Focus on Love. To Love we must understand Love’s opposite is not hatred, anger, etc; but fear is. Hatred and the likes are only attributes of fear. Love has been the key to living with this tragedy. Fear is a liar to all that He is!Guys, my wife is really battling here, I'm struggling to stay strong and not give in to fear as well. Please pray for the safety of our marriages and protection agaisnt thoughts from the enemy to steal kill and destroy. For God to give her the desire and purpose to not give up!
My dear brother and especially sister, my husband, Curtis Gerhart, has posted his prayers in his reply/comment to you and I completely agree with what he says but would like to add from a mom’s perspective: I still fall apart - it has been months and I still fall apart from my son passing on. Those words “passing on” afford some comfort to me as they remind me that our children are just a little further up the road from us and we will catch up to them some day. My battle cry has been “God’s Grace and Mercy!” We have no idea what God’s plan may be but can only trust in His mercy. It seems that He has taken our children in (what seems to us), an untimely manner. Many, many times I have struggled to keep His Mercy foremost in my mind when the grief becomes too much to bear. We never will “get over” this loss, but we Will get through it. My heartfelt prayers are with you.Guys, my wife is really battling here, I'm struggling to stay strong and not give in to fear as well. Please pray for the safety of our marriages and protection agaisnt thoughts from the enemy to steal kill and destroy. For God to give her the desire and purpose to not give up!