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Just Funny Memes

What is sad is that fattie, if she was willing to improve weight and alttitude, could invite herself and be welcomed into party.
Bad/mal nutrition breeds lots of bad outcomes including mental illnesses, pretty much all of the modern American diseases and I know when I was heavy that it took way more effort to have a good attitude.
Got no trouble with big girls as I know how to fix that aspect of health, the meme to me could have had a green hair with turf bangs and problem glasses and it meant the same thing to me. The angry unhappy friend who would rather shoot down her companions shot at a happy pair bond if she feels she won't have the same happiness chance. The spoiler
I heard a version of the above joke where the person needs to move across country so they join the local branch of Al Qaeda, learn how to build a truck bomb, the FBI informant buys him a box truck, and then he moves to Florida.
An English joke I recall along the same lines:

A man in a rough part of London has his house burglarized several times and the police do nothing about it. He responds by taking down his British flag and putting up a Palestinian flag.

One of his neighbors asks him why he put up a Palestinian flag because the police are now watching his house all day.

He says with a smile, "That's right." ;)