• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

a different kind of marriage...

Melanie said:
No...I'm not talking about "strays" either.

I'm really sad at the direction this thread has taken...

I am grieved that we have failed to answer your question, because I think it is a sincere one and one that is obviously troubling you.

I'm not sure if you guys realize but so many of you who already have one spouse are taking a totally different approach to finding a second (and subsequent) all of a sudden now that you have one wife already you can afford to be choosy. So many families have an unrealistic list of requirements and very little room to accept any faults in a potential wife.

I don’t know about the other men here, but I was choosy with all of my spouses. I was looking for helpmeets, not notches in my gun. (a bad metaphor, but all I could come up with on my first cup of coffee this morning). Perhaps you could be a little clearer in what you consider a fault? Appearance? Physical handicaps? I fail to see where that would be much of a bar in choosing a wife. But if she was an axe murder, I might be a tad wary.

However, instead of looking at this massive hurdle you expect potential wives to leap over many put down the fact that they haven't found anyone yet to "god's will" or that there just aren't any women out there.

Again, I am a little baffled. Most of the men I know, me included, put very few obstacles in the way of potential mates. One problem that I might have with future wives is the effect she has on my mates. A wife IS a covenanted relationship, and I desire a harmonious relationship with my family.

As an example, one potential mate had very strict religious views that really would not have worked well with our laid back lifestyle. So even though we all loved her, we had to pass on this particular one, even though we still maintain a very close relationship with her.

There are women out there with a very sincere desire to be married, who have useful skills and could be a real asset but they are often overlooked because they don't meet one of the more shallow conditions :roll:

I suspect that me and my wives would readily accept another woman as wife, and forego consummation if that was not a possibility because of damage or defect. But I would not bring someone into the family circle who was adverse to sex. So again, what shallow condition would be a bar to marrying into a patriarchal family?

So since the men aren't willing to compromise i thought maybe i could, if i was willing to keep some distance, forgo a romantic relationship (because it really DOESN'T matter in the long run, it's a very small price to pay) and accept a limited chance of children due to limited sexual opportunities. Not because I'm frigid or saintly attempting to sooth a first wives feelings... I'm just talking about getting a foot in the marital door here.

Again, Melanie, I am at sea here with your statement. What compromise are we talking about here? Most godly men with multiple wives that I have talked with strive mightily to make sure that all of his wives are treated fairly. Being human, it is impossible to be entirely even handed, but we do try. Why would you be excluded from children or romance?

[quote/]Men don't need to be married to serve god...but how can a woman serve without a husband? Yes i know we had feminism and "women are do'in it for themselves" but ...they shouldn't have to![/quote]

I assure you that women do NOT need to be married to serve God! I think that it is the natural drive of men and women to cleave to each other, but that shouldn’t have any effect on your personal relationship with Him.

Again, forgive me for being so dense. If you could flesh this idea of yours out a little more, perhaps we could come up with some real solutions.

~ rusty
I'm really sad at the direction this thread has taken...

I'm not sure if you guys realize but so many of you who already have one spouse are taking a totally different approach to finding a second (and subsequent) all of a sudden now that you have one wife already you can afford to be choosy. So many families have an unrealistic list of requirements and very little room to accept any faults in a potential wife.

I'm sorry that you're sorry about the direction, Melanie, but I will say that your questions and responses have been very interesting nevertheless, and have had a beneficial effect -- even if it's not what you initially intended. Perhaps we'll eventually get there. ;)

I did feel the need to respond to your observation that those with one wife "can afford to be choosy", however.

It occurs to me that the situation is really the OPPOSITE of what you suggest. (And that, perhaps, may even by part of why God has lead you to search his Word in this way as well.) Males who do NOT pay too much attention to what God says, but instead listen to their peers, TV, and 'the prince of this world' are often convinced that -- when it comes to MARRIAGE, as opposed to just satisfying their sexual desires -- that they must be EXTREMELY "choosy", since 'there can be only one'. Anything less than their own, increasingly and often unrealistic, picture of feminine perfection, is thus rejected.

Many become SO choosy that they simply never really choose at all, since we live in a society that makes it so easy to put 'em all away. The Covenant aspect of marriage is the first casualty.

