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Just Funny Memes

This is a strange choice for the memes page, but I have an interest in well crafted anti-Christian memes. Remember that memes are designed to clearly and succinctly convey a message. Anti-Christian memes tend to concisely explain why Christianity seems ridiculous. They reflect how the world actually thinks - people do look at us and think this way. Therefore they help us to understand the perspective of those whom we may be trying to reach with the Gospel. Usually they portray a caricatured, ridiculous version of the Gospel. So they're useful to ponder - why would someone think this way? How could we not give this impression, or counter it if we do give it?

And I must admit they can be funny also, if you aren't too sensitive.

So, having clarified why I'm posting this:
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In the same vein:
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Seriously, the Gospel truly can sound like that. It actually takes some thought to present it better.
While I understand what you’re saying, and that we should be all things to all men, I am also reminded of this passage.
1 Corinthians 1:18-19 KJV
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. [19] For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
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There seems to be a disturbing deficit on the meme side 🧐 with no dedicated thread for based memes.....So I had to derail something.....😇
Go for it. Based is just as much the vibe we should be looking for...not just funny. So get a fist full of good ones and go for a new thread. I will contribute naturally
What is all this newfangled teenager talk going on in here? Based? Out of where? Is someone playing hide and go seek? Who is on first base?
No I don't think I was clear. I'm asking what's based?