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Concubines vs. Wives

amen brother................................
No offense, but I think what you posted is related differently than the article that chaplain posted. Social standing and servant-hood/slavery are two different things. There have even been cultures where some slaves at times had it better than actual free citizens of the culture. Status and class are two different things.

andrew said:
Third point (and actually most important): The word wife doesn't mean anything unless it describes a woman with a certain set of recognized and enforceable legal rights and social status. And we live in a monogamy-only culture: The state doesn't recognize more than one wife, and neither do most of the people you meet on the street. The end result is that in this culture, it would make more sense to think of extra-legal 'wives' as concubines than it does to think of them as wives. In fact, they aren't "wives" in the full and undiluted sense of the word, because they aren't recognized as such by the greater society, and saying it's so doesn't make it so. In fact, guys like Tom Green get on tv and talk about their "covenant wives" or "spiritual wives" or whatever and go to prison. So as much as we all dearly wish that we could see and feel and participate in a culture where multiple WIVES are recognized as such and given full rights and status, the truth of our culture is that that ain't the way it is. Legally and socially, anyone other than a lawful, ONLY wife is functionally a concubine: a woman living in a committed relationship with a man that doesn't have the full package of legal rights and status that go with "wifeness". You can call that "second class" or you can just call that the burden of living in a screwed up culture, but that's what we're up against.

I definately have to disagree with your third point as well. A wife is a woman who has taken a vow and made a covenant to a man in marriage. The "state" or "government" has nothing to do with the legitimacy of marriage even though they like to think they do. Marriage is a heaven ordained institution. Therefore any woman that is married is a wife. According to the article that Chaplain posted and considering the fact that we no longer have slaves/un-paid servants, I don't really see how any woman within the country of "America" could be considered as a concubine.

andrew said:
Second point: What if a culture (all hypothetical of course) replaced honest servanthood with a kind of pseudo-servanthood based on economic oppression? It would have the appearance of "freedom", because it would permit certain kinds of social freedom, and no "master" could compel any particular "servant" to do any particular task or live any particular way. Economically, though, the underclass would have no better prospects (and in some cases worse) than their historical predecessors. They just wouldn't think of themselves as "servants" (even though a widely used and understood concept would be that of the "wage slave".) At some level, women (at least women who value home and children) are going to ask serious questions about a prospective husband's ability to provide, and in the economy we live in, I can see how a woman would rather be the fourth wife of a man who could offer her real financial security than the only wife of a man of questionable means. It's a question of trading the abstract benefits associated with the title for the practical benefits associated with the reality of the situation.

I just had to laugh when I read your second point. I assume you were being sarcastic when you wrote about the "hypothetical" situation. I could very easily go on a rant along with what you wrote. I'm very conservative and don't like the direction that the government is going or the condition that the government and society is in.
Well, well... It's good to see this forum is still alive and running. It's been a while since I last visited. Are we now required to include a real photo of ourselves for membership? There may even be a few here who would recognize my mugshot if I put mine in. :::chuckles::: What a cerebral discussion! All this wives and concubines stuff — my, my. Well, I sorta thought that ALL WIVES were the servants of their husbands (the husband of course, being the least of servants.):lol: Please correct me if I am mistaken. You know how it is with Canadians... We have so many cultures in our country that it's really hard to know what is written in stone; but I like what the Duke has to say about it anyway and it's good to see a young fella exercising a little discernment concerning these things before stepping in to offer his personal P.O.V. — discretion being the better part of valour. If that's his mugshot it's no wonder the ladies are chasing him! :mrgreen:

There are some other things about Canada that I think differ considerably in the U.S.A. with respect to marriage. Up here, we have something called the "EQUIVALENCY TO MARRIED ACT". I find this little legal clause answers a good deal of our manifest taxation problems concerning various benefits, duties, parental rights, obligations etc. connected to marriage and families. The majority of Canadians no longer marry by writ of civil contract today anyway and CANADA recognizes COMMON LAW marriage as LAWFUL marriage from sea-to-shining sea. *
This is also likely one of the main reasons why most Canadians were in not really in much of an uproar over the "same-sex marriage" issue. From coast-to-coast in Canada same sexes may legally "marry" by writ of civil contract and I don't think this about to change soon; so I don't think it will be long before LEGALIZED BIGAMY by writ of CONTRACT will also be on the agenda. Up here, in CANADA, discrimination walks when money talks. Perhaps it is the same way in the good ole u.S.of A. If ya'll want to see change just do what the gays do: LOBBY, LOBBY, LOBBY!!!

