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Where is your Treasure?


Real Person
Gentlemen, this is mostly to you. I want you to think about your treasure.
Where is your treasure? There is a woman standing by your side. She has walked beside you through thick and thin. When you discovered the truth about plural marriage, she stayed with you. She struggled with the concept. She learned about the truth. She hurt when people rejected her because of the truth. She cried at the thought of you desiring another woman. She stood by you even when her heart felt like it was shattered into a million bits. And she grew. She grew into the mature, wonderful woman of God that you now know. Together you seek to add a new person to your family. And I ask you, where is your treasure?

This world has so few of us. There are only so many people that believe the truth. There are even fewer who are willing to follow their husbands into this unknown territory. Where is your treasure? Are you so focused on your new relationship that you are forgetting about the woman who agreed to walk down this path with you? Are you treasuring this gift that God gave you? Or have you put the treasure on a shelf to collect dust?

I just want to remind the men that the wives they already have are the most precious thing that God has ever given them. Yes, when you have another wife, she will also be the most precious thing that God ever gave you, but you must make sure not to take your wife(ves) for granted while you are seeking another one. Please take the time to appreciate the treasures that God has already given to you.

I know that many of you do this. Many of you care for your wives in abundance. I only hope that someday, people will know that all the men of Biblical Families really know how to care for their wives.

Many husbands who have come to believe in the fullness of Biblical Marriage would be absolutely envious of those who have wives that are willing to proceed in this direction. Those who are in this place need to thank God for these wives, honoring and treasuring them like they are gold!

Many men move forward after discovering the fullness of Biblical Marriage like a bull in a china closet, doing many mistakes along the way (Whether I like it to admit it or not, I was one of these - hence, a motivating factor of helping to start BF). The wives of these men struggle more than others with one of two possible responses. Either the wife refuses to embrace her husband's new direction (with the negative help of friends and family, of course), or the wife decides that God, His principles, and her husband are the priorities of her life (and she loves God and her husband more than friends and family). However, in either case, everyone has to endure a season of rocky relationships, pain, and unnecessary turmoil. This is not to say that all marriages do not go through growing pains, but moving into a second marriage haphazardly brings on a great deal of extra unnecessary pain!

Unfortunately, the men who have wives that respond negatively have to live with the fact that their wives have so embraced popular culture that no matter what they share with them is seen as "Scripture twisting", when in fact, they cannot find one clear Scripture condemning plural marriage anywhere inside Holy Writ. Many times they are encouraged along the way by spiritual leaders to reject their husband's direction because he "everyone knows he is in sin", and the sin is obviously 'adultery'"! May God bring these women to full and complete repentance, while helping their husband come to repentance on how he has administered the practice of plural marriage. For as we all know, "knowledge puffs up, but love builds up", and sometimes we have a tendency to run with the vision before thinking about the consequences!

On the other hand, although the husband may have made some very unwise decisions moving forward into plural marriage, first wives who have wrestled through the pain, and who have embraced this new direction are my heros! I want to say to all those women - I most passionately honor you! I believe these women should go in a hall of faith!
Pastor Randy & Sweetlissa,

Just want to thank you both for taking the time to share your heart in these areas, and reaching out to those of us who are praying, searching, seeking and striving to do God's will in these areas of our lives! Your shared heart & testimony have been a huge source of comfort and encouragement, as well as a good - kind challenge to grow in the Lord! :) Thanks for being a part of this ministry here. Going forth in His Holy Name, being a blessing to others & being blessed in return according to the motives of your hearts! :D

Warm Wishes for Yeshua's continued Direction, Wisdom & Provisions,
F.S. :)
Great post Lissa, I am one of those men who you talk about that knows his treasure. Lacey is my heart and soul and has been with me through some pretty rough times. I will do my best with all the love I have in my heart to make her happy. I feel so lucky to have her in my life. I will do my best to fill her life with love, respect, caring, and most of all a friendship that will last the rest of our lives. We are now searching for someone to share all this love with. If God grants us the chance to have this person, I will do my best to give her all of my heart just as I do Lacey. They both will know that there husband loves and cares for them and they will be his best friend as long as they live. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Greetings Brothers & Sisters in Christ!

I would like to wish everyone here a Blessed & Happy Thanksgiving as well. "Enter His gate with Thanksgiving & His courts with Praise!" :D Do I have this backwards? Please forgive me as I get things mixed around at times! :lol: But I think you get the gist of my thoughts & heart at this time. Speaking of my heart, it has blessed my heart to read the many "heart-felt" testimonies of the compassionate & wise men of God here at B.F. What Godly, transparent & simple faithful fallen sinners as men of God, who have stepped out in faith to share both their failures & victories in Christ on their own personal journies with pm. Sharing these very truths, hurts and victories in their lives as a source of learned wisdom and encouragement to share with the rest of us.

Pastor Randy, James and other men here - thanks for being so transparent, encouraging & challenging! As in doing so, it has blessed my socks off! :lol: Even though my Pastor may not be right about pm, he was right in sharing that more women of God would joyfully submit to, honor & serve their husbands if the men of God were loving & leading their wives as Christ instructs them to love their wives (even giving up their very lives), as Christ loves the church & gave up His life for us all. Which many of you wise, Godly, compassionate men here have testified too this very truth. Not that we women should take advantage of these lovely strong men of God, thus allowing ourselves to become lazy & neglectful to our duties and the call that Yeshua places on our lives though! God challenges us all to rise to the occasion, & step out in faith to serve, trust, love & obey Him and our dh's that He blesses us with. While challenging the men of God to step out in faith to be the Servant-Leaders of their homes. To do so in a loving, sacrificing - but firm & balanced Godly way none the less. ;)

James your recent heart-felt, loving & honoring post about the wife of your youth has blessed my socks off as well. May we all, both the men & women in Christ, strive and endevor to praise the Lord and our dear spouses that we've been blessed with, while striving to give praise, honor & testimony to these blessings of both husbands & wives that we've been given in our lives! :D Take care all, and continue to Lean on, Trust in and be Encouraged in the Lord daily!

Warm Wishes & Happy Thanksgiving!

Faithful Servant :)
Please put your socks back on. We run a tight ship around here... lol :lol:
Proverbs 18:22 - Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.
SweetLissa and DaPastor - thank you so much for sharing. DaPastor - your words are such a blessing to me and I pray that I am/will always be (aka endure to the end) that woman who truly wants to obey God and follow her husband - no matter the cost. May the LORD help all of us "first wives" to be that treasure that pleases the LORD and our husbands as we wrestle with the challenges that come with accepting poly living!!!