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Marital Covering

Men who treat their wife like their mommy or their roommate while failing to do the tough love steps to lead also fall into this trap. They're not a hedge of protection; more a picket fence. They look pretty and can (barely) keep kids in; but nothing dangerous out.

Nice analogy.

How do men treat their wife "like mommy"?

How do men treat their wife "like a roommate"?

Could you give some examples? I'm not being sarcastic--my brain is drawing a blank on what that would look like--sorry--not arguing the fact just searching for some scenarios of what would that look like?
Just a word of warning, be careful who and what you allow into covenant and under your covering. The Judge is at the door. James 5:9

Would you mind unpacking that? Here or elsewhere.

This thread has the potential to be life altering in so many ways to those of us who have a western culture “Christian” bias. From the perspective of Covering, there is so much to think about and so many questions to ponder just on that topic alone. .

I agree with all of this, though I'm not sure where to take the conversation from here. Feel free to hijack.

This concept of being accountable one day before The Judge is one of the reasons that I am convinced that part of a husbands role is to test those he is entrusted with....The addition of the Judge and an appointed time of accountability for the husband/father/steward of the home should initiate an entirely new perspective about who you are in the relationship and who each of us answer to.

So many men fail to fulfill the role of leadership in their marriage. But whether or not we want to fulfill it, whether or not our wives envisioned us in this role; God will hold us accountable to do it.

alluded to

I can read between the lines. I know many would have a hard time with it, maybe less so around here, but you are blessed for it!

Should this "testing" or proving process begin early in a relationship or be reserved for those only under covenant?

Depending on the nature of your dating/courting; before.
Exactly. The real shame will be when many of these women (like Eve) stand before the Judge and the man they hoped would cover them pulls an Adam. I think this is part of why God includes covenant breakers with this long list of sinners.
Romans 1:31&32
Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Verse 29-32 is a pretty good description of many of the women I've seen tear down their house. But I think you're also saying something about Adam too? Do you think a passive husband who doesn't provide that covering in the marriage will be treated as a covenant-breaker at the judgement?
Depending on the nature of your dating/courting; before.

Before covenant--right? Would it not be prudent to have some idea of how a potential wife would respond or relate to being tested or proven? Is this something that only her present covering (father, uncle as in Esther, etc.) should be dealing with?
Before covenant--right? Would it not be prudent to have some idea of how a potential wife would respond or relate to being tested or proven? Is this something that only her present covering (father, uncle as in Esther, etc.) should be dealing with?

From my own perspective (not that I have it right...), I think it is simply a matter of wisdom. I am honest and forthright about it when I do. It isnt to challenge them or create a competition or some kind of "prove yourself"... after all, Christ doesnt require us to prove ourselves worthy before He loves us. Rather, it is a practical training. So for instance, just the other day, the potential and I were talking about making plans for the upcoming week. She mentioned that she wanted to go out with some friends on Friday. I told her since that was the only day I have available it would be nice if she could reschedule. She hesitated, so I told her flat out "I have no right to require anything of you right now, Im just expressing how I feel. But for now, I think it is good to practice making me the priority", and she understood and agreed. Stuff like that. It shows me her character, and gets her used to how marriage life looks when the man is the head.
Before covenant--right? Would it not be prudent to have some idea of how a potential wife would respond or relate to being tested or proven? Is this something that only her present covering (father, uncle as in Esther, etc.) should be dealing with?

Yes, I'm saying it is prudent to test her before marriage to see if she is amiable to being so led AND being so led by YOU. Many women claim to want to be submissive; but its only a claim, feminism runs deep. And other women are more attracted to the idea of marriage than attracted to you personally. They may be leadable by others; but not so much by you.

Most fathers don't provide any covering at all. That would only be an issue in certain Christian subcultures and in that case I cannot say; too many variables. If the father cares enough to protect her daughter, then this is a worthy conversation to have with him!

