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I know what you mean about baptism meaning more when your an adult, but I'm so glad that my parents, although not regular church goers, sent me to confirmation classes. I mean after fourth grade you don't take "real life" things serious. I remember thinking about "fashion" and "boys" instead of how important God was in my life. Although my mind was in the clouds through two years of confirmation thinking about teenage stuff, I can still remember the Pastor showing us a movie about Christ's cruicifixion. During the movie I was trying to hide my tears, so my friends wouldn't see me cry. Then I couldn't wait to receive communion on confirmation day. So even a boy crazy, tough girl (at the time) like me got it. Unfortunately, that feeling didn't last. For most Lutherans you stop going to church between the ages of 14-25. Most of us come back when we have children. So obviously this gap protrays there is a problem that teaching has stopped somewhere down the line. This large gap in my church attendance and in His Word is why I wanted to be rebaptized. My years of wondering were long, and I needed to be brought back out of the wilderness (more like wildness). However, it was all because of the seeds that were planted at my infant baptism and confirmation, that I feel led me to where I'm at now. Praise God and my parents!