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The Physiology of Unity


Real Person
In 2005, after I had my plural marriage breakthrough while in Iraq, one of the first things that became apparent to me was that in theory, no other human relational modality had more potential power to help us fulfill John 17, which is Yeshua’s last prayer. He asked our Father this: that they may all be one. As You, Father, are in Me and I am in You, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me. Done right, a successful plural family where people have done the hard work of putting on their big boy and big girl panties and have built a team will get the “so-that-the-world-may-believe-that-You-have-sent-Me”-job done right quick. Tall order; let’s git ‘er dun.

It may be comforting to know that there is an actual neuroplastic response in your frontal lobe that physically changes the topography of your brain when you choose unity, even if getting there is daunting. The changes that occur in your brain when you choose a lifestyle of forgiveness and unity are visible and measurable.

Dr. Caroline Leaf, a world-renown neuroscientist (who is also a believer) puts it this way:

“When we study the nature of the mind and how it impacts the brain, we realize that humanity, and indeed the world, is entangled. We are designed to sympathize with one another, to reach out in love and to care about our neighbor. We all have mirror neurons, which enable us to experience what other people are going through—our brains literally act as a ‘mirror.’

When we empathize with other people, many different regions of the brain collaborate alongside the tiny, powerful mirror neurons, allowing us to truly put ourselves in another person’s “shoes”; we have been hardwired to experience powerful compassion for others. We are designed for relationships, so it would make sense to have brain wiring to support healthy relationships. Mirror neurons also explain our love of stories. These neurons help make stories real for us, allowing us to learn from each other.

But how to do mirror neurons work? We have “mirror neurons” across the brain that fire up as we watch someone else laugh or cry or drink a cup of coffee. Giacomo Rizzolatti and his team were the first to discover these mirror neurons in 1995. Through these neurons we literally fire up activity in the brain without actually using our five senses through the normal sensory-cognitive cycle. These cells appear to be activated both when we do something, and when simply watching another person do the same thing. One of the most powerful roles suggested for the mirror neuron system in humans is that of understanding not just other people’s physical actions or speech, but their minds and their intentions as well.”

It was also in Iraq that I first became aware of Dr. Leaf’s work, which has been enormously helpful in every aspect of my life, both personal (including spiritual) and business. Most recently I learned from her that what she calls “the forgiveness mindset,” (which could briefly be described as a lifestyle rather than an event) actually increases the size of certain portions of the brain.

“Forgiveness changes the brain. Research shows that forgiving someone increases the size of the brain’s anterior superior temporal sulcus (aSTS). In fact, the larger the amount of grey matter in this patch of cortex, the more likely we are to forgive those who have made a serious mistake by accident. The more you forgive, the more you are likely to forgive—the brain changes to accommodate a forgiveness mindset! This literally means the more you forgive, the easier it becomes.”

What that says to me is that it is going to be the repeated decision, intention and anointed execution of living in unity (as much as lieth within thee) coupled with rapid and relentless forgiveness that are going to get us there.

The potential for becoming much more “one,”( in a family first of all, and then with fellow believers as time goes on) appears to be a medical possibility in addition to a spiritual expectation as our mirror neurons start matching each other.
Wow! Them's some deep waters! Thank you for firing op a bunch of neurons!
Wow, thats awesome! I'll have to check out some of leaf's work
So, with trepidation and at the risk of being accused that 'the Hebrew roots guys turn every thread into a Torah thread,' I want to share what just happened in my brain...

First, some background: My perspective on eschatology and prophecy is that the Father has promised to restore a real, physical Israel by bringing home the northern kingdom referred to in Scripture as the 'house of Israel' or 'Ephraim.' This is attested through a ton of Scripture and is well articulated in Ten Part in the King, available both in Kindle and hardcopy. Isaiah 11:11-13 tells us one of the final great signs that this is happening or has happened. The passage says,

11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. 12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. 13 The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim.

God clearly tells us elsewhere that He regards the two (houses of Israel and Judah) as two brides. See Jeremiah 3:6-18; 31:31-34; Ezekiel 23 and the imagery in Hosea 1 among others.

