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washing her with the water of the word?


Seasoned Member
Real Person
i posted this a while ago at the end of another thread and have received no comment on it, presumably because it was an old thread and did not get read. that no one would have an opinion just is not possible :D

please let me echo what john said about this being a great thread, i was remiss in jumping in on the one point w/out recognition of the work that had already gone into it.

i also have a question about some of the verses that chaplain quoted:

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself........
does anyone else see that it is about the husband washing her with the water of the word as well as Yeshua washing His bride?

just thought that i would kick it up a notch :shock:
Agreed, Steve. Speaking solely for myself and my house, I simply didn't have a lot to add to your point at the time.

Several years ago I pointed out to my second wife B that I was to "wash her with the water" by the Word. She was surprised -- and did not remember the reference -- and then challenged me to show it to her in Scripture, which initially took me a few minutes at the time. Afterward, however, it became a regular practice, both in the physical and the spiritual sense. During times of difficulty, in particular (such as when the difficulty of God's plan for marriage not being accepted by "the world" was used by the Adversary) it was often a wonderful source of comfort.

Now that she has abandoned our marriage and is in rebellion to our Covenant, at least for the time being, I continue to do this even in her absence, and pray that this verse will serve as a witness to her.
I'm sorry I have not read the other thread post, so I may be off a little. Please forgive. If it is okay, I would like to say a little something personal to my darling husband regarding this subject ....

My dear husband,

I love you and want to thank you for washing me with the water of the Word on a daily basis. I see God's love through your actions and in your commitment to His ways. Thank you for refreshing me, looking after me, and loving me enough to take the time to do this beautiful act. God bless you for your loving kindness to me and your faithfulness. I am a better woman because of you and your love for His Word.

All my Love,
Fine Jade
now there's some fine jade