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In general, should sister wives be of similar age?

Nikismom said:
I can't agree with this... we were NOT all created at the same time and we are NOT all the same age.
We maybe be created in G-d's image but we would be a dead and dying humanity if we were ALL created at the same time therefore making us the same age.

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." Genesis 1:26-27

Inside of that scripture you will find, that you and I and everyone (human) that has/will ever walk this planet was created on that day. We are all ancient.

Revgill87123 said:
If age ain't nothin but a number then why is Jeffs in prison? That whole age ain't nothin but a number mentallity that keeps polygyny from becoming legal cause they are worried that this is the way we think. A child doesn't have the wisdom of an adult (tho most think they do) Honestly out of every one for it here I do have a question. Who here is or was married to some one 20 yrs different from one wife to another? Most think cause I am only with Becky that I have no idea what I am talking about. You have to remember I was raised in a home with 6 mothers my mother being the third wife. My father (as I call him) also had many poly friends as well. So growing up I got the benefit of seeing what age difference really had to do with it. When Shelly was here on this earth she was my second wife and her and Beckys' age difference really did make a difference. Although I loved them both and they loved each other as sister wives there was still a lot of conflict and it was only around 10yrs difference. But now that Becky can finally talk about Shelly again she does say she felt more like a mother to Shelly not so much a sister cause Shelly had a lot of growing up to do. The whole age ain't nothing but a number is a nice thought it is only realistic for a few.
I believe that if a man prays for a wife to be an adult (not just in age) no matter the age of the women a union will run smoothly. Yes, we are all different in age, when it comes to spiritual matters, such as babes, young men and fathers (expressed in 1 John), but when a man marries adult women, there should be an ebb and flow. Also, the "age ain't nothing but a number mentality" is what keeps this world going round and round....if we didn't have it, then some of us would not be allowed to commune with others on a number of adventures. I speak from experience!
Maybe we men need to marry our women in "bunches." You know, a bunch of women age 60 +/- a couple or so years, a bunch of women age 35 +/- a couple or so years, etc.

That way, each wife would have one or more sister wives near her own age.

But don't overdo it. None of us should strive to emulate Solomon! :lol:
Age is what you make of it....

Every woman should be all ages: Spiritually WISE (elder), Mentally MATURE (middle), Actively LOVING (young)

Two out of three ain't bad, but if you've got one out of three or zero out of three you might have a problem with the 'age' of any one wife.
Beta said:
Age is what you make of it....

Every woman should be all ages: Spiritually WISE (elder), Mentally MATURE (middle), Actively LOVING (young)

Two out of three ain't bad, but if you've got one out of three or zero out of three you might have a problem with the 'age' of any one wife.
that is an awsome perspective.
Yes yes yes well said! My wife has always referred to herself as an "old soul". When she was young, she would rather stay home and read a good book than go dancing and drinking like most girls in her age group. She said she was always attracted to older men because of the lack of maturity of men her age.

It really is a matter of perspective to the age difference.

