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Even Jeremiah refers to Yah's polygamy

Looks, something way more bigger than this small theology difference is what doomed them.

These guys get two groups who called each others demon supporters to join together to exterminate them.

No way polynyny is reason for we must kill them all. At worst, they make unofficial high nobles harem official. Can't be such small societal change.

Only few things can cause desire for extermination: persistent physical threat, messianic spread of wholesale cultural change...and thats about that.
Oh you are quite right. They used the excuse of polygyny to kill them. But what the Protestants and Catholics hate is the teaching that we are saved by grace through faith (Luther recognized that) but that following acceptance of Jesus Christ by faith the believers were to be Baptized. AND THAT WAS EXACTLY WHAT THE PROTESTANTS AND THE CATHOLICS HATED. Believer's Baptism (taught in the scriptures) was anathema to Protestants and Catholics. Both those groups wanted to believe that sprinkling a baby had some impact on the salvation of the baby. Which, of course - is totally wrong. Baptists have always been hated by the protestants and Catholics because of that one BIG difference. But the fact that the Christians in Munster were also Polygynists gave them the excuse to exterminate them. If you were to talk to 99% of Baptists today (also taught a lifetime that Polygyny was wrong) they would probably have been in on the extermination FOR THAT REASON. Truth always hurts those who are determined to live in untruth. Hey, an example: My EX who is an adulteress is MORE ashamed that I(her former husband) is pro-polygyny than she is of what she did. My belief, according to her is a matter of absolute shame, more so than what she did. Yet what she did destroyed me. Baptism doesn't destroy anyone even when done wrongly for it is not a part of salvation - just being obedient.
Oh you are quite right. They used the excuse of polygyny to kill them. But what the Protestants and Catholics hate...
...is actually a lot of stuff. The Protesting Catholics have far more in common with the RCC than they like to admit. And that hate a lot of things that Scripture both permits, and even mandates.

Sadly, Martin Luther didn't do a true 180 degree turn (which is what the Hebrew word t'shuva, or the root 'shuv' means) - he did about a 75 degree swerve, but stayed on the same general track.
...is actually a lot of stuff. The Protesting Catholics have far more in common with the RCC than they like to admit. And that hate a lot of things that Scripture both permits, and even mandates.
Judge a tree by its fruit. If Protestants are "Sola Scriptura," then why are they not keeping Passover?

1 Corinthians 5:8
Therefore let us keep the (Passover) feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

Scripture clearly instructs gentiles turning to the Gospel to keep Passover. Also here:

Colossians 2:16-17
16 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a Feast Day or a new moon or sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ.

What did Yahushua (Jesus) the Messiah say?

John 5:46
For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me.

The Scriptures point to Yahushua the Messiah. Including his Feast Days:

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Roman Catholics believe they have the authority to add and take away from Scripture. Due to the keys handed to Peter, and continued through the Popes. Okay.... Protestants, of course, reject this authority. I also do not believe that the Catholics have the authority to change the Torah, because Yahushua the Messiah said so himself that it's easier for heaven and earth to pass. He didn't say until I hand the keys to Peter, and our Creator does nothing without revealing it to his Prophets first. Nowhere in Scripture is it written that the Torah will be done away with.

But the Catholics have their religious belief system, and they have their explanation as to why they can add and take away from Scripture. Protestants do not. So when the NT clearly says to keep the feast of Passover, then why are they keeping easter instead? That word "easter" doesn't even exist in the Scriptures. Bunnies and rabbits? Even the name easter itself is derived from ishtar. A pagan fertility goddess. Once again - the Catholics have an excuse (is it going to hold up on the Judgement seat - I'm not the judge), but what excuse do the Protestants have? Judge not - lest you be judged (Matthew 7:1).

That's just one example. Marriage/polygyny is another one. And the list goes on. So even though the majority of Protestants claim to be "Sola Scriptura," their fruit clearly shows that's not the case; because they're adding and taking away just like the Popes have done, and continue to do so. This is why there are so many denominations. The false teaching of the law being done away with - is a loophole for them to add and take away as they please. Hence, the many denominations.

It says in the Book of Revelation that the mother has daughters that walk in her ways. (Revelation 17:1 and 17:5).

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As with every group, there is much difference between the AnaBaptists - and I'm really not familiar with them to a great extent. But just by their name, they categorized themselves wrongly. AnaBaptist (those who baptized another time) - WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. No one immersed a baby. So they sprinkled the little tykes. THAT was not baptism, it was sprinkling. The Baptists baptized only one time, whether the new convert had been sprinkled, or had a little water dabbled on his/her head as an infant. They were smart enough to recognize that the AnaBaptists were giving credence to a mode of Baptism that was not Baptism at all.
While not relevant to this thread, there needs to be some correction. Anabaptists didn’t call themselves by that name originally. It was an insulting name given to them by others because they would baptize people after professing personal faith in Christ, even if they had already been “baptized” as infants. The anabaptists only recognized 1 baptism.
Judge a tree by its fruit. If Protestants are "Sola Scriptura," then why are they not keeping Passover?

1 Corinthians 5:8
Therefore let us keep the (Passover) feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

Scripture clearly instructs gentiles turning to the Gospel to keep Passover. Also here:

Colossians 2:16-17
16 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a Feast Day or a new moon or sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ.

What did Yahushua (Jesus) the Messiah say?

John 5:46
For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me.

The Scriptures point to Yahushua the Messiah. Including his Feast Days:

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Roman Catholics believe they have the authority to add and take away from Scripture. Due to the keys handed to Peter, and continued through the Popes. Okay.... Protestants, of course, reject this authority. I also do not believe that the Catholics have the authority to change the Torah, because Yahushua the Messiah said so himself that it's easier for heaven and earth to pass. He didn't say until I hand the keys to Peter, and our Creator does nothing without revealing it to his Prophets first. Nowhere in Scripture is it written that the Torah will be done away with.

But the Catholics have their religious belief system, and they have their explanation as to why they can add and take away from Scripture. Protestants do not. So when the NT clearly says to keep the feast of Passover, then why are they keeping easter instead? That word "easter" doesn't even exist in the Scriptures. Bunnies and rabbits? Even the name easter itself is derived from ishtar. A pagan fertility goddess. Once again - the Catholics have an excuse (is it going to hold up on the Judgement seat - I'm not the judge), but what excuse do the Protestants have? Judge not - lest you be judged (Matthew 7:1).

That's just one example. Marriage/polygyny is another one. And the list goes on. So even though the majority of Protestants claim to be "Sola Scriptura," their fruit clearly shows that's not the case; because they're adding and taking away just like the Popes have done, and continue to do so. This is why there are so many denominations. The false teaching of the law being done away with - is a loophole for them to add and take away as they please. Hence, the many denominations.

It says in the Book of Revelation that the mother has daughters that walk in her ways. (Revelation 17:1 and 17:5).

Yes! good stuff! The word of God is truth!