[While I was writing the following post,
@Rachelle West, you posted your apology. I do humbly accept your apology. I had already posted what follows below and first deleted it with the thought that I should amend it to reflect your having apologized. However, in re-reading it, I discovered I only wanted to change a spelling error and insert a missing word in one sentence, because I believe this is a situation that warrants attention from all of us. Rachelle, I hope you will read this as an attempt to directly address what you wrote and how it can apply to any of us, rather than being only directed to you.]
" Again, I hear you, Rachelle, and, yes, I'm addressing you directly, because you are the one who chose to, as you labeled it, vent on this forum about your predicament. You will have to excuse me if my attempt to provide you support and comfort was inadequate or not what you were seeking. You have yourself read far more into what I wrote than what was actually there. It has nothing to do with anything related to your husband in particular but entirely in response to
what you wrote. You misunderstand me if you think I was asserting that your "husband is not doing his job as [your] husband in leading [you] right." Every one of us as men faces challenges with our women; some of those challenges we can take in stride; others represent new, daunting challenges,
and those challenges require of us if we're going to transcend them to the point of being the covering we're responsible for being for our women that we dig deeper within the wells of our soul to learn lessons we have never learned before. Your husband and I have some history, and, yes, that history includes some conflict (I would assert that all but the most superficial of relationships will inevitably include some conflict), but I can promise you that our history only provided a glancing-blow nuance to what I wrote. My words were at least 99% formulated in direct response to what
you chose to write, and I stand by them for the most part, because I believe my reactions were only reasonable given what
you wrote (you should re-read your post if you challenge that). You can chastise me for writing to you when all you wanted was supportive sister talk, but
you chose to vent in an
open forum, when you could have done so in a female-only venue. I didn't give you grief. I simply reminded you that you were not alone, when
you wrote that you had been put in touch with some people here and still felt like you were still alone in it all. Personally, I like being reminded that Yah has my back when I'm down-hearted or feeling sorry for myself or wondering if no one else understands what I'm going through, but I guess I need to further learn that the Golden Rule doesn't always apply. On the other hand, though, it's unfair on your part to expect the rest of us to read your mind. My intention was honorable and kind, and you repaid that by
playing the damsel in distress who along with her husband was supposedly unfairly attacked -- when the only substantive questioning of your husband's leadership was voiced by
you in
your post earlier today. You in fact implored other men to properly prepare their first wives better (by
your implication, than
your husband did) before taking a second wife.
"You compounded this unfair response to my message by choosing to attack me in a manner that was not only unrequested but hostile. Don't worry; I can take it, and if I couldn't I wouldn't post the narratives of my dating-site, etc., experiences on here; in fact, they are there for anyone to read, just as your post is on here for anyone to read, and we both should be prepared for honest, straightforward, direct and even critical responses to the things we voluntarily post in open forums -- but please don't attempt to justify equating me with your ex-husband by pulling an out-of-context post that describes something you clearly didn't read thoroughly out of another thread and dropping it down in distorted form into this one, because doing so smacks of attempting to change the subject on your part.
"After you first criticized my attempt to provide some assistance, you could have just noticed that I let you vent, while subtly pointing out that you had
not limited your request for responses from women only -- and you could have just let it go. Instead you doubled down. You're now going to have to decide if you're prepared to remain in this arena or limit yourself to the forum threads that are for ladies only. Please know this: I consider you entirely welcome here, or anywhere. For a long time, I've been looking forward to meeting your husband in person to shake his hand and have the opportunity to size each other up so we can let bygones be bygones. I have welcomed your introduction to this space and your participation in it. But one thing is certain: it is entirely unfair for
any woman to simultaneously expect to be treated as something delicate while expecting to be treated as having equal standing in the realm of difficult discourse. [Full disclosure: I recently had a conversation with a key person in this organization about the current state of the online forums; my opinion is very strongly along the lines of seeing the atmosphere as having improved greatly over the past couple years: the Torah-Keeper vs. Grace-Alone feuds are fewer and further between; and the feminism-is-the-death-of-modern-civilization, men-are-to-be-obeyed-no-matter-what voices have diminished greatly. His concern was that some women still feel like the only safe place for them is in the ladies-only section. My response to this was that, for many women that
is the only place they will feel safe, but that the only way to make every woman feel comfortable in the open forums would be to water them down to the point that nothing would ever be honestly discussed in any depth.] If you are uncomfortable with the fact that I have now responded in full to your insistence on attempting to invalidate me through ad hominem attacks, then you should probably not vent-post in forum threads where people you don't want to hear from are legitimately permitted to reply to you.
"And if you want to challenge me about my behavior in regard to the woman who performed an about-face by getting her supervisor to give me a warning, then please do so in the context of the
Intro III: My Former Online Dating Profile thread (
https://biblicalfamilies.org/forum/threads/intro-iii-my-former-online-dating-profile.15296/), but if you do you should be prepared to learn much more about what you misinterpreted the first time around.