Full disclosure: I'm a third year International Law major and "American Law 1 & 2" are 4 credit hours each during year 2, so I can assure you I have indeed read, studied, analyzed, critiqued, and compared your founding documents more thoroughly than most Americans have.
Sadly, that's not saying as much as you might suspect.
RE: Unconstitutional 'Three-Letter Agencies':
I'm going to put aside your sneering and condescending tone for a minute and ask "what evidence do you have to support this accusation?" Because I hear this repeated ad nauseum and have never seen it backed up with any conclusive facts other than sensationalism from pundits like Tucker Carlson.
I'm honestly not sure what "this" that gets repeated ad nauseum is supposed to mean. But here are some facts:
- Article I, Section 8 enumerates the specific powers DELEGATED to the 'central government' from its creator, the several States. "ALL legislative power..." is vested not in the (Article II) executive, but in Congress, and there is NO legitimate authority for almost any (DEA, FBI, FDA, ad nauseum) to even exist, much less usurp powers they do not have. And the ATF is a special case, even among the illegitimate: their very raison d'etre is to infringe that which "shall not be infringed." They literally swear an oath to a document which they violate by drawing a paycheck. How's that for being "subject to the governing authorities"?
And therein lies the rub. And why you must understand (and should know) that the word "democracy" does not appear - in ANY FORM - in either the Declaration, the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. Indeed, the purpose of the Bill of Rights (which, history will note, was mandated by holdout states; without it, there would have BEEN no ratification) is to explicitly limit, beyond even those otherwise enumerated, the power of said central government.
It doesn't matter if 99% of the populace 'votes' to take your arms, remove your God-given, but Constitutionally-PROTECTED Rights to speech, assembly, worship of God, Trial by Jury (ha!) -- they do NOT have the authority to do so! That goes for theft and murder, too. But ALL of them are now being done with impunity by an unelected, usurping pretend-goverment that is no longer "bound by the chains of the Constitution."
There is much more. But I hope you at least recognize that some of us rural
redneck 'Muricans know far more about our history and founding documents that the WaPo, CNN, or MSNBC. As for 'law schools' - a friend who was an attorney for the DOJ told me years ago that he knew of NO major law school in the United States, even then, that required so much a single class in Constitutional Law as a prerequisite for graduation with a law degree. I know of none since. Please tell me differently.
Finally, let's briefly address this:
[Those documents] ...state that you, the people, CHOOSE the sovereigns...
They are not sovereign enough to be 'above the law'. The concept was a nation of "laws, not of men."
Your government charter (the Constitution) and the documents which led up to it, guarantee the People's right to choose who makes the laws, not to simply ignore those laws whenever you wish
You should understand the legal definition, then, of the word '
law'. And what is NOT:
See 16 Amjur Sec. 177: In part,
"...an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law,
is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose;
... the general principles follow that it imposes no duties,
confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no
protection, and justifies no acts performed under it..."
On this, however, we seem to agree:
Like most of the world, I do admire America, at least what it used to be.
But I do not believe that AmeriKa-with-a-K can now be saved, because it appears that time has long passed.