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Easier by far: Observe how many TLAs ("Three-Letter Agencies") are UTTERLY un-constitutional.

Hint: If the last letter is A - it's a lead-pipe cinch. Same if there's a vowel in there...
The fat acceptance community is a cult.
It’s part of the Oppression Olympics.
The fat acceptance community is a cult.
It’s part of the Oppression Olympics.
Big surprise, I would go further.

"They" (Dunt dunt duuuuuuuh...it's a musical flourish, work with me here) want you fat, sick and controlled. Lack of social cohesion is a wedge and a weapon to make sure that we...the resource cows...keep producing.

And now I will be kind enough to not go off on the ideological origins of the global big food industry as well as their hand in muppet's butt relationship with regulatory agencies the world over.
But that is just for now...you get out of line and I will start long posting.
Looking at whole forum...you just watch yourself. I will turn this car around etc.
If family discord is issue, maybe it's this:

View attachment 7922
I have noticed that as well on several occasions.

A girl that turned out to never be an option but who had a mind I was really quite attracted to managed to bring it up 3-4 times in conversations that ranged from politics to history to anthropology to fiction recommendations. Struck me as odd. I know everyone has their sore spots but it was not a relationship where anything to do with sexual characteristics were really part of the conversations. I have no clue how she was endowed and was not nathered one way or the other as my attraction was for entirely different reasons but apparently something in here past put it on her mind in a big way.
Thinking on it in middle and high-school the girls with the larger boobs were bitterly called sluts by other birds even if thos girls walked around hunched shoulders and books across their chests
Thinking on it in middle and high-school the girls with the larger boobs were bitterly called sluts by other birds even if thos girls walked around hunched shoulders and books across their chests
Very interesting. One of my wives told me she observed this very same thing in her high-school years.
And put Kamala Harris in charge?

"Heels-in-the-Air Harris" will no more be 'in charge' than the Senile Marionette-in-Chief has been for the last three years.

And the Really Big Problem the DNC has, at least since the 'debate,' was that even the Useful Idiots finally figured it out.