( On a side note, all of that age is no big deal thing quickly evaporated when we were led to the calling of polygyny based marriage. I asked her what age or requirements a new wife should have and she gave a simple answer...she had to own a Hoverround chair! I still tease her about that to this day!)
In my experience, age is not the most important issue. Less self and loving God more is way more important.
Yes we are all God's children and in a perfect world all women could be all ages and yes women on church bus trips get along....All this is or can be true, but the truth is that God made us all individuals, so in some cases, perhaps age differences may not matter and in some cases they might matter. A family, is a blend of personalities whether there be 1 wife or 10 wives plus any number of children. I think of it like putting together a recipe for a good cake...the ingredients need to meld together and that can take work. Age differences may or may not matter, through prayer and teamwork things can be overcome, peoples hearts and souls should be what matter more. I don't have any personal experience with this, I will say that despite the fact that I am very good friends with my 23 yr old daughter's friends I would have a hard time living with any of them as a sister wife and it isn't because I don't listen to the same music because in some instance I do, maybe its just because they do act immaturely...perhaps someone their age who was very mature would be different. I am 47 so I am in a gray age area I think. I have friends who are both much older and much younger than myself. I don't think of their ages they are just themselves. Honestly, I almost think this question can't specifically be answered, because it depends upon the people involved. So that was my useless, I really don't know for sure opinion. make note of this because any who have read my posts may see that I rarely am not definitive in my opinion. This may be a first!!!!!
lights12 said:
Yes we are all God's children and in a perfect world all women could be all ages and yes women on church bus trips get along....All this is or can be true, but the truth is that God made us all individuals, so in some cases, perhaps age differences may not matter and in some cases they might matter. A family, is a blend of personalities whether there be 1 wife or 10 wives plus any number of children. I think of it like putting together a recipe for a good cake...the ingredients need to meld together and that can take work. Age differences may or may not matter, through prayer and teamwork things can be overcome, peoples hearts and souls should be what matter more. I don't have any personal experience with this, I will say that despite the fact that I am very good friends with my 23 yr old daughter's friends I would have a hard time living with any of them as a sister wife and it isn't because I don't listen to the same music because in some instance I do, maybe its just because they do act immaturely...perhaps someone their age who was very mature would be different. I am 47 so I am in a gray age area I think. I have friends who are both much older and much younger than myself. I don't think of their ages they are just themselves. Honestly, I almost think this question can't specifically be answered, because it depends upon the people involved. So that was my useless, I really don't know for sure opinion. make note of this because any who have read my posts may see that I rarely am not definitive in my opinion. This may be a first!!!!!

I'm 43 and would agree with everything you said! Although, I guess ultimately my husband makes this decision of what age he'd have as a wife. I've prayed many times for him to gain wisdom from God on this matter, so hopefully, God listened to my prayer. :lol:
lights12 said:
in some cases, perhaps age differences may not matter and in some cases they might matter. A family, is a blend of personalities whether there be 1 wife or 10 wives plus any number of children. I think of it like putting together a recipe for a good cake...the ingredients need to meld together and that can take work. Age differences may or may not matter, through prayer and teamwork things can be overcome, peoples hearts and souls should be what matter more.

We are all individuals and our families will always reflect that. I know some women my own age that I wouldn't necessarily enjoy living with...so maybe it isn't the age of the person as much as their heart and personality (in that order) that truly matter. :)
I thought about this question for my potential family. I am in the older bracket, and truthfully if the man
wanted more children, he would have to go younger. I think it would be a chance to be the wise woman
Also the chance to mother a baby again. That would be wonderful. Whatever the Lord has for me.
Life is an adventure if you let it dede
Revgill87123 said:
...A child doesn't have the wisdom of an adult (tho most think they do) Honestly out of every one for it here I do have a question. Who here is or was married to some one 20 yrs different from one wife to another? ... When Shelly was here on this earth she was my second wife and her and Beckys' age difference really did make a difference. Although I loved them both and they loved each other as sister wives there was still a lot of conflict and it was only around 10yrs difference. But now that Becky can finally talk about Shelly again she does say she felt more like a mother to Shelly not so much a sister cause Shelly had a lot of growing up to do. The whole age ain't nothing but a number is a nice thought it is only realistic for a few.

Thanks Revgill87123 so much for putting this into perspective - close to my belief. My husband suggests that for the price of finding a virgin, he aims at very young age - a gap of 10+yrs. I don't find the reason why he would disregard the concerns above as wisely stated by you. Of course there always will be exceptions but imo this is like asking for trouble :-(
Age is an important difference. I wouldn't worry about it too much though. These kind of things have a way of working themselves out.
Maybe I have this all wrong. But through many years as a younger man. I often look for the older advice. I live in a retirement community. I count myself blessed because of it. When it comes to wisdom and advice, older and godly is first preference for me. If there is any wisdom in that point of view and decision. Then I say this, what about the wise young women who would wish to have blessing of mature advice from older women. Titus 2 seems to ring most true here. I am I am 30 now. And I know while those exiting high school I can find very immature and annoying. That does not discourage me from trying my best to impart wisdom and guidance to further them along the best of my ability. Maybe I'm completely off because they are not sister wives. But I would think there has to be some truth in correlation.