• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Could wives want a BH 4 their DH?

VERY well said.
The reason that God is male even though God is spirit is because Biblically speaking being male means more than simply having a penis. Men and women are designed to tell the gospel story of Christ and the Church or stated more generically the story of God and man. When we marry we are role playing these roles. Men assume the Christ role and women assume the Church role. In reality God is the man and we (the Church) are the women. Therefore God is never portrayed as female because he never takes the female role. The reality is Christ and the church. Our (temporary) sexes are a reflection of this spiritual reality. We are all reflections of God's image because we are all human beings of equal God given worth and value despite whatever role or position we find ourselves in in this life.
cnystrom said:
The reason that God is male even though God is spirit is because Biblically speaking being male means more than simply having a penis. Men and women are designed to tell the gospel story of Christ and the Church or stated more generically the story of God and man. When we marry we are role playing these roles. Men assume the Christ role and women assume the Church role. In reality God is the man and we (the Church) are the women. Therefore God is never portrayed as female because he never takes the female role. The reality is Christ and the church. Our (temporary) sexes are a reflection of this spiritual reality. We are all reflections of God's image because we are all human beings of equal God given worth and value despite whatever role or position we find ourselves in in this life.

This does not make any sense to me. Roleplaying is not "reality", it is a role one takes or is given and many people choose to break away from those roles very successfully therefore they are not innate, thus you can't call it a reflection of innate humanity but a reflection of Biblical norms.

Bels, this is a reality that God has designed for us. Role playing is technically correct but misleading as it makes it sound like a game, since that is what we'd usually describe with that term. He has created the relationship He has with the Church, and he has also given us an earthly relationship, marriage, that parallels this heavenly relationship.

The fact that many people choose not to follow the pattern God has established says nothing about whether that pattern exists or not. If you sit down to a posh 3-course meal, just because some people at your table might grab the wrong knife and fork for their entree doesn't change the fact that the restaurant set the cutlery carefully intending for you to use them in a particular order, designed to give you the best cutlery for each course. Likewise God has set us a perfect pattern, we can choose to follow it or to ignore it.
FollowingHim said:
Bels, this is a reality that God has designed for us.

'Us' makes it sound universal, however not everyone sees it that way, I would hold off of placing your beliefs at the centre of the world when the majority of the world doesn't see it that way, I know I don't.

Just in the same way as there are different place setting in different parts of the world.....I'd love to see you try to convince people in China that you can teach them how to eat properly.....we have a word for that, it is cultural imperialism, but keep on calling it truth if it comforts you.

Bels, this is a Christian website. We believe that God created the entire world - even those people who don't believe He did. And He established it for "us", the entire human race, in His way. This is what the Bible clearly teaches, and this is what I will state on this website without apology.

We believe His teachings ARE universal. You believe they are not. Tough cookies. This is not the place to debate whether Christianity is correct or not, if you wish to have that conversation I am quite willing to discuss that in private. This public website is to support Christians in their marriages, therefore the correctness of Christianity itself and the relevance of Christian teachings to the world is an underlying presumption of this entire website. I am not going to get distracted into debating this underlying presumption, there are other places for that debate. Further comments on this issue may be directed to me privately to allow the forum to remain focussed on supporting Christian marriage.
cnystrom said:
Our (temporary) sexes are a reflection of this spiritual reality.

I'm curious, where do you get the idea that our sex is temporary, especially since it is such a reflection? Humans were gendered before the Fall. What reason would their be to make the genderless after the Return.
Can someone explain please what's the difference in between sister wife and dear wife? I am not quite clear about the point of view of this two expressions implemented: eg is dear wife the preferred one for the husband or how is it meant here?
Bels: Don't want to get everyone's ire up here but can you share Bible verses supporting the idea that God is genderless? I'm aware it's commonly agreed angels are neuter/asexual in Christianity but I haven't heard it argued that God/Jesus/Holy Spirit are of similar composition? If God is masculine (or more bluntly, has a penis), what damage does that do to you? Like, do you feel less able to identify w/him?
Crossgeared Viking said:
...where do you get the idea that our sex is temporary, especially since it is such a reflection? Humans were gendered before the Fall. What reason would their be to make the genderless after the Return...
Good point. My understanding is it comes from Matthew 22:29-30 which says we'll be like angels (neuter). My personal belief (not Bible-supported) is that we'll retain our male-ness and female-ness in the way we remember things (on Earth) but the part of us which was heavily influenced by that (old) role will shrink in relative importance to the new role our new body has in its new heavenly surroundings. For example our old role was important and useful and God-honoring but doesn't define us any more. Something like a butterfly who doesn't dwell much on how good it felt to crawl as a caterpillar?

Note that spiritually, we're all sons anyway. I don't say this to detract from the male or female role God has given to each of us, I'm just saying spiritually our gender doesn't buy us much. "But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise." Galatians 3:25+
JustAGuy said:
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise." Galatians 3:25+
This verse does not mean that the difference between male and female has been eliminated, so we are all the same, but that despite our differences we are of equal value to Christ. it says there is neither slave nor free, but that didn't mean all slaves were to consider themselves free - on the contrary they are told elsewhere to submit to their human masters. Rather their free brethren were not to look down on them as they were slaves, but to consider them equal brothers in Christ - just with a different earthly vocation. There is neither Jew nor Greek didn't mean all racial differences suddenly disappeared - rather all were of equal worth. Same goes for men and women. The difference between men and women remains, including the fact that both have different roles in the church and family as taught elsewhere, but neither is to look down on the other as both are of equal worth.
amen Samuel

we are all sons
we are kings and priests
and yet we are the bride of Yeshua

neither confused nor temporary in our gender, but embracing it and our role in it while accepting the challenge to identify with the opposite gender also.

neither married nor given in marriage in heaven, but we will relate to each other out of the relationship that we built on earth. when I see my father, I will relate to him as my father. my relationship with my wives will still be much stronger than my relationship with other women, but I do not see my present responsibility and authority existing at that time.

ok, rant over ;)
JustAGuy said:
FollowingHim & Steve: I know you don't (and shouldn't) necessarily care per se, but I agree with you both. :-)
ah, but I do!
I am pathetically eager to be agreed with! :D

arguing with disagreeable people does get old. :cry:
dkg6free said:
Bell, arent all languages gendered ?

Not in the way you think.