In other words, if there's a marriage model that envisions a Playboy centerfold who can cook like a master chef, but never has a PMS moment, it probably arises from turning Monogamy into a form of idolatry: the Romantic Ideal.

I will suggest (and pray, as well) that those who begin to understand the Truth of God's plan in marriage would do the opposite. Realize that those who have FOUND a first wife, particularly one who is likewise willing to follow God and seek His will in their lives, have found a Very Good thing, There is no question that compatibility is important, however; a man with more than one wife must provide headship and love to all of his house.

There must still remain an important aspect of "choosiness" in finding a subsequent wife, however. Both that wife and her husband must understand that God is ultimately directing the choice.

Defects i am referring to are things like, lack of virginity, having a child without being married and in some cases thats even considered a deficit because i apparently have no legal divorce??? These sort of judgments are made without knowing any of the underlying circumstances..nothing about my life at all... people just assume.

Of course the distance is an issue.

I'm not just talking about myself, i am a member of an email list for women and i hear the same stuff from the first wives there. The division between the wives and single women is very obvious. I used to think that the first wives were placing such conditions on a potential wife because they really didn't want polygamy and were trying to make it as difficult as possible while dangling the possibility in front of their hubby's face...and i still believe that in some cases but guys have these conditions too.

Nearly every time i am approached by someone he starts off by checking off his list against me..and then I'm liable to get a lecture over what ever issue didn't meet his requirements. Mind you my relationship with God is never the problem it's always....in no particular order... looks- i guess you either really like redheads or you hate 'em there never seems to be a middle ground...i could dye it! Distance- despite the fact that I'm not glued to the continent it's sometimes a huge deal breaker because it's not convenient. Then there is my university subjects some folks find education offensive, some folks just don't like my major... then there is the fact that i might lack a skill or knowledge they need for whatever their business venture is and other assorted relatively minor issues.

It so often feels like a job interview that i gave up on romance..years ago! I'd blissfully settle for quiet respect and guidance it would be such a welcome change from feeling like a bit of cattle up for auction.
Melanie said:
Defects i am referring to are things like, lack of virginity, having a child without being married and in some cases thats even considered a deficit because i apparently have no legal divorce??? These sort of judgments are made without knowing any of the underlying circumstances..nothing about my life at all... people just assume.
<------------------------------------ snipped --------------------------------->
It so often feels like a job interview that i gave up on romance..years ago! I'd blissfully settle for quiet respect and guidance it would be such a welcome change from feeling like a bit of cattle up for auction.

OK Melanie ... I think I am getting the gist of it. Yeah, I suspect that if you are visiting a prospective family, it is like the interview from hell. I have not been on either side of that fence, other than to say my second wife was a divorcee and mother of four grown children, and had a considerable amount of financial baggage. But my first wife and I were friends with her for a long time before she was asked into the family, so we just took her in without any compunctions..

I should think that as the leader of the family that I would insist the prospective wife be treated with a great deal of courtesy being that she is in such an awkward circumstance. But other than that, I know of no easy solution. I think that a wise husband would be absolutely sure that all wives were on board with the prospective wife if his greatest desire is for a peaceful family. Both of my wives are gentle, loving souls, but they would look at a new arrival with a hard eye and I would be a very busy hubby in trying to make sure that they treated the potential wife with extra kindness and consideration.

In trying to put myself on your side of the fence I ask myself what could I do to facilitate the ordeal of family interviews. It is worse than going for a job interview. There is no such thing as an unstressful meeting. And if the wives are unfriendly, then you have to cut your losses and move on to the next family.

So in persuing this a little further, are you saying that you/they would accept a long distance relationship, away from the husband and wives if you/they had to?

Melanie said:
Defects i am referring to are things like, lack of virginity, having a child without being married and in some cases thats even considered a deficit because i apparently have no legal divorce??? These sort of judgments are made without knowing any of the underlying circumstances..nothing about my life at all... people just assume.

It does sound like you're describing an application for a "wife" position rather than a marriage covenant. I can understand how frustrating this whole process can be. I can't speak for other men obviously, but as for myself, I would have the same requirements for a second or third wife as I had for my first wife. No more, no less. That's not being picky, that's being selective. For example, virginity isn't a major issue for me, so long as she wasn't previously married. If she still had a living husband, that's a deal breaker -- all other considerations aside. There's nothing more I need to know. Adultery is a no-no. She can be the most godly woman on earth but if she still has a living husband, she's off limits.

