• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Greetings from 901 (AKA Memphis)

Years ago while attending a program at Focus on the Family (which was enjoyable and overall beneficial), I heard a prominent speaker during a lunch session boast about how they were able to give counsel to Christians overseas with different cultural backgrounds. A middle aged man had written to them from an African country stating that he had recently become Christian but was married to two women. The speaker stated that there was nothing in the Bible on how to handle this situation, so they counseled the man to only choose one wife to have sex with, but allow the other to stay in the home since she would have been outcast in that culture. To keep this fairly wholesome, I’ll just say that moment was a real eye opener to just how foolish following tradition over scripture will make one. That very well may rank with some of the worst advice in the history of man.

Welcome! And I have to agree. That is some of the worst (and non-Biblical) counseling I have ever heard! :)

Glad you found us.
I love your intro where you said that you are a Young Earth Creationist! Oh, and I am a Baptist as well. My church hosted an Apologetics conference and invited Hugh Ross, and I had the opportunity to take him to task a bit during the first Q&A session, using an article from CMI, and their admission that the Speed of Light may actually be slowing down after all.
Out of curiosity, have you heard of Dr. Walt Brown, and the Hydroplate Theory?
Good morning, and welcome from Missouri.