This started off as a thread outlining whether there were benefits to licensing a wife (one only, of course...the Almighty State would let a man license a sheepdog at this point - but only one!).
I pointed out that nowhere in Scripture does ANY man of Yah ever, even once, do so, and that there are lots of reasons to simply be obedient to YHVH. Like He promises blessings.
It turns out, some knew this, there is NO requirement for including that 3rd party master in contract, whether you know about the "strings attached" or not. (Licensed 'clergy' have the same blindness.) I pointed out that the common law, for those who realize, a) that it still exists, and b) is actually consistent with Scripture, rather than antithetical. (Yes, that dates back to Roman civil law, prior to the UCC, but before that through every pagan tyranny on the planet, and Babylon.)
What surprised me more than the attitude that "the State will screw you don't try to fight it, much less worry about what the Creator might want" was the subtle mindset that leads there:
"How 'bout my TAX deduction?"
If I pay a corrupt regime that wants to neuter my kids, but only after they destroy their heart and immune system, so that they can do more of why already scares the crap outta me...will they just let me go and be a good little slave?
I hear people complain about rigged elections. Arresting an actually elected president for a non-crime for the REAL crime of having won an election. Starting WW 3. Destroying the food supply chain. Kicking off hyperinflation and the end of what was once the most productive economy in the history of the planet. And perverting education into indoctrination, control, and perversion.
But so many can't be bothered to take control of at least one thing they actually can do, in obedience to Him. (OK, there are others...but pork is more important than marriage, even...
Maybe I'll start a new thread. But I do have to ask:
"Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and NOT do the things I say." (Luke 6:46)
I have NEVER, not once, EVER, on this entire site advocated "lawlessness." But, it now "abounds." I seriously doubt anyone here could actually deny that with a straight face.
But when the "law" of what is clearly a police state (and those who claim that said state can "disregard" its law anyway can't honestly argue otherwise) is in DIRECT OPPOSITION to His Word, then what?
And don't think you can't smell it from here.