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Cecil's in the Emergency Room...

Cheated death again, thanks in no small part to all y'all's prayers.

I'm out. Sorta.

Gotta go back daily for an IV infusion thru a PICC line. And wound-care every coupla days.

A bit wobbly on my pins. Inclined to lie down again when I am supposed to be packing to move out of here.

BUT ... praising the Lord that He has brought me thus far safely.

Thank you all for your prayers, and please keep them up. I'm not out of the woods yet, though I see light.

Interestingly enough, there was a time during this stay when it seemed as though the devil was deliberately trying to kill me. And it seemed a near thing. I feel very, very lucky to be alive today.
Wow Cecil! After talking with you yesterday (I posted the last post after midnight last night), from what you said it didn't look like you would be out of there anytime soon considering the state you were in the night before. Is that also one of the reasons they put the PICC line in; that is, in order to administer outpatient IVs easier? Did it slip there minds to inform you of that? lol Obviously, changing back to the original medications they had you on helped! I'm glad you got out of there. I know being in the hospital (or nursing home for three months in my case) can be very, very depressing. I hope being freed is helping cheer you up and giving you the hope that soon you will be way out of the woods on this!

Give me a call, okay? I'm not sure which number to call now. Love you lots and lots!

In Him,

I am glad that the big growly tiger got freed again. I know its no fun to run to outpatient everyday but it beats being in the hospital 24 hours a day. :D
Well, guess what?

There seems to be an actual, real, spiritual battle going on over my health. Every time I lay hold of the promises of God for my healing, and tell the infirmity it HAS to go, I hear a voice say, "Oh YEAH? Watch THIS!", and something else goes haywire.

They let me out last Thursday, and my foot was looking really good. Figured we had it whipped, except to go in for the outpatient IVs of antibiotics thru the PICC line. The wound care figured the foot was doing so well that they wouldn't have to change the dressing for 4 days. (Monday. Yesterday.)

Yesterday, when they went to change it, the infection in my foot had gone flat out NUTS! Serious big mess. Doc took a look when they changed it this morning, and promptly gave orders to re-admit me to the hospital. I told him I had to return to my room and "get stuff". He agreed. So I got the computer hooked up and am posting this, but will be out of touch and back in the hospital for the next while, unless the Lord fulfills His promises and simply reaches down and heals me.

I urgently request your prayers for the latter. It seems to me that an awful lot of time that could and should be invested in ministry has and is being wasted messing about with this foot and it's infections.

Thank you for all the kind and caring comments, and your prayers so far, and for those yet to come.
Cecil, I am thinking and praying for you often. One day at a time...
This sounds very serious. Please follow all the doctors instructions and get well soon. I miss your posts that combine great insight with great fun. As always we remember you in our prayers.
Worship, me lad. Worship away. Very little annoys the bad boy like saints who choose to declare YHWH's faithfulness when they are pinned down in every regard.

Praying for you with love and in the Spirit, and expecting the Kingdom to inch forward, :)

Cecil, the Devil is scared, that's all. Illness is the only weapon he has left.

Out again as of yesterday to try the outpatient thang again. So far, so good. Sorta.

Am telling my body to line up with the Word of God, which says I AM healed. It is starting to respond.

Also worshiping, Ali. But the goal isn't to annoy the devil, but to drive all illness out via the power given us by Jesus, and to turn loose the HS in my body to quicken it and heal all wounds and deterioration. Am concentrating in those areas, as well as building up myself via praying in the Spirit.


Thank you for the continued prayer, everyone. :D

Have had 2 weeks of out-patient care, which I thought was going well.

Today, the Doc tells me that there's a new bug growing, and I need to be re-admitted as an inpatient for a heavier duty antibiotic every 8 hours.

There was also mention made of further operation upon the foot, thus making more wound to heal or pick up infections in the hospital, and perhaps the possibility of taking the foot off.

Brothers and sisters, I'm thinking of a comment by Curry Blake of John G Lake Ministries to the effect that Doctors' reports are written in hell, and another by Smith Wigglesworth to the effect that "it would be better to die believing than to live doubting."

Folks, I am rapidly reaching the point of accepting and acting upon these comments. I no longer have much faith in the medical profession's ability to fix things -- even wound care. I'm reaching a point where it is God or nothing.

Please continue to keep me in prayer as I earnestly seek God's direction. I do plan to go to the hospital for now, but don't know for how long.

This also means I will be off of the internet, but will still have my cell phone 706.968.3351.

Thank you. I love you all.
(((hugs))) Cecil, I am thinking of you.

Bels x
Cecil, sorry to hear You're having so much trouble with that foot. I read Your post on the 5th. As long as You're breathing there's hope, if properly acted upon. I can understand Your loss of confidence in the medical profession. The Creator condems them, same as Lawiers, and false Prophets, etc. I really don't want to be negative, but the truth is the truth. BUT, there is a bright side, there is hope for Your problem. I don't want You to think I'm trying to get in Your business, but I thought I should give You the message. As I have told others on BF a friend of Mine in Tennessee, is the best of the best when it comes to what makes the body tick. He makes the herbal medacine He uses, so there's no junk in it. I believe, if You call Him You would be glad You did. I also have no confidence in the medical profession. I make My own medacine, or get it from John. Don't wait too long. His nmame is John Warner, Warner's Natural Herbs, Crossville, Tennessee. His PH 1-800-998-2131. The Creator gave us the plants and minerals to use for food and medacine, and He gave a few of us the knowledge of how to use them.

my brother,
i understand a little bit of your dilemma.

what is trusting God?
what is trusting and relying on our faith?
when is it a legalistic trust in our own faith in God more than in God himself?
i surely do not know.
what i do know is that it is not a black-and-white issue. a good man once gave this analogy:
if i am walking along a picket fence and i brush my hand against it and pick up a splinter, do i hold it up in the air and claim healing, or do i pull out the splinter with my other hand? (a simple form of medical procedure)

that said, i completely sympathize with where you are at in that i feel that we give up too much of our responsibility to the medical community. and of course they take advantage of it and require god-like allegiance.

i am praying that His will be done in your life (and foot ;) )

May God arise and scatter His enemies.... all of 'em!

We love you, brah!

The Ts
We continue to pray for you here. I agree with Brian and Steve that these things are far from black & white. It is easy to over-spiritualise things, and hard to know where the line is between spiritual attack and general physical processes. My general approach to medicine is to avoid doctors when you're well, but use them when you're sick.

When you're well they tend to find (or cause...) things that are wrong with you - hence why we home birth for instance, birth is no medical disaster, just a natural part of life, hospitals tend to medicalise it and increase the likelihood of disasters though. Natural approaches are far better to maintain health or fix minor ailments.

However when a real problem is occurring, the medical profession do have the skills to do whatever possible to try and fix it. Usually they will cause other (usually smaller) problems along the way, and sometimes they may be completely unsuccessful. However once you're at this point, the critical concern is to fix whatever is seriously wrong, you can deal with any side-effects or long-term consequences later (even amputation if it comes to it). Natural remedies can again be used to fix the side-effects of whatever the doctors had to do to sort out the primary issue.

All that is very easy for me to say though when I'm not the one standing to potentially lose their foot...

God bless.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

At this point, I do not know what to say except that we shall see what we shall see.

And I will report the results as possible.

Love you all ...