I don't think this is a polygynous-only problem. I think both men and women need to distinguish between those elements which are ideals and those which are non-negotiables. Most Christians love to major on the minors. As the man, my primary concern is the woman's relationship and commitment to God and to her future husband. Everyone has made mistakes (I know I certainly have) and I wouldn't hold someone's past against them, but I would definitely want to spend many months learning all I could about a potential mate, so I could determine whether she would be a suitable wife for myself. Superficial issues like age or looks might be a major consideration for some men as well, as could having children from a previous relationship. Again, a lot depends on what the man really requires in a wife.

Since I'm not looking to get married right now, let me hypothetically evaluate the potential as a suitable wife from your examples so far. I understand these points are common from a conglomerate of women and not representative of any one particular person:

1. Lack of virginity (assumed to never have been married)...an ideal.
2. Having a child out of wedlock...an ideal.
3. Distance...an ideal.
4. Relationship with God...a non-negotiable.
5. Looks/Redhead...an ideal (I actually like redheads).
6. Education...an ideal.
7. Lack of skill or knowledge...an ideal.

So far, the only item you've mentioned that would be a true deal-breaker would be lacking a proper relationship with God. Everything else listed is just idealistic fluff. If the men that these women have spoken to are not willing to budge from their "ideal" relationship, that's through no fault of the women in question. Not every woman is a good match for every man and that's okay. Not every woman has to be a 19-year-old blond Cambodian refugee with 36-24-36 measurements. My experience has been that some of the most beautiful people on the outside can be some of the most ugly people on the inside. What's inside the heart of the woman is what makes her beautiful. A peaceful, caring women, with patience and understanding, who loves God with all her heart and obeys Him in all things, who submits to Godly authority, following her husband as he follows God, who understands the roles of husband and wife, loves children and would die before destroying a family...that's my ideal woman. I've found her once so I know they're out there!

Don't give up! Whereas the items listed above as "ideals" might be requirements for some men, others could care less just as long as they end up with a Godly wife who understands and believes in patriarchy and polygyny. Mr. Right is out there.

May God continue to bless you and keep you close.

Love in Him,

Surely you would have questions for someone that you would be interested in. You are the second lady from Australia that has posted here with problems finding a husband, are things that bad there?

rusty_armor said:
So in persuing this a little further, are you saying that you/they would accept a long distance relationship, away from the husband and wives if you/they had to?

Yes i would... no problems with that, there is always the phone, the Internet...as long as communication was frequent.

In regards to the situation in Australia...yes it really is that bad.

Australians are not very religious. Church attendance figures erode every year as older folk die off...unlike the US someone who goes to church each Sunday or even professes to belong to a particular denomination are considered a bit odd...almost extreme.

Australian women also tend to be rather domineering and men will usually concede to their lead.

So if you're a poly minded girl who has a strong belief in the right of patriarchy...it really is that tough!
I do meet men and will date occasionally but they always seem to be a bit spineless and needing a bit of nurturing rather than being the strong wise type that would make me sit up and take notice. I am by no means fussy, I'm willing to accept that i might need to guide a bloke to patriarchy and let him find his feet before i can step back and let him have at it but Aussie guys are just not interested in that kind of responsibility.

I guess it's a deeply ingrained cultural thing. As for questions i would ask of a potential it's all to do with his attitude towards his role as husband. Can i put my life in his hands... it's not about looks at all for me i have found myself attracted to many different types of men of all ages, it really is about what is on the inside for me.
Melanie said:
rusty_armor said:
So in persuing this a little further, are you saying that you/they would accept a long distance relationship, away from the husband and wives if you/they had to?
Yes i would... no problems with that, there is always the phone, the Internet...as long as communication was frequent.[/quote]


That would drive me insane! I guess I am too fond of having my mates in the same house. I just can't imagine living apart for more than a few weeks out of the year when I have to tend to property issues in other cities. Even then, I find myself rushing to finish so that I can go home. My joy is my family.

