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Men what do you hate about women?


Women are created for men, and I thought it would be nice to hear men respond to this post about what they dislike about women today.

Women we can learn greatly from responses.
They're SOOOooooo unfair! They always make us put the toilet seat down, but they never put it up! :o :roll: :lol:

No matter what real answer any man were to give to this thread's question, I suspect that he would be immediately misunderstood and labelled a misanthrope or worse. I'll be very surprised if anyone responds openly.

By way of illustration, I point to a recent post in the popular press, by a woman, pointing out her viewpoint that women have brought upon themselves men's alter-shyness. Without admitting to the level of male agreement, I noticed in the comments that any male who agreed was immediately attacked. Who needs that?

And therein may be one answer. Male perception is that when women say what they dislike about men, men try to change. But when men say what they dislike in women, they are immediately attacked.

I'm now very curious to see what response this post will receive ...
Without admitting to the level of male agreement, I noticed in the comments that any male who agreed was immediately attacked. Who needs that?

It doesn't matter what women have to say. All we need to know is the truth, and no disagreement, because men are so very real, we women need to keep quiet on this one, and really need to see the truth.
But when men say what they dislike in women, they are immediately attacked.
Male perception is that when women say what they dislike about men, men try to change.

SO VERY TRUE and so not right.
About the toilet seat Cecil because I hear about that so much everywhere, I dont ever tell my husband about the toilet seat. Maybe if we hear more men stand up for what they hate about some of the women today, many women would stand down.
sharonr said:
Maybe if we hear more men stand up for what they hate about some of the women today, many women would stand down.

Gosh hate is a pretty strong word isn't it? That's a bit off.

I don't go around dissing my husband in public or complaining about things that annoy me. Any problems I have with him I go to him about. I expect the same from him.

In regards to the toilet seat, ours stays down along with the lid as it's a sawdust toilet. Not something I want the kids to stick their hands in if we go into the bathroom :) .
Don't think hate is harsh. God hates the ways of many. The bible states what God hates about us. He hates pride. He hates lying.
I agree with Cecil, this thread seems on the wrong side of Kray-Z..... :shock:
They have loaded questions that they ask and no matter how you answer them even truthfully its always the wrong answer. And for this reason I am guessing that is why other men are having a hard time answering this question. And I would change the word hate to the word annoying cause if there is things you HATE about your wife why would you marry her anyway?

What ways do you hate about modern women?
Never mind the post, Men aren't responding, and I guess this post makes no sense.
Actually, I do believe that the men that responded told us many things that they don't like much about women. We are not fair. We expect them to change when we tell them what we don't like about them but if they say something that they don't like about us we "attack". They don't appreciate that we hold grudges and never forgive. They don't appreciate that we ask loaded questions and use the answers against them no matter what they say." Is that what anyone else got?

I have watched my own behavior over the past few years and found that there is a lot of truth to what they are saying. We expect our men to care about our feelings but do we really care about their feelings? Do we do as we ask them to do? I am not pointing fingers, but asking every woman who reads this thread to search inside herself and answer the question honestly and objectively. Lets examine our hearts objectively without justifying our actions because of their actions.

Women, lets be the women of God that God created us to be. We give forgiveness to our friends, children, parents, siblings and people we don't even know. Can we truly forgive our husbands when they make mistakes? Can we truly love them as Christ loves us? Christ didn't just tell the husbands to love their wives as He loved the church. He told us all to Love our neighbors as ourselves. Our husband is the closest neighbor we have. Are we treating him with the same love we give ourselves?

Just asking...

Yea, we have to start caring. Sweetlisa I totally agree with your post. We need to start listening to our men. Our husbands or whoever the closest one in our lives is. Listening to God speak through our husbands.
ah yes, I tend to agree with the men who have posted... it's a loaded question, kind of like playing Russian Roulette with a gun containing a cartridge in every chamber... :)

Two thing, hate is a strong word, and I personally try to reserve that for things deserving that label.
Second, I tend to think in terms of what I like and dislike.

I dislike providing an idea or advice only to have it completely ignored until it's suggested by another woman friend or some other authority figure. To restate it, Don't ask me for advice and then ignore it. I'm less likely to answer the next time around.

