I had a long discussion about this with my wife earlier. There are some who will go on the offensive if you're not absolutely perfect in their eyes. Not interested. Moving on. Tried to join about ten years ago, had my ass handed to me because of something I said, left quickly after, thinking of doing the same now.
Now, what was it about your marriage that seemed to make you a concubine? You had no place. Your place was on your back. This is what I'm trying to do by writing and researching - trying to make that place. Concubinage is an ideal that has been lost to the centuries. You were not a wife, you were a toy. Sorry, but you were. It's a shame. Instead of a powerful family, yours was transient.
That sense of belonging, of having a job to do, of having responsibilities, of having authority... those were missing from what I see you wrote. Without those aspects, you don't have a place. With no place, then you're just hanging out, eating the food and getting your sex on. Lonely. I wouldn't stay ten minutes.
The way we are going to do it, is my wife and her sisterwife will sit down and all three of us negotiate. My household is not run on emotion, but on a solid foundation. We will set up jobs, responsibilities and areas of control. Assume I have two women, if a lady comes to me and says, "I don't want responsibility over anything, can I just help?" One lady we were talking to has already asked that - she didn't want responsibilities, she wanted to help one of the women. She was a first wife in a marriage, and didn't handle the responsibility well. To her, it was constant chaos.
You seem sweet. Stand up for yourself.