Nice analogy.

How do men treat their wife "like mommy"?

How do men treat their wife "like a roommate"?

Could you give some examples? I'm not being sarcastic--my brain is drawing a blank on what that would look like--sorry--not arguing the fact just searching for some scenarios of what would that look like?

What I said...

Men who treat their wife like their mommy or their roommate while failing to do the tough love steps to lead also fall into this trap.

At face value what I'm describing is virtually all marriages. They may have an amicable, even wonderful relationship. But he isn't actively leading her to change and she doesn't have his vision and pleasing him as her first priority in life. He's not a strong leader and she's not submissive. If anything, their roles are reversed. Testing or changing a woman is going to take some tough love. But you're also asking something more specific than that...

I'm also by implication referring to two types of relationships which while not universal represent a scary number of marriages. Many of them the ostensibly good ones because they don't divorce, don't fight, and turn out functional children and you're unlikely to see this unless you're very close to one or the other and perceptive. I'll describe these to more directly answer your question. But don't get bogged down by them, they are but an extreme example of the more common. One or both parties in these may think it's a great marriage; but if you peak under the hood and analyze how it differs from the scriptural ideal there are serious issues.

Roommate - gets along great, but more friends than lovers. They live together. But there is not that sexual energy between them, bonding them. Nor is there that leadership. They exist as amiable equals rather than a woman being a helper to a man who guides, guards and molds her. In worst cases they almost lead separate lives; may even have separate friends and bank accounts. These worst cases are likely due to them coming to a separate peace after she refuses to submit to his leadership. Could be best friends or contentious friends. Going through the motions. If they divorce others might say, "we had no idea they seemed so happy, best friends". Key idea here is equals; he's not leading her.

Mommy - the passive man and a more dominant or matronly woman. She takes on the matronly/motherly role in his life. She might be older than him. She may be domineering but more likely subtly rules with passive aggressive tactics. This type of women is more likely to put down her man in public, talk about how slovenly he is, how she has to do things for him, and the like. She may be overprotective, smothering, or isolate him from hobbies/friends. From the mans direction this can show up as the Madonna-whore complex. He may have a hard time seeing her (or women generally) as a sexual being or have sexual hangups. You'll hear this man idealize his wife, call her Mom, be afraid of her or displeasing/upsetting her. He's more likely to be passive about decision making. Not a leader. Likely a passive or steady or servant type of man who fell into this roll; not the kind to have high expectations of a woman or willing to confront her. She may worry over him, be over protective of him; unlikely to be afraid of him at all. Some form of this marriage is often idealized by the church. Much less likely to end in divorce. More likely to be soul killing for the man.

Both of these types are often low or no sex; usually after a history of the wife avoiding/denying sex. How that happens varies with the type. In the second type she's less likely to stay sexy or get dolled up for him. In the first type if she does, it's not for him. One or both parties in either type may be heard to say, "We have a wonderful marriage, we just aren't that into sex anymore.".

These are both general types, not a hard and fast list you have to check every box to meet. Neither are these the only types of marriage where the man fails to be a covering. Just an example. Some form of the second is very common in the church and may seem like a great marriage or be held up as the ideal.

What is distinctively lacking in both of these is the self assured, in control man who takes an active leadership roll as head of his wife. In both the woman lives for herself and not her man. In the first she lives her separate outward focused life. In the second, she has an inward focused life; but she's fulfilling her mothering drive rather than his vision. In neither is she looking to him for her spiritual guidance but rather stands in judgement against him. Nor is he actively working to mold her.
Would you consider "the spiritual concept of coverings" to be the idea of leading a wife in Bible study and an understanding of Scripture? I'm not sure I'm comprehending what the guys are meaning when they're speaking of "a spiritual covering".