Most Canadians merely view the writ as a piece of paper you sign if you have an abundance of wealth to protect and pre-nups are becoming commonplace when accompanied with the writ. Children born to parents outside of contractual marriage may still carry their father's last name as long as the father gives his legal consent.To be frank, marriage licenses are not so much for the COMMON MAN anymore. For the last twenty years I've been watching this approach to marriage in Canada grow stronger every year. Up here, in the west, we refer to a man's wife as his "wife" if she's living with him — not because she has his last name or because they signed a civil contract. Now that much I know for a fact. If she has his children and she lives with him it's pretty much written in stone: She is his wife. Admittedly, cultures vary from place to place but I know that this is how it is certainly regarded in western Canada. Perhaps in the east it might be different. Most folks are just fed-up with the contractual marriage thing these days in Canada. Most here "marry" for the sake of a WEDDING because they want to honor their spouses in the public eye. What CANADA really needs is more pastors willing to perform WEDDING CEREMONIES without the writ. I mean, who wants to cast in their lot alongside Sodomites and Catamites except Sodmites and Catamites?

Well, that's how I see it, anyway. GOD BLESS YOU ALL


03/02/08 * CORRECTION: There is no more Common-Law Marriage at the Federal level in Canada that is recognized as lawful marriage any longer. The new "same-sex" marriage laws changed all of this in 2007. Some of it has yet to trickle down to the provincial laws. I suppose 90% of the government registered churches of Canada owe the "same sex marriage" people a BIG NOTE OF GRATITUDE for this. It really makes little difference to me now, considering my realization that a secular certificate of marriage holds as much sanctification as the TP in my washroom. . . The Sodomites did a good job proving as much. *Tips hat*
Perhaps if we get enough Canucks here we can persuade an admin to change the postal code format so we can add our locations.

How Western are you? I'm from Skatch.
Tlaloc said:
Perhaps if we get enough Canucks here we can persuade an admin to change the postal code format so we can add our locations.

How Western are you? I'm from Skatch.

Alberta Rose country here. Land of the hard-core conservatives... Canada's Texas. Though I think I'm done voting PC. There has to be something wrong with a Prime Minister who doesn't care when Canadian citizens are bombed in another Country. I'm so sick of this war.
Ha, polyticks eh?

Yeah, PC has flaws, but if Layton got his hooks in the country it would be like BC ten years ago, he knows how to kill an economy if nothing else. Libs arnt good, I dont even have to mention the BQ...

I want to be party to the Christian Heritage Party, but the CHP's policies seem to personify the kind of Christianity that is the worst enemy of anyone here.

I guess well both just have to put ourselves on the ballets and run as independents, or better yet, the poly party of Canada! Betya we could get more votes than the marijuana party at least :)
:lol: MERCY ME! YOU BROUGHT TEARS TO MY EYES, I was laughing so hard.

LET'S DO IT! We need to find a nice, handsome young man... Someone who looks a bit like the Duke there... Set up a campaign commitee... He's got to be able to speak in that silver, Obama Nation, New-Speak tongue and think on his feet just as fast. . . A real baby kisser with a record of good deeds longer than a tapeworm on steriods. Then perhaps we'll stand a chance. . . Pro-Babies, Pro-Family, Pro-Healthcare... I know what Canada wants . . . Leave the speeches to me. I'll write them. . . Let's do something original ... I know... CHANGE! "CHANGE" will be our platform, and if we fail, well hey, we can always blame the people for not backing us to help us affect change. It's the perfect cop-out and the best game in town.

The Libertarian Poly Party of Canada! Now THAT word completes it.

You got it right on the money there. I'd do it too, but I need more experience, you're good to go having been through so much but I know I need more skills to be a politician, and need to be a lot closer to that perfection to be a polotico and not get corrupt. This year I am going to try to go before a Camp board and convince them to run the camp for free and invite anyone of any denomination to help and anyone at all to come. If that goes flies any higher than a lead balloon then perhaps I can be useful.

You've got the party lines right. Do you have any idea how much work it is to start a party? You seem to have looked into quite a bit of Canadian law. It might be a worthy project if any hope can be found in it.
Nathan7 said:
You have the correct technical understanding of OT Concubines (free vs not, children inherit vs not). But really, I think we have enough issues to grapple with, in restoring polygamy, that we should let this one go. Surely under the new covenant we recognize that all are "free" in Christ, and surely we want to provide a proper and full "spiritual inheritance" for all our children. IMO, we should leave concubinage in the past, and recognize that there should be no more "2nd class" wives under the new covenant - just as there are no "2nd class" believers, if they call upon the name of the Lord.
We might all be free in messiah, but every time I go to work, I'm reminded how much in bondage I am.
Might I also remind you that Paul recognised slavery in the new testament, and while I'm not a proponent of slavery as has been practiced, I might would consider slavery for myself. Biblical slavery where I sold myself basically for hire to cover debt.
Come to think of it, the bank owns me. And the IRS. :( :( :(
^_^ said:
Nathan7 said:
You have the correct technical understanding of OT Concubines (free vs not, children inherit vs not). But really, I think we have enough issues to grapple with, in restoring polygamy, that we should let this one go. Surely under the new covenant we recognize that all are "free" in Christ, and surely we want to provide a proper and full "spiritual inheritance" for all our children. IMO, we should leave concubinage in the past, and recognize that there should be no more "2nd class" wives under the new covenant - just as there are no "2nd class" believers, if they call upon the name of the Lord.
We might all be free in messiah, but every time I go to work, I'm reminded how much in bondage I am.
Might I also remind you that Paul recognised slavery in the new testament, and while I'm not a proponent of slavery as has been practiced, I might would consider slavery for myself. Biblical slavery where I sold myself basically for hire to cover debt.
Come to think of it, the bank owns me. And the IRS. :( :( :(

