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GOP senator finds spine:

Miracle or not?

I'll go with 'miracle' because most of the GOPee are spineless.
Okay, so here's an excerpt from my current blog post:

In the past I know I've mentioned to people that we get stray dogs and cats on the ranch a few times a year. Idiots will abandon their animals thinking that "the country" is a nice place for their uncontrollable or unwanted cat or dog.

These abandoned pets will sometimes come onto the ranch. If the cats get along with our barn cats and can fit in then they get to stay. If they fight with our cats then our cats come first.

The dogs don't usually make it to the house before something gets to them. Mountain lions, wolves, coyotes, and even eagles like to eat dogs and it is very unpleasant to see the aftermath.

When we ran cattle we had to shoot too many dogs who thought that chasing cattle was fun. The cattle would get injured and sometimes have to be put down and that cost us money because that was beef that didn't get sold. So our cattle came first.

When we started running bison was when we noticed that it seemed the Golden Retrievers were the worst for trying to chase these animals. Bison are not cattle! If they run away from you it's usually because they're picking up speed to turn around and attack. Silly stupid dogs would get run down and sometimes horribly pounded before we'd find them and put them down.

We are not going to run up vet bills on someone else's animals and taking them to a humane shelter isn't going to work either because that involves trapping the animal and taking a day to drive to the shelter and drop it off and then drive back.

So what made me write all of this?

I'm out this morning feeding the hogs and this teeny-tiny dog is shivering like crazy and comes up to me practically begging to be held. I picked it up and took it inside and fed it and got it warm. We will probably keep it. It's a teacup Chihuahua and not hardly a ranch dog and clearly someone's pet.

Last night was maybe 25F and this poor thing was out at least overnight and maybe a few nights. We're a good ten miles from the highway over some mountains and that's what this little dog had to cross to get here.

Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for the other dogs that we see here but this one is so small and defenseless that it just seems so damned wrong that someone would let it go in the wilderness either on purpose or by negligence.
He's smaller than most of my chickens!!!

The girls have adopted him. He's had a bath, he's been fed, and he's getting very spoiled. He seems to have a nice enough personality but the shivering thing seems to be what he does even if he's warm. It makes me anxious.
He's smaller than most of my chickens!!!

The girls have adopted him. He's had a bath, he's been fed, and he's getting very spoiled. He seems to have a nice enough personality but the shivering thing seems to be what he does even if he's warm. It makes me anxious.
Little dogs do that. Little terriers will do it too. And some of them run around and lift up one of their front legs all the time like it's hurt, but it's not. Something weird in their DNA.
Little dogs do that. Little terriers will do it too. And some of them run around and lift up one of their front legs all the time like it's hurt, but it's not. Something weird in their DNA.
Or is it play on our compassion.

I saw video of dog walking on three legs with one hurt leg walking toward human. After he got food hurt leg was suddenly functional again. 🤔
Strange protesting 🤔

Gonna need a colostomy scope to find them.

If their significant other allowed them custody.
Crazy. Wolves are protected till somebody important is hurt:

🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 world

I've never understood why liberals love wolves so much. They're predators and opportunists and the worst part is they're smart and they can plan and work together to take down prey. And the wolves are pretty nasty too!

My personal policy is if I see them and they're just passing through then I ignore them. But if they stop and look at the kids or our critters then I get out my precision .308 and if they're still there when I get a bead on them then that's too bad.

Steve just shoots them.
I've never understood why liberals love wolves so much. They're predators and opportunists and the worst part is they're smart and they can plan and work together to take down prey. And the wolves are pretty nasty too!

My personal policy is if I see them and they're just passing through then I ignore them. But if they stop and look at the kids or our critters then I get out my precision .308 and if they're still there when I get a bead on them then that's too bad.

Steve just shoots them.
Because Mother Nature.