I sure hope and pray you don't have to settle for that.
Military wives do it all the time, i just never thought it would be a big deal but of course the ideal is wanting to be together all the time.
Great thread , It started off kinda of funky , the nonsexual side of it all. Then it became what I thought was a serious cry for a man who could accept this woman as she is, as if shes been molded and thats that. Now it takes the turn of cultural upbringings and the finer points of the Aussie man. Men every where are being made into spineless jellow bowls so aussie isnt special there. Now I do find in the states we , like myself have just enough of old school deep understanding of what a Man is and what he should never , never ,never become. A Christ filled cave man gene perhaps ?

someone said they couldnt do the whole internet/phone deal well Amen to that Brother !

This sister in Christ is in a hard place due to the fact that she lives literally at the end of the world and any trip to visit a family would be costly and take huge amounts of time.

Id say that any first wife who was that touch and go that would even think that way as far as your willing comprimise wouldnt be a permanant home , that sounds like a very shaky family. Kind of deal where you keep your bags packed cause first fight or such that woman will use passive aggressive behavior to sabatoge your standing.

so in short , stick to looking for a great Godly lead man wife or not and then email/visit/phone or what have you until you find your match. God has a great way of putting us through tests and one of the hardest tests is how long things can take.

may God's plans for you be seen and shown clearly to you in his time.

God Bless

Very well put there. How a person sees them self can bring about a form of "handicap" that one carries with them all of their life. If one has been "put down" or " looked down upon " most of their childhood and young adult life, then one carries that around with them. When they meet someone who "sees" them for whom God made them, most times they have a hard time accepting and believing that someone CAN and DOES care for for them. I know in my relationship with our future Covenant partner, she was looked down upon and demeaned by her former husband. I am having to work through all of that to reassure her that I DO Love her and Care for her just as she is.

Sorry if this may be a little long, or go over things you already know and believe.

Melanie said:
I'm not sure if you guys realize but so many of you who already have one spouse are taking a totally different approach to finding a second (and subsequent) all of a sudden now that you have one wife already you can afford to be choosy. So many families have an unrealistic list of requirements and very little room to accept any faults in a potential wife.

I agree with some of this Melanie, already having a spouse does put you and other single women at a disadvantage. But there are advantages as well. One of the reasons for wives to look for a relationship with an already set family is because they have went through the fires so to speak. They may have a family that is guided by God, and is blessed with a desire to help each other and to work through the hardships as well as the good times.
To clarify a bit, if you see a husband and wife bickering and fighting all the time, with kids running rough shod and doing whatever they please, does this family look appealing to you? Or does a family where you see the husband and wife look at each other with love and caring in their eyes, do their children act courteous and polite when they are together and in public? Do they trust in God and pray before each meal? Do they have fun as a family doing things together? Which is more appealing to you? The more appealing aspect of my examples are one of the main reasons why this is blessed, the ability to extend your love to others. To be the beacons of light to the world, if our family is a beacon of light to the world, it becomes more appealing to those that lack that beacon in their own lives. Having said this, I agree. There are hurdles and obstacles that you may be confronted with that first wives never had to contend with the first time. This being said because the situation is different, instead of a man/woman looking to start a family, they are looking to add to it. Even though this doesn’t seem fair, some families look at the prospect of an addition as unfair as well, which may explain unrealistic hurdles that you may have to cross, and why you have came up with your comprises because you already know this.

Melanie said:
However, instead of looking at this massive hurdle you expect potential wives to leap over many put down the fact that they haven't found anyone yet to "god's will" or that there just aren't any women out there.

I do not know what some families require, but with me and my family, it comes down to quite simply, does she add to our family without disruption. By what I mean is this, my wife has a say and a choice in who will be added. A choice is only valid is she feels that her input can change any outcome. If she felt that her say did not matter, then she will feel as if this is being forced upon her, and it will inevitably add to problems later after the marriage is already in place, making things even tougher for the entire family. If my wife feels that her voice has been heard and feels that her input can change or even direct the outcome, then she will feel much better in the end about whom finally comes into the family, if anyone ever does I might add. So whoever is looked at in coming into the family must be able to get along with the entire family, my wife and any future wife must be of one mind. So being of one mind is not a big hurdle as one might expect or hoop to jump through, for it protects not only the family but you as well, looking for a potential husband and or family.

Romans 12:16 Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.

