How valuable is a wife? Where we might be very slow to assign a price tag, a village in Africa has priced her at 8 cows. The current auction price for a cow is $1500 each. Do the math- In dollars she is $12000 but in earning potential from the hubs it's a bit different. If dude makes $12 per hour then she is worth half his earnings for the YEAR, payable up front. Imagine now if every guy had to ante up half his yearly income when he wanted his beloved to be in his life. It's a bit more than the cheezy "promise-rings" that the young men want to pawn off on them. Here's the point: Men, let's get our act together financially BEFORE we go after wifey (or #2). Here's an idea- we know that no one here in western life will pay father in law for her hand so where's the money to go? How about to the prospective wife as her introductory savings account so that if we bail on her "cuz she's got issues..." then she can start life over again? Don't be cheap- pay up.