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I am not here to contribute on anything but to say that there is a cashier at the local convenience store who actually was given the name Jezebel at birth. Can you imagine any mother doing that to her child? I knew a woman in the 80's who had a child named Legion. I asked how that came about and she said that she had told her ex-husband she wanted a biblical name and that is what he came up with. I met the poor boy many years later at the Home Depot. How many people do you suppose have that name on their nametag. I met a girl in the DFW airport whose name was Zipporah.

Oh well, Just thought I would do something fluffy and fun.

maybe i am getting this, as in another post i said "i just dont get it", i explained that "my revelation" isnt someone elses, although often things i feel the Lord is showing me get confirmed by the Word & other's revelation of the Word

was talking with my wife this morning, about my duties as a husband to her, & how i havent been a "proper husband" for several years, i summed it up like this, any comments or rebukes are fine, forgive me again for not citing passages that i may miss if i refer to anything that needs it...this is reference to Isaiha 4:1 & "taking away reproach (disgrace)

was going back over my relationship to Christ as his bride vs hers & mine, explained that if I am properly "under Christ" I have a covering to approach God, because Jesus (my husband) has taken away my reproach

my marriage comittment to her (& her comittment to me) "takes away her 'reproach"", which in turn allows her to APROACH the Lord in the way that He intended, under my covering..I am not saying or interpreting that a woman cant approach God in prayer & He doesnt honor that, I am just saying I feel the Lord showed me a little understanding

I want to thank you guys for a great site & the friendship you have shown me, I am really learning some great stuff on where God would have me in my home!!



I agree. If you study the word reproach, it really implies an unprotected exposure to the works of the enemy, as if to say that he is able to lift their skirt and have access to their privates. The Hebrew word translated as reproach in this Isaiah 4:1 is...

2781. hP;r]j,
cherpa h, kher-paw; from 2778; contumely, disgrace, the pudenda: rebuke, reproach (-fully), shame.

(James Strong, New Strongs dictionary of Hebrew and Greek words [computer file], electronic ed., Logos Library System, (Nashville: Thomas Nelson) 1997, c1996.

Pudenda is the genital area.

I believe your revelation is accurate. Taking away the reproach of these women means providing spiritual cover and protection, especially during the upcoming great tribulation which is what the rest of the chapter is about, those who escape to the 'place of safety' in the wilderness, ('Zion'). I discuss these things in my book on perfection and teachings, especailly those on Revelation, 666, Babylon and the trouble that lies just ahead, etc. at http://www.perfectchristian.110mb.com.

Be blessed,

a couple of thoughts on our culture

1) there are an adequate number of males available but few real men for the women to choose from, so i totaly do not buy the war = few men arguement. are our girls just required to pick the least inadequate man that they can find among the unmaried? hey, there is a reason that no one in their right mind would marry them. men must lead their homes and it would be better (in my never-to-be-considered humble opinion) to marry a good leader and be third wife than to marry a wimp or abuser.

2) there are places in scripture that seem to indicate barreness as a reproach. how about lets talk about the CHOICE of barreness made by so many these days. it may be that women who had made the decision to be single and childless will see the reproach of their selfishness

i chose at a young age and after fathering 2 children to have a vasectomy. it cost us about $8000.00 to return my body to the way that it was made and remove that reproach
I think those are both good points, If you have any more to say about it I think #2 is a major family issue today that could probably be a topic of its own.

Welcome. I agree with what you say. There are far too few good men in the world, though there enough males to go around. That is why Isaiah 4:1 is already coming to pass. However, this does not negate the fact that the true fulfillment will be through war. This is the scriptural reality and not far away.

Consider the following...

Isaiah 4:1 (NLT) -

In that day few men will be left alive. Seven women will fight over each of them and say, “Let us all marry you! We will provide our own food and clothing. Only let us be called by your name so we won’t be mocked as old maids.”

II Esdras 16:18-34 -

The Horror of the Last Days
18 The beginning of sorrows, when there shall be much lamentation; the beginning of famine, when many shall perish; the beginning of wars, when the powers shall be terrified; the beginning of calamities, when all shall tremble. What shall they do, when the calamities come? 19 Famine and plague, tribulation and anguish are sent as scourges for the correction of humankind. 20 Yet for all this they will not turn from their iniquities, or ever be mindful of the scourges. 21 Indeed, provisions will be so cheap upon earth that people will imagine that peace is assured for them, and then calamities shall spring up on the earth—the sword, famine, and great confusion. 22 For many of those who live on the earth shall perish by famine; and those who survive the famine shall die by the sword. 23 And the dead shall be thrown out like dung, and there shall be no one to console them; for the earth shall be left desolate, and its cities shall be demolished. 24 No one shall be left to cultivate the earth or to sow it. 25 The trees shall bear fruit, but who will gather it? 26 The grapes shall ripen, but who will tread them? For in all places there shall be great solitude; 27 a person will long to see another human being, or even to hear a human voice. 28 For ten shall be left out of a city; and two, out of the field, those who have hidden themselves in thick groves and clefts in the rocks. 29 Just as in an olive orchard three or four olives may be left on every tree, 30 or just as, when a vineyard is gathered, some clusters may be left by those who search carefully through the vineyard, 31 so in those days three or four shall be left by those who search their houses with the sword. 32 The earth shall be left desolate, and its fields shall be plowed up, and its roads and all its paths shall bring forth thorns, because no sheep will go along them. 33 Virgins shall mourn because they have no bridegrooms; women shall mourn because they have no husbands; their daughters shall mourn, because they have no help. 34 Their bridegrooms shall be killed in war, and their husbands shall perish of famine.

Your observation of the lack of righteous men is contributing to God’s ability to bring about the firstfruits of Isaiah 4:1, which is the new thing that He is doing in the earth...

Isaiah 43:19 -

19 For I am about to do a brand-new thing. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness for my people to come home. I will create rivers for them in the desert!

Though the word reproach is controversial, the spiritual covering concept seems to fit best in Isaiah 4:1 based on the original Hebrew word. Not being able to have a husband to properly have children with, (in the order of God) would also fit into this spiritual covering concept. Therefore, you are correct.

Thanks for your testimony as well.

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray