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Ouch! Sixty ain't old, Bob! :shock:

Any kidding (OK, half-kidding) aside, do you still have something to offer?

Experience, wisdom, guidance, covering, love...

And don't forget that Moses spent FORTY YEARS tending sheep in order to learn what God wanted him to know before he was ready to lead Israel out of bondage in Egypt. (That made him eighty before he started!) Then, of course, there's Abraham and Sarah - who weren't even CLOSE to having Isaac at the tender age of only sixty. (And I have frequently reminded my wife B of that fact. ;) )


if you are a servant of the Most High, then you would do well to seek His will on how He would like to be served.

i am not being sarcastic, i so often forget that i am not my own, that i am bought with a price. the present atmosphere seems to be that His will is a smorgasboard for us to pick and choose how we would like to serve Him. then, of course, there are the prophets who feel led to tell us how to serve, usurping His position as owner.

it all must be based upon relationship with Him, not what we do for Him.

boy did i get preachy, sorry

I think that the answer depends on how you view marriage and the purpose for being married. If you marry only for children, then what is the purpose of the other wife when the children are done? A person might as well adopt if that is the case. You love your wife, she loves you, and somewhere out there is a wonderful woman who would like the same thing that your wife has, a wonderful man to share her special moments. If you are a strong enough man that can handle the responsibility of nurturing and caring for more than one wife, the children that might come from that marriage are blessings, not a primary reason for marriage. If you do find a woman who is really wanting to be married and also strongly feels that she wants children of her own, then all the better. There is nothing wrong with that. In a nutshell, whatever good or bad reasons exist for monogamous persons to marry, the same good and bad probably apply to your second or other wives. This would also apply to WHO you marry. Just because you already are married does not mean that you can be less picky with your other wife.

Preach it Steve (and Paul)! I second these words of wisdom of al these men.

Welcome to the forum Bob, (and Sandy, though you may not read this).

Many of us are in the same boat as you Bob, in that we are new to the concept. I am 52 and only in recent years came to really have a deeper relationship with the Lord. I am currently finally married to the right woman, (she is much younger) at God's direction, after two failed attempts of doing it my way, (sorry Mr. Sinatra but it is nothing to be proud of :shock: ). My current wife is Spirit-filled and dedicated not only to our marriage, but to serving the Lord. God spoke to her directly about the polygyny thing and she is still trying to accept it. However, she knows that it is a directive from God and she will accept it when He sends us other wives.

I am excited at the idea because I know how much we enjoy each other and we have been alienated from even our families, due to our dedication to the Lord. She has lost essentially all of her friends and consistently says she wishes that she had some friends or sisters. When God sends us 'sister wives' that is exactly what she will be getting. I will be getting other women in my life that I may serve and care for, giving the extra love that I have in my heart that comes from a loving God who has love without bounds. As Paul said, more children will me more of a blessing, but the companionship for us both with the extended family that it will bring will add great joy into our lives. If people can overcome the social stigma that the enemy has placed on poly marriage and see with Spiritual eyes as to how it is meant to work through humble submission to the Lord and giving instead of getting, then they will really be able to have the blessings that God has waiting for them in the poly marriage arrangement. Christian polygyny is from Him and is for anyone who is willing to lay down their life for true believers, no matter what age. I claim the what the Word says about Moses in Deuteronomy 34...

7Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished.
The Holy Bible, New King James Version, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray
bobnsandy said:
If I should enter in a pulral marrage what would be the point if my wife and I are over 60?

Well, my Grandma died at about 80, if memory serves, and my Grandpa remarried one of their friends. Happily. They had several very good years together.

Somehow, I doubt that there was much hot, loud jungle sex swinging-from-the-chandeliers going on, but the companionship was great.

It occurs to me that the answer to your question might be found in noting that the Divine Directive, "It is not good that man(kind) should be alone" predates and takes more of a foundational precedence than "Be fruitful and multiply."

You and your wife have each other, so don't have the problem of loneliness, though if your wife likes conversation and you are more reticent, she may feel that she does. However, there are undoubtedly women of your family's acquaintance who are now alone and not particularly enjoying it. Plural Marriage might well be a wonderful blessing to one or more of them.

James talks about someone showing up at your door hungry. He says to get practical about relieving the point of distress. Feed 'em. Don't just offer good wishes and a prayer. Similarly, make sure you are addressing the point of distress. If they show up cold, give 'em a jacket -- though feeding them a cup of hot cocoa makes sense, too. But if they're hungry, you don't offer to let them go through your give-away clothes box. You feed 'em, right? That was his point.

So what was the "point of distress" towards which he was admonishing us men at the end of his first chapter when he said to "visit the widows and orphans in their distress"? Husbandlessness and Fatherlessness. Pure religion for us men seems, according to that passage anyway, to consist largely of alleviating those conditions via personal involvement. Ergo, Adoption and PM.

Of course, depending on your personalities, the point might be as simple as shocking the tar outa your kids / neighbors / pastor / whatever. Or maybe that's just frosting. *grin*
Brother bob,
I can only echo that what these other men have written. As my wife is fond of saying, " age is a mind over matter....if you don't mind, it don't matter." The Lord calls us all at HIS time and HIS direction......check out Moses.......80 yrs old when he led the children of Israel out of Egypt to the promise land and then spent another 40 yrs before they went into that land. If you and sandy feel led by the Lord to be a part of a plural family then follow His lead and His direction. You fill led to have more children, go for it. If, like Chaplains Rose and I you don't, that's fine as well. Just stay in-tuned into what the Lord is leading you to do.
Troy, I doubt the LORD will lead us into A PM. my Sandy is not stable enough emotionally and I wouldn't force it on her <Beside that I couldn't deal with keeping another woman happy.
I see that you have placed the CSA motto in your signature.
That's cool. Just glad you both are here and are willing to listen, read and learn as are others and that you do not condemn us for believing, being a part of or seeking to be a part of a Biblical Family. Who knows, one day the Lord may bless you and Sandy in this way. As I have learned and with my hard head, still am learning, you just cannot never say never! :D

Yes, I have the CSA motto in my signature. I am the Son of several Confederate Veterans and am proud of that fact. :D In fact, I was in Hot Springs, Ark. this past week with a bunch of other Sons. We had a great time.