Philippians 2:2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
Philippians 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

We as husband are commanded to live our lives towards Christ. We are to lead not only our own lives but that of our families to God. We are to treat our wives the same way we would treat ourselves, that includes giving them a choice and a voice in what is done and brought into the family. My wife and I have to be of one mind on this issue and any future additions that may come into the family. So to must any future wife must be. So you see, any future wife and the family must be one mind as well, which includes whether or not to add or go forward with any marriage. If God is guiding the marriage then it will all fall into place, and what we view as hurdles, will melt away to nothing.

Melanie said:
There are women out there with a very sincere desire to be married, who have useful skills and could be a real asset but they are often overlooked because they don't meet one of the more shallow conditions

I agree, but each situation is different from the next. It is not like this is a recipe for getting married the first time or anytime for that matter. It’s not a pinch of salt, spoon-full of sugar, three eggs type of deal, bake at 400 degree’s for thirty minutes and you get cookies. The way I see it, nobody’s perfect, no one. When dealing with a potential future mate, they have unknown quantity of sugar, unknown quantity of salt, and so on so to speak, and what we end up with, the result will not be the same. It never will be. We all know that Christ was the only perfect one, so anyone else fails to meet that criteria. If we are all honest, our own first encounter and mate did not go without hitches involved, both parties came with so called baggage. The ones that succeed, don’t do so because the family or individuals are perfect, or that they continue to be perfect, they work because God is there and both couples work on it continually. So looking for so called perfection is both unrealistic and impossible, we can hope and pray that the one we end up with truly adds to the family, baggage and all.

Melanie said:
So since the men aren't willing to compromise i thought maybe i could, if i was willing to keep some distance, forgo a romantic relationship (because it really DOESN'T matter in the long run, it's a very small price to pay) and accept a limited chance of children due to limited sexual opportunities. Not because I'm frigid or saintly attempting to sooth a first wives feelings... I'm just talking about getting a foot in the marital door here.

There is really only four hard and fast rules in my deciding to take a wife, do you believe in God? Do you believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God? Do you believe that Christ was without sin? Finally, do you believe that Christ died for our sins, so that we could be saved and have a place in heaven with him?

For instance, my first and current wife met this criterion, even though her view on plural marriages was it is a sin. I still married her anyways. Yet through study, guidance, prayers, and her own readings, my wife fully realizes her mistake in that belief and has since come to embrace the belief that it is not a sin, and that those unions are blessed by God. She has personal issues, in dealing with the possibility of it happening to us, but she realizes that it is her issues and not that it isn’t blessed by scripture.

Galatians 2:16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
Galatians 2:17 But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid.
Galatians 2:18 For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor.
Galatians 2:19 For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God.
Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Galatians 2:21 I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

Looking at Galatians 2:16, it speaks of the Law of Moses. This dealing with everything from adultery, killing, and when and where to make sacrifices, what to eat and so on. The point is if we were to look for potential mates that fall in line with the Law, then we are on a fruitless pursuit. No one currently falls under that category. We must instead put our faith in Christ and God to lead us, to forgive our brothers (this includes sisters) of their sins, to come closer to Christ because it is only through Christ that we are saved, strict adherence to the law will not get us there, that is why Christ had to come and die on the cross for us, because the law wasn’t enough.

So in a nutshell, we are to forgive;

Matthew 6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
Matthew 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

And to Forget;

Genesis 41:51 And Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh: For God, said he, hath made me forget all my toil, and all my father's house.

(this accounting for Joseph being sold into slavery, being falsely accused, betrayed, and the other grievances that Joseph had, in other words the “toil”)

One example may be the following, let us say a woman with out Christ in her life, had sex, got pregnant and had an abortion. I believe that abortion is not only killing but breaking one of Christ rules about bringing harm to children. Even so, let us also say that a woman regrets the path she took and begs forgiveness from the Lord for her act. Now there is no possible way for her to bring back the one she killed, but by her act of repentance and asking the Lord for forgiveness, she is forgiven by God. I will not therefore use that to bar her from entering into a relationship with me and my family. Her past will not be considered because God doesn’t consider it. Once forgiven, always forgiven, and always forgotten. It is from that point on how we conduct our lives and what we do that matters to the Lord, do we fall and sin again, in which case the Lord will only remember what we have not asked for forgiveness for, or repented from doing. This should be with all circumstances and in all things if we are to be truly beacons of light to the world.

