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Patrick from Ireland, looking for wise men to walk with

Welcome !
That's a very good point.

First mention is a weak argument. I usually point out that in the first mention of siblings in scripture one murders the other. So if they stick to first mention for making plural marriage a sin they have to also admit that parents having more than one child is also sinful.
Nevermind the ones who cite problem plural families as if plural was the issue. The first monogamists produced a murderer. Noah has Ham. Don't even bring up the Jacob and Esau deal still visible today... problem is not the type if family structure, it is the sin in all of us.
That's a very good point.

First mention is a weak argument. I usually point out that in the first mention of siblings in scripture one murders the other. So if they stick to first mention for making plural marriage a sin they have to also admit that parents having more than one child is also sinful.
In addition @Mage, that murder took place under a monogamous marriage. Kind of ironic.
In addition @Mage, that murder took place under a monogamous marriage. Kind of ironic.
Polygyny only scales up and increases the size of the family. Moral polygynists could of course raise moral children. (Like Samuel the prophet)
Gideon had a bad apple among his seventy sons. That son's crimes against his family make Cain's sin pale in comparison. Most Christians don't talk about that though. It might bring up that icky kind of family structure that gave us the 12 tribes of Israel. (Insert eye roll)
Hello Patrick and welcome to Biblical Families!
My husband and I were living in Ireland a few years before you moved there. We're from New Zealand and returned home here. We lived in Wexford, and I quite enjoyed it. The people were interesting, most were Catholic and seemed to think that religion was an inherited thing, not something someone chose. We went to a non-denominational church, though closer to baptist than anything. Interestingly there were people in that church that had problems because they didn't believe in praying to Mary. There were family members that thought they couldn't be saved if they didn't pray the rosary etc. They had quite a difficult time.
When you travel the narrow path you lose more and more people along the way. Not in through rejecting them, but though their own choices and love of division. The narrow way is hard, but rewarding, and we will always have a guiding light on the path.
We are non-denominational Bible believers, but generally go to fundamental, independent Baptist churches,

I look forward to getting to know you. I was raised Independent Baptist and attended only them up until a couple of months ago. I am also recently recovering from the KJV only “dilution” both of those things were very hard for me to swallow after 37 years... oh and by the way you can totally prove that poly is biblical from the kjv I came to this conclusion using only that...
Welcome aboard, Patrick! Texas here (again). Glad you're here!
The discussions are from biblical marriage to what kind of oils to use for this or that. (Usually ladies on the latter subject)
My brother used lavender oil to heal his tongue after an infection: it had prevented him from eating even soft food for almost a week, and after he started using the oil it healed in less than two days. Oils are amazing (though they can be somewhat dangerous too).
Of course; it is my native language... :)
What have you learned so far?
It is hard to tell; since it's Germanic I recognize a lot of the words. I know a little more of Afrikaans, since we have some people from South Africa at our church. Actually there is about as many languages at our church as there are families: over twenty-five languages. Very fun for me!
Interestingly there were people in that church that had problems because they didn't believe in praying to Mary. There were family members that thought they couldn't be saved if they didn't pray the rosary etc. They had quite a difficult time.
Doing pro-life work we often encountered things like: "First we need your prayers. I can't think of anyone better than St. Michael the Archangel to direct your prayers to." (from an email). Recently some friends of ours went back the Catholic "church" because they wanted someone to tell them what to believe. Our neighbour used to be Catholic but he became disillusioned: now he prays to his dead mother (not such a large leap I suppose).
I am also recently recovering from the KJV only “dilution” both of those things were very hard for me to swallow after 37 years... oh and by the way you can totally prove that poly is biblical from the kjv I came to this conclusion using only that...
I did as well. But I also found how it was slanted against polygyny when I still thought it was perfect. I was racking my brain trying to see how they could be excused. In the end it was other more serious things that were the reason I changed my mind though. Here is an article I did on the subject, and the previous article is about translation in general.
Doing pro-life work we often encountered things like: "First we need your prayers. I can't think of anyone better than St. Michael the Archangel to direct your prayers to." (from an email). Recently some friends of ours went back the Catholic "church" because they wanted someone to tell them what to believe. Our neighbour used to be Catholic but he became disillusioned: now he prays to his dead mother (not such a large leap I suppose).
It's odd isn't it? My husband was given a little angel to put in his wallet so he would get more money, and the people were very superstitious, crossing themselves when walking past graveyards etc. There were shrines to Mary everywhere. I know Catholics here in NZ and they're not nearly as superstitious as those in Ireland.
It's odd isn't it? My husband was given a little angel to put in his wallet so he would get more money, and the people were very superstitious, crossing themselves when walking past graveyards etc. There were shrines to Mary everywhere. I know Catholics here in NZ and they're not nearly as superstitious as those in Ireland.
The really great irony is that 'St. Patrick,' of Irish snake wrangling fame was essentially a Hebrew, very possibly of original Israelite stock. He kept Shabbat, the Feasts of Yah and ate clean... only 150 years later did the Catholics co-opt his legacy for their purposes.