So, my driving passion and constant question has to do with the restoration of the Kingdom and how He is doing it and what I can do to further enter in, etc... Enter poly... Initially, I could not understand why the Father had led me this direction, then I begin to understand the challenges of two brides and the vexation and envy that occurs on the small scale as a picture of the macro: Ephraim and Judah!! I have begun to understand that part of the great restoration is the many micro restorations as we learn how the most basic element of a nation functions and works and how these parts of Torah are implemented.

Then, wow!! @alit53 you just gave me a giant leap forward in understanding the deeper role of poly as it not only restores the basic family element, but prepares us to be a people of true forgiveness that can fully walk out Isaiah 11:13. Envy and jealousy departing between the two houses, each bringing their strengths to the table and forgiving the other while walking in unity. This may be the ultimate 'renewing of your minds' for the purpose of fulfilling prophecy!

My head continues to explode with thought and insight, but that is a small part. I thank you! This is just more of the explanation for 'why poly? why now?'
In 2005, after I had my plural marriage breakthrough while in Iraq, one of the first things that became apparent to me was that in theory, no other human relational modality had more potential power to help us fulfill John 17, which is Yeshua’s last prayer. He asked our Father this: that they may all be one. As You, Father, are in Me and I am in You, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me. Done right, a successful plural family where people have done the hard work of putting on their big boy and big girl panties and have built a team will get the “so-that-the-world-may-believe-that-You-have-sent-Me”-job done right quick. Tall order; let’s git ‘er dun.

It may be comforting to know that there is an actual neuroplastic response in your frontal lobe that physically changes the topography of your brain when you choose unity, even if getting there is daunting. The changes that occur in your brain when you choose a lifestyle of forgiveness and unity are visible and measurable.

Dr. Caroline Leaf, a world-renown neuroscientist (who is also a believer) puts it this way:

“When we study the nature of the mind and how it impacts the brain, we realize that humanity, and indeed the world, is entangled. We are designed to sympathize with one another, to reach out in love and to care about our neighbor. We all have mirror neurons, which enable us to experience what other people are going through—our brains literally act as a ‘mirror.’

When we empathize with other people, many different regions of the brain collaborate alongside the tiny, powerful mirror neurons, allowing us to truly put ourselves in another person’s “shoes”; we have been hardwired to experience powerful compassion for others. We are designed for relationships, so it would make sense to have brain wiring to support healthy relationships. Mirror neurons also explain our love of stories. These neurons help make stories real for us, allowing us to learn from each other.

But how to do mirror neurons work? We have “mirror neurons” across the brain that fire up as we watch someone else laugh or cry or drink a cup of coffee. Giacomo Rizzolatti and his team were the first to discover these mirror neurons in 1995. Through these neurons we literally fire up activity in the brain without actually using our five senses through the normal sensory-cognitive cycle. These cells appear to be activated both when we do something, and when simply watching another person do the same thing. One of the most powerful roles suggested for the mirror neuron system in humans is that of understanding not just other people’s physical actions or speech, but their minds and their intentions as well.”

It was also in Iraq that I first became aware of Dr. Leaf’s work, which has been enormously helpful in every aspect of my life, both personal (including spiritual) and business. Most recently I learned from her that what she calls “the forgiveness mindset,” (which could briefly be described as a lifestyle rather than an event) actually increases the size of certain portions of the brain.

“Forgiveness changes the brain. Research shows that forgiving someone increases the size of the brain’s anterior superior temporal sulcus (aSTS). In fact, the larger the amount of grey matter in this patch of cortex, the more likely we are to forgive those who have made a serious mistake by accident. The more you forgive, the more you are likely to forgive—the brain changes to accommodate a forgiveness mindset! This literally means the more you forgive, the easier it becomes.”

What that says to me is that it is going to be the repeated decision, intention and anointed execution of living in unity (as much as lieth within thee) coupled with rapid and relentless forgiveness that are going to get us there.

The potential for becoming much more “one,”( in a family first of all, and then with fellow believers as time goes on) appears to be a medical possibility in addition to a spiritual expectation as our mirror neurons start matching each other.
So interesting, VV76 and I have been talking about unity and ‘follow-ship”:p
It has been my contention since I first came to understand about polygyny that the unity of the wives with the husband is to reflect the nature and character of God, and His relationship with His people. So thank you for starting the thread and the info provided. Shalom.