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Meat Living in Marriage/Covenant or Fornication? - Real world situation/problem

However, if you've failed to convert her to your views prior to marrying her, or at least brought her a fair way down that road, that's a pretty strong indicator that she isn't receptive to it and is unlikely to change after marriage also.
I'll go (and have before ;) ) a step further...if she won't accept your headship on something that important, and you can't convince her...alarm bells might be ringing.
However, if you've failed to convert her to your views prior to marrying her, or at least brought her a fair way down that road, that's a pretty strong indicator that she isn't receptive to it and is unlikely to change after marriage also.
I have things in mind I'm to test for. Plus I hear more about unbelieving husbands than I do unbelieving wives. If man is a believer 9/10 she is or will be too. If she follows you and especially she's super into you highly likely she'll follow. When theres geneniue burning desire they will do almost anything for you undying loyalty. That's what you want anyways. The very few I seen where the wife isn't a believer but the husband is 9/10 she has no respect for him and she's the dominant one in the relationship. There seems to be a correlation. If she's not willing to follow you in that area it's likely she has other undesirable qualities anyways. Of course not always the case but mostly from what I've seen.
I'll go (and have before ;) ) a step further...if she won't accept your headship on something that important, and you can't convince her...alarm bells might be ringing.
The thing is if she's not accepting your headship in that area you're probably gonna find other red flags before you even get to that point anyways. They tend to go together if she follows you in everything else she'll follow you there too. When she's in love with you she'll please you, do whatever you want or say, learn to like your interests hobbies convictions etc. Women for the most part are followers. Whether it be society, their fathers, or their man. Generally it's gonna be one of those things. Very rarely do they use independent thinking and I'm not saying that as an insult but it's just the reality. It can be both a feature or a bug depending on the context.

If she doesn't follow you or try to please you she's not into you simple as that.
She can change. And, in many cases, "after marriage" - she may revert.

The primary point is that a woman who understands "real headship" and wants to walk before YHVH as an "etzer kenegdo" is truly more valuable than rubies.
She can change. And, in many cases, "after marriage" - she may revert.

The primary point is that a woman who understands "real headship" and wants to walk before YHVH as an "etzer kenegdo" is truly more valuable than rubies.
That's irrelevant cause a believing woman can change too. I've seen non believing women treat their men better than believing ones. Probably more. Believing or not believing women are still women. She has the capacity to act upon her nature just like anyone else.
That's irrelevant cause a believing woman can change too.
I never said they couldn't. But you miss the point. People are individuals; "your mileage may vary."

And if you miss obvious indicators, while the exception may prove important, you risk getting duped. Badly, even.
I never said they couldn't. But you miss the point. People are individuals; "your mileage may vary."

And if you miss obvious indicators, while the exception may prove important, you risk getting duped. Badly, even.
Well I kind of already addressed that and established that so not sure what your point is. You made it seems like that only believers won't change or won't be bad wives either but that's not true.