The relationship of a husband and wife in the frame of spiritual coverings is a strange thing. On one level the wife is a whole complete individual that has dreams and ideas and purpose in life, a partner, a helpmate, a comforter. On another level she is a spiritual daughter (for lack of a better word) in relationship to the husband to Christ. Not because of any worth status but because that's the way God structures families. And so pointing a wife to Christ includes, Bible study, trying to help show how God communicates, trying to help understand emotions that battle against her, trying to help find peace in a physical world. At the same time the husband has to constantly place himself in his relationship to God as the wife is to him. Spiritual covering is just the order of things to make a family relationship work under God.

These are some of the words I could put down, but the idea, like @Verifyveritas76 is saying, is just too big to fully understand unless one thinks deeply about it's purpose. It would take the contribution of the thoughts of others to get a better picture.

@rockfox 's description of negative wife roles above is a very good example of families that don't operate in spiritual covering arrangement.
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On July 21st Mary and I created a new covenant with each other and YHVH. It was our goal to be married in His sight and under His laws and direction. We replaced the civil, religious vows that were created in October of 20o1. This new covenant was a public wedding with friends and family in attendance as required to be valid.
Mary and I have studied it out and we agree to be married in Covenant with myself as the head of the family and her covering.
I am just so thankful that she is a G-d fearing and loving woman.
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I think that we can all agree that males and females have thoughts, feelings, and decision making processes that are different.
How did that happen?
Did YHWH specifically choose to cause them to think in the ways that they do?
Since He created us, He must have. But why? How?

What I believe:
YHWH has both masculine and feminine thinking within Himself.
He made Adam in His image, so Adam also had the full spectrum of emotions and thought processes.
When YHWH removed Eve from Adam, He wasn’t just removing a bone. He removed the feminine side of Adam.
This is why we are not whole as single people, we cannot be whole until we make the steps to become one. This goes way beyond just getting married, we must embrace the qualities and strengths of our other half. (And having more than one other half makes life exceedingly interesting)
Simplistically speaking, the protector covers the nurturer, but is incomplete without her. As @Cap most recently pointed out, it is simply a Spiritual principle put in place by the Almighty.
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The relationship of a husband and wife in the frame of spiritual coverings is a strange thing. On one level the wife is a whole complete individual that has dreams and ideas and purpose in life, a partner, a helpmate, a comforter. On another level she is a spiritual daughter (for lack of a better word) in relationship to the husband to Christ. Not because of any worth status but because that's the way God structures families. And so pointing a wife to Christ includes, Bible study, trying to help show how God communicates, trying to help understand emotions that battle against her, trying to help find peace in a physical world. At the same time the husband has to constantly place himself in his relationship to God as the wife is to him. Spiritual covering is just the order of things to make a family relationship work under God.

In other words, what God is asking of with the wife in relation to her husband is the same He expects of the husband in relation to God. This reminds me of an observation about submission. The Christian wife's submission of her will to the husband is but another instance of what she should have already done in dying to self and giving up her will to God. In this case, God directs that towards her husband as His representative to and steward of her. Not sure how to tie this back to covering though.

I am struck that this concept of spiritual covering gives greater import to symbol of 1 Cor 11.
When YHWH removed Eve from Adam, He wasn’t just removing a bone. He removed the feminine side of Adam.

That is a beautiful observation that gives greater meaning to 'coming together as one flesh' as well as to the Devil's desire to achieve the same via his own corrupt methods in the move to normalize trans-things.
In other words, what God is asking of with the wife in relation to her husband is the same He expects of the husband in relation to God. This reminds me of an observation about submission. The Christian wife's submission of her will to the husband is but another instance of what she should have already done in dying to self and giving up her will to God. In this case, God directs that towards her husband as His representative to and steward of her. Not sure how to tie this back to covering though.

I am struck that this concept of spiritual covering gives greater import to symbol of 1 Cor 11.

To me spiritual covering is order, the procession of things and responsiblity, both physically and spiritually. Even angels follow a procession. Everyone has a responsibility to someone above them.