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The Wife of My Youth


Real Person*
"...may you rejoice in the wife of your youth" Proverbs 5:18

I was thinking about the wife of my youth and came up with this list:

1. An experience is not complete until I have shared it with her.
2. She gave me seven children but still makes me priority number one.
3. After twenty years she looks great and catches my eye.
4. She is very sensible and conserves and builds our family's assets.
5. She works very hard even when she is tired.
6. She understands my weird sense of humour.
7. Our children absolutely adore her.
8. She is a great cook and knows what food I like.
9. Her voice is soft and kind.
10. When I have been sick, she was a fantastic nurse.
11. She gave me the permission, I owe her big time for that.
12. She is very trustworthy.
13. When I am in a tough situation, she stands by me.
14. When we are apart I miss her so much.
15. I like how she walks.
16. If we are separated for a few hours, and then she suddenly appears, I get excited and happy.
17. Even though she consistently beats me at backgammon, battleships and guess who, she doesn't gloat (much...)
18. Even when she disagrees with my decision she supports me.
19. She is really good at painting.
20. She is incredibly patient with my idiosyncracies.

GloryGirl said:
I hope she reads this. We wives love and even need to be told these things. :-)

While I agree with you, and strive to tell my wife such things frequently, I believe I should point out that needing to hear such things is not a phenomena that is limited to women.
GloryGirl said:
I hope she reads this. We wives love and even need to be told these things. :-)

Yes she has read it and likes it. Maybe she will even post here (hint...)