HEY ^_^ Check out the LIBERTY link I just put up. I'm beginning to think I have an idea of what a concubine is and I could be wrong but I think I might have considered an often overlooked factor. The word is so stretched out of shape I don't even know if there is much definition left to it. That appears to be the problem with many words in our language today. In some cases one definition is the antonym of another definition for the same word! Eg./ PIOUS. Now how does one work with that? Confusion is the Devil's game and the Devil plays into the Hand of GOD in the end... EVERY TIME.
from what i have gleaned along the way reading many different sources marriage was not the black and white issue that it is today.
a marriage is based on a covenant. the covenant defines the marriage. the covenant can be written in any way that the parties involved agree on. it can cover a bride-price and the disposition thereof. it can be a form of pre-nup spelling out the rights of inheritance and all of the concerns of the various parties. many times these were negotiated over extended periods of time with the yenta (matchmaker)

there were various levels and degrees of marriage, but it seemed to be legal standing as well as social. concubinage being a marriage of lesser degree with the children not always being heirs. Is 4:1 would be an example of a marriage in which it is agreed up front that the husband will not be required to fully support the applicant

Interesting information. Maybe you could start a post on what you have learned from your studies in this area, or expand here. I am interested in knowing more, since I have not looked at this much.

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray
please understand that i am not some kind of scholar on any of this, nor am i a writer. i do enjoy giving my opinion now and then though and will continue as time permits. my passion for some years has been to learn how to walk the walk in the way it should be walked.
that might be why it wasn't out of the ordinary in their thoughts for 7 women to bind themselves to 1 man while supplying their one food and raiment?
^_^ said:
that might be why it wasn't out of the ordinary in their thoughts for 7 women to bind themselves to 1 man while supplying their one food and raiment?

???????????? please forgive me but i do not understand your question.i could make assumptions but that may not be helpfull.

after thinking about your question for a while i realized that you may be asking if the jews would consider it not too far out of the realm of possibility that a man could marry 7 women in one swell foop. i would enjoy exploring that subject with you.
hi steve, I was referring to your earlier post, and just basically commenting that in todays society, at least the western one we live in, tends to view marriage the traditional 'christian' way. for instance, it's fairly 'normal' for the man to go work and the woman stays home and does the housework, or even if she does work outside the home, she still is expected to do most of the 'housework'. these are what most of us consider normal.

it's also considered normal to go to a state courthouse and ask permission from the state before getting married
it's pretty normal for marriage to involve only one man and one woman
it's normal for the couple to actually live together all the time, as in both in the same house

it would appear that back in the day, these might not have been 'normal' at all
for instance, with Abraham being a wanderer and sheepherder, how often was he at home with Sarah. after all, he had how many servants to look after, and how much territory did his flocks and herds need? ever think about it that's why Sarah didn't get pregnant so soon? Abraham was a busy guy

also, consider David, he was a wanderer and warrior, did he take his wives out when he was fleeing from Shaul? he married 2 while he was on the run, did they go with him everywhere? I don't know it says, but I suspect they were in a protected area, and helped supply David's army.

anyway, I could go on, but what I'm saying is this: I do think that what we consider normal now would have been considered 'odd' back in the day. They would have thought nothing of a man having 7 wives scattered about the territory he covered, it's us that think all the wives have to be under 1 roof, living as an abnormal but 'normal' family according to our perspective.

personally, I'd not have a problem having wives several hours apart, or even states if I had a traveling job.
i agree the the living possibilities in plural marriage are endless.
to me it comes down to what the goals of the relationships are.
i am an over-the-road truck driver. we are the ones that they pass bigamy laws against because of the abuses by men who have multiple fams all across the country. my wife (just one so far) and i refer to separated fams as multiple monogamy and it doesnt feel like anything we are drawn to. we have a vision of clan with multiple wives in a synergistic relationship doing home-based business. if we felt called to marry some across the country to provide headship and they needed to stay in that area we would not hesitate.
wow, lissa just posted on the fairness with..... and she nails what i feel about this