importantly he brings it all back to God, and pragmatic logic. I wish we had such a sensible centrist in our politics here, and I pray that God is able to use him strategically for good in your country. Obviously he has problematic views outside this - someone's going to point that out if I don't - but nobody's perfect. He has a mission that is worthwhile and needs to be done, and he may have the opportunity to actually do something about that.
RFK is an interesting figure but he is not a centrist. He supports very draconian gun laws and no restrictions on abortion.
The terms "right", "left" and "centrist" are relative terms, and apply to the current balance of opinion in a country. They originated in the French Revolution, where the "progressives" (the revolutionaries) happened to sit on the left side of parliament, and the "conservatives" (the monarchists) happened to sit on the right. Starting a tradition which has continued to this day, where those who are wanting to change society sit on the left, and those who want to keep it the same or roll it back to what it was when they were children sit on the right. There is no such thing as a right-wing policy or a left-wing policy, because as societies change the policies supported by the "left" and the "right" change also. In practice, the "right" tends to support those policies that the "left" fought for 50 years ago, while the new left now wants a different set of policies and disagrees with the work of their forefathers.

So RFK is a "centrist" in that he is not a nutty communist like Harris, and he's not a true freedom lover or protector of life either. In relation to the present set of political opinions popular in the USA, he's somewhere in the middle, and therefore a "centrist". 20 years ago someone with RFK's opinions would have been called a leftist. But for today, he's a centrist. Because politics has shifted. If it keeps going on the same trajectory in another 20 years someone holding RFK's opinions will be considered right-wing.

I am obviously painting a picture with very broad strokes here, please don't debate it on little details, some details will obviously contradict it. But the overall picture is correct.
Great point. Guilty. Politics is my heroin. I am on my way to recovery, decision to rehabilitate was recent. I do miss the times when politics were boring. Hopefully I am not turning into a cynic.
There are a couple of subjects that seem to trigger the same kind of addictive fuelled responses here on the BF forum. If you need another fix, but want to stay out of politics, comment in one of the torah dispute threads! The rush will blow your mind. ;)
I will trust elders of the country aka the deep state to make that decision for me. Populists on both side deserve each other.
What you are actually saying is that as long as the deep state is supporting Ukraine, you will sabotage their opposition.
Even if the US is being destroyed by the deep state.

I mean seriously, denigrating Trump because he has some association with a sinner makes sense to you?
Trump is also a sinner, possibly saved by grace. But he is the best bulwark that we apparently have against the people who are actively trying to turn this country into a third world dictatorship.
Btw; I’m fine with the idea of moving all political comments to a separate thread and just stating that this thread is to be a politics free zone.
So RFK is a "centrist" in that he is not a nutty communist like Harris, and he's not a true freedom lover or protector of life either. In relation to the present set of political opinions popular in the USA, he's somewhere in the middle, and therefore a "centrist". 20 years ago someone with RFK's opinions would have been called a leftist. But for today, he's a centrist. Because politics has shifted. If it keeps going on the same trajectory in another 20 years someone holding RFK's opinions will be considered right-wing.
I don't care about the labels, either. At the 'center' of a mob doing Evil is nothing to brag about. And more than one of RFK, Jr's anti-constitutional positions is enough to DQ him from the 'presidency'.

However, he is not a crazed axe-murdering, Zyklon-injecting mass murderer, either, which is why the CPUSA disowned him. And the fact that he was able to find some common ground with Trump on even some elements of 'liberty' and individual freedom to choose is refreshing, at least.

And it certainly changes the "election rigging landscape..

I've heard Martin Armstrong make the case for him as a choice for Attorney General, where he could go indict genocidal traitors. That would be fun to see.

What I'm expecting, however, is Butler, but with nukes next time.
I really and truly do not understand why the British are submitting to the tyranny of their government.

I can answer that question pretty easily but will reserve it for a private conversation.
RFK is an interesting figure but he is not a centrist. He supports very draconian gun laws and no restrictions on abortion.

I would have called it a nigh on a prescription for him.
To my mind, the guy has some many good aspects but seemingly so heavily counter weighted by negative ludicrous ideas that I am surprised he hasn't been launched in the air like an acrobat at a circus