So as to me and my family these are the hurdles to overcome;

1. Do they add to the family?
2. Are we all one mind?
3. Do they believe in God?
4. Do you believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God?
5. Do you believe that Christ was without sin?
6. Finally, do you believe that Christ died for our sins, so that we could be saved and have a place in heaven with him?

These really are the only hard and fast rules. These are not insurmountable hurdles, or conditions that would keep any and all sisters from being a potential addition. Everything can be resolved and worked through, each with their own circumstances.

God Bless
Truthfinder, you are an exception to the rule.

Weltan, Chaplain, I'm really surprised here! You think the women of Isaiah 4:1 will be defective? Disabled in some way? Because they are willing to compromise and go without some things to have the greater benefit of having a husband and covering.

"No sex? *gasp* there must be something wrong with her!"

tsk, tsk!...you reveal something in that response i think. :lol:
Welltan, your post earlier in the thread definitely indicates that you consider the motive might be due to physical handicap or self esteem issues rather than the motive i actually expressed, that being the simple and honest desire for the opportunity to be a wife. Even under less than ideal circumstances.
Isaiah 4:1 does say the women need a husband to take away their reproach, which means disgrace. So what is their disgrace, whoring, childless which I doubt or their independence?

Reproach is generally considered to mean lack of a children.
Infertility may have been considered a punishment from God, it's perfectly understandable how it could seem that way, even today.

Trust a man to think it might mean whores :lol: you guys never surprise me.
Reproach is used throughout the bible. God spoke to man about reproach. Moses told God to give the people the land he promised or God would be in reproach. So I don't think it means childless. Here in usa the average woman has been with 5-6 men by the age of 25, what am I supposed to think.

I think the "reproach" refers to following after wordly ways in general- By accepting a Godly Husband, they put at their Head a "good name",which then transfers the headship from self-will,to Following/walking with a Holy Family,which in turn,"removes their reproach".
"but as for me and my house,we will serve the LORD"
Dairyfarmer said:
Here in usa the average woman has been with 5-6 men by the age of 25, what am I supposed to think.


Right, and the average man has been with how many women by the age of 25? The same..more? Key word being average!
Heads out of the gutter please, I don't appreciate your insinuation, you know nothing about me or my life.

According to one commentary, which i tend to agree with...

whereas by the law the husband was obliged to provide food and raiment for his wife (Ex. 21:10), which with many would be the most powerful argument against multiplying wives, these women will be bound to support themselves; they will eat bread of their own earning, and wear apparel of their own working, and the man they court shall be at no expense upon them, only they desire to be called his wives, to take away the reproach of a single life. They are willing to be wives upon any terms, though ever so unreasonable; and perhaps the rather because in these troublesome times it would be a kindness to them to have a husband for their protector. http://mhcw.biblecommenter.com/isaiah/4.htm

I think if the women were whores the bible would haven just said so. As for reproach
“And God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and opened her womb. And she conceived, and bare a son: and said, God hath taken away my reproach” -Genesis 30:22-23

For women, children are often considered a blessing, perhaps a reassurance that they are living as they should. A lack of children can make a woman feel reproached, with a husband comes the possibility of children. It's a perfectly valid way of considering this verse. Ther eis no need to draw the nastiest conclusions.
Melanie wrote:
Weltan, Chaplain, I'm really surprised here! You think the women of Isaiah 4:1 will be defective? Disabled in some way? Because they are willing to compromise and go without some things to have the greater benefit of having a husband and covering.

"No sex? *gasp* there must be something wrong with her!"

tsk, tsk!...you reveal something in that response i think. :lol:

My Dear Sister Melanie,
Not once did I refer to sex in my post. Not once did I refer to Isaiah 4:1 and the women in it as being defective in any way. I was replying to welltans post and making comment about it and not your post. I was making a statement that sometimes, second wives have issues that need to be dealt with, that may have been brought on by how others treated them before, ie self esteem issues, mental abuse by a former husband, etc.

Now to your post----There are those women, who, either by choice or by chance, who are fine in all aspects of their life, seek out a husband so they can become a wife, regardless if it is a first or other wife. They have a desire to be a wife in order to share the love they have as well as to share the talents or other skills they have in order to hopefully make a better home for her and the ones she loves.