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Just Funny Memes

Whenever people say things like that it makes me think of one of those guys who try to be a one man band. Sure you can kind of keep several instruments kind of going, but why? You could have a skilled musician on each instrument and be a rockin’ band. Why settle for being passable when you could build something great?
"Kind of going" you're too kind lol. The world would absolutely crumble without men. They've literally built everything and continue to do so. We absolutely need them.

To answer your question, honestly, freedom... It's one of the reasons why I prefer to stay single and to do things on my own, even when it's not easy. The difference is I'm not delusional enough to think that wanting my freedom, means I'm
not the weaker vessel.

You're right though, it's not ideal and why take the difficult route? For some Facebook clout? And the praise of a few internet feminist?
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"Kind of going" you're too kind lol. The world would absolutely crumble without men. They've literally built everything and continue to do so. We absolutely need them.

To answer your question, honestly, freedom... It's one of the reasons why I prefer to stay single and to do things on my own, even when it's not easy. The difference is not being delusional enough to confuse being selfish and wanting your freedom as "independent" and equal to men.

You're right though, it's not ideal and why take the difficult route? For some Facebook clout? And the praise of a few internet feminist?

Man hatred and the outgrowth of it, woman hatred, is simply a tool of the enemy and therefore a tool of the elites, to pit us against each other. Instead of building giant families and defeating their antichrist plans, we’re kept busy hating each other and tearing each other down. Our mantra should be, men and women of the world UNITE!!
How much government help is involved in “I did it myself“?
This was on Facebook and meant to be serious :rolleyes:View attachment 7596
Not to be that guy but it is just laughable that it is posting via medium men designed, built and maintain, from a home men built about a lawnmower men built etc etc etc.
We are complementary. Not up for debate
The idea that one could do without the other is asinine.

I suspect that ostensible woman would not be too happy about the fact that woman are going to be signed up for the draft if the uniparty warmonger lunatics have their way.

Also trying to imagine a 2 year old staying put while a mower ran thst close to them. Calling bullshit