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Men what do you hate about women?

in my opinion, confidence is such a two-edged sword. mostly i see presumption masquerading as confidence.

the apostle peter is a great example of a person who seemingly had more confidence than the others. some of it was presumption and yet when confidence was needed he denied his Lord.

this is true of men or women. us men are hard for our Lord to lead when our confidence is slightly awry, just as our wives do not follow leadership very well when their confidence gets in the way.

so yes, i believe that confidence is a good thing that can easily be a hindrance when leaned upon wrongly.
That's a tough one to answer, I'd say both confidence and unconfidence could be attractive, for different reasons and in different circumstances. You might need to be more specific.

I agree with Steve that confidence is generally a good thing. But there's also something attractive about a woman who lacks confidence and needs leadership, help and support.
Hah! I'll bite, too.

Confidence, and being smart enough to know that one needs leadership, help, and support are not mutually exclusive. Eg. an army sergeant.

For me, the line is drawn between being confidence and merely having attitude. Many folks project an air of confidence, or think they do, but attitude is all it is. I think Texans have a saying "All hat, no cattle".

True confidence occurs at the intersection of preparation, practice, clear knowledge of what one is to do and what others will be doing. Knowledge of limitations and strengths weigh in, as does acceptance of one's place within an organization and ability to fulfill that position.

Yes, confidence is VERY attractive. Its counterfeits are equally repugnant.

But let's take it one step further. Ayn Rand said that folks are attracted to members of the opposite sex who reflect their self-image. Thus, a truly confident man will be attracted to a woman who he views as truly and appropriately confident. Whereas a man who is merely putting up a front and knows it deep inside will be attracted to a woman who he sees as being a loser herself. In my experience, her observation does seem to be born out.
I like your interesting take on confidence everyone. I see it varies from one to the other. The reason I asked is because I continue to hear about how important confidence is. But also that our confidence comes from Christ. Thank you all.

I understand Folowing Him, that's unique.
Do you know what I HATE about women. Just as it is tough for men to fill our Godly role of Husband, it is tough for them to trust and obey. It is a perfect reflection of my failings in my relationship with my heavenly Father. Just as the Jewish people had an in and out of obedience relationship with God, so have I and I hate that I see it in my bride. So what do I hate about women, that in their failings God reminds me of my own.