I notice that a lot of men have responded with "trust" and/or "respect". These are certainly important attributes in any relationship, to be sure, but I wonder whether they should be more important to us than to love.
In my limited experience, I've found that the best relationships have been where the wife truly desires to submit in all things and the husband truly desires to love in all things. Some of the worst relationships I've seen are where the wife is FORCED to submit or where the husband is FORCED to love. As Mark C pointed out, we are already commanded to these roles, but a marriage absolutely thrives where the wife's submitting and the husband's loving comes as natural as breathing, without having to be a chore.
For me, my GREATEST need would not be to trust or respect my wife, nor for her to trust or respect me (although both are vital for the relationship to work). Rather, it would be for me to have someone to provide agape love to, because that is what God designed me to do. When I demonstrate agape love, I am fulfilling the role that God put inside me. If I have a "need" for my wife to submit, it is secondary to my need to provide love. I could certainly get along without my wife submitting to me, but I could not get along without the ability for me to love her. As Hugh mentioned, true love has nothing to do with "feelings". It is a choice to determine to DO.
If God were to bless me with another wife someday, she would have an innate passion to submit, just as I have an innate passion to love. When my wife gets home, I'm going to have to run this question past her and see what she thinks. I'd also like to see more women answer this question as well.
In His love,