• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Vegan Pro-Life HS Family seeks 1 (or more) sister wives


Real Person*
Honestly, how many posts like this do we have to read?

Carolina Butterfly's recent comments on another thread struck a chord with me (and last time I checked I wasn't a young single lady).

How about we have some sort of "No Solicitation on the First Posting Rule"?

Or better still, a one-month waiting period before you can start hitting on the vast hordes of single females lined up at this site just waiting for that new couple to appear?

The practicalities of a wait period like that might be hard, I am sure other people have better ideas than me on the topic.

But really...its not a dating site.

Young women of Jerusalem, I charge you:
do not stir up or awaken love
until the appropriate time.....(SOS 8:4)

All the best,

I find it amusing when people jump into a culture that they know nothing about and start posting in ways that ignore who we are. It always falls flat and doesn't really seem to be a problem that needs rules to protect us from them.

Loved your title! ;)
I am still chuckling at the title.

While I agree with Steve that it seems to self-regulate, I have thought the same thing as you, ylop, that posts like this (new users soliciting wives) should be prohibited in the rules and just deleted by the moderators.
I think it may be an important and beneficial experience. I respect what was written. Time and care was obviously put into the post. Our individual responses create whatever feeling of community they now have here.

I believe CB's reply was not due to offense but consideration. She wants to see that member thrive in the community and was bold and loving enough to offer gentle redirection.

We don't need to change a thing. =)
You got it, Courting4Life.

While I think ylop's point is well taken by all, everything's in hand and this thread itself could be profitably deleted. Other thread's OP would not want to read about themselves here.
My thoughts here are accumulated from witnessing many first-time posts, its just the most recent one that finally pushed me over the edge to write.

The post in question has no prequel and no sequel. There are no responses (to date) and no follow ups.

Yes it has thought in it, obviously the authors can think and write.

It would be so much better if the authors engaged on various topics, but they haven't.

They have posted a well-written, thoughtful, ADVERTISEMENT.

There have been many first-time posters like that. They post an ad about how wonderful they are, have a look around to see if they can hook an available woman, then leave with or without a woman in hand. I dont see it as profitable for anyone except the advertisers.

Of course I would be delighted if the post in question turns out differently. My writing here is not specifically about their post, its just one example of many.

OK maybe we dont need rules.

Perhaps someone might volunteer to 'educate' new posters.

Or just ignore advertising posts.

All the best,

Maybe BF can partner with a poly friendly dating site then we just tactfully refer them over (ideally with a tracking code so BF gets referral commission ;-)
Very well put, Samuel. 8-)