I'll leave it at that for now and am preparing to dive for cover. :) peace.
sharonr said:
Never mind the post, Men aren't responding, and I guess this post makes no sense.
So sorry, but I rest my case ... *sigh*
chris said:
I dislike providing an idea or advice only to have it completely ignored until it's suggested by another woman friend or some other authority figure.
Yup. Or worse ... like the guy next door. You then say, "I've been saying that for the last 3 months!" and in return get a blank stare! Or maybe, "Yeah, but he KNOWS!" Hunh? To say the exact same thing I did? Oh, GOODY! Chris, can I at least "intensely dislike"? :(
HERE's a fun variation ...
chris said:
I dislike providing an idea or advice only to have it completely ignored
Care to guess why men carefully just "provide an idea or advice"? Because if they should happen to make a decisive ruling, and wifey doesn't like it, they now have to deal with the defiant charge that they are abusing their authority! That's always a fun one. I can't COUNT the number of times I've given the right "advice", had it refused, consciously counted the cost (which was sometimes fairly high but only in money), and decided that family peace was worth it, so backed off, with the predictably expensive results.

In business, or any other organization, this wouldn't happen. But in the home? All too often.

Btw, why am I being this open? Haven't got much left to lose here. But imagine how many of us are agreeing, tho only in the depth of our hearts. The cost of being open has proven too high! So sorry!
Although the original post was poorly worded, the intent of this thread is clear- to find out what things men dislike about women, to help women understand the frustrations men face in life and be more understanding, possibly changing some things in their own lives as a result. SweetLissa has given a good summary of some of the male responses here.

I think one of the major differences that causes issues between men and women is that males tend to be a lot more pragmatic / mathematical / calm in their consideration of issues (looking at things from a third-person perspective), while women tend to be more emotional and jump to conclusions about how something might affect them personally (looking at things from a first-person perspective). This causes a man to be very guarded in what he says sometimes, as he cannot say everything that goes through his mind to a woman without running the risk of her taking the most "scary" possible conclusion, running through all the emotional implications of this in her mind, and getting very upset.

This is not something to dislike about either men or women, it is a good thing, and how God has made us. Men are more calculating because we need to be to be the head of a family. Women are more emotional so they can understand children and help personal relationships. Men and women complement each other well.

However, this is something that needs to be managed by both men and women. Usually this difference in how we think is managed mainly by the men - husbands can tend to consider controversial issues in private for a long time and try and come to a clear conclusion before daring to mention them to their wives, to avoid the women jumping to conclusions and getting upset for no reason. Even the men here discuss some issues in private to come to a conclusion, then will only post the conclusion in public, knowing the thinking process could be taken the wrong way by a woman. In a marriage, this sadly means the wife has less input into the thinking process, and wives can be very useful to discuss issues with as they can provide a valuable different perspective. If a wife is able to recognise that her husband may consider many different possibilities, some of which may be concerning, but there is no need to panic about them as only one will be decided on in the end (you might panic then sometimes of course!), then her husband would be free to be more open with her from the start. She would then have more opportunity to have input into his decisions at an earlier stage.
I think one of the major differences that causes issues between men and women is that males tend to be a lot more pragmatic / mathematical / calm in their consideration of issues (looking at things from a third-person perspective), while women tend to be more emotional and jump to conclusions about how something might affect them personally (looking at things from a first-person perspective)

My husband has told me recently that the makeup of a mans brain and women's brain has different thought processes. Like male and female brains are uniquely different. Interesting, may want to look into that more deeply. I think this is a great topic to discuss. Didn't word it correctly, but you know what I'm trying to say. Hate is a harsh word, but I think many men are tired of some of the characteristics already discussed that women tend to do. Many women of today's age, such as the whole women's movement, women are able to do as much as men now to a certain degree has all shown women's hearts, Kinda controversial but true. I want to know how to be a godly women and do everything right and not follow the modern examples I see in everyday life. The media, tv also shows the wrong idea of women also. I will continue to search out, and seek God fervently to be the godly women he wants me to be.
I just want the men to keep